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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. And next peeve. Most creators label things wonderfully, allowing you to move items into one folder if you buy a dress in two or more colours, for example. IE: Store Name - Item Name - Body Type - Colour But then there are the ones who do not do this and you end up with either multiple folders for the same dress, or everything in one folder and have to play lucky dip to find the colour you want to wear. IE: Store Name - Item Name - Body Type (no mod) When you are an obsessive compulsive Virgo like I am who likes everything orderly and in one folder per item - THIS IS PEEVING!!!!
  2. I remember back when I first ventured into the scary world that was online chatting and saw the demon that is "text speak". My brain is not wired to deal with it and I had to read it out loud to understand wtf people were saying. Also for the longest time I couldn't work out what a "neone" was...until one day it clicked...ANYONE! ONE LETTER!!! YOU CONFUSED THE FUDGE OUT OF ME TO SAVE YOURSELF TYPING ONE CHARACTER????
  3. I tend to freak out and mute people when they talk in main!!!
  4. I usually discover who is hiding when I do a list clean out. I'm a wuss and only delete people when they are offline, so a delete followed 5 seconds later by them sending me a "wtf?" shows who was hiding!!! And that is when I tell them I was trying to get the person above or below and got them by mistake...and then have to re-add them.
  5. Eeep I wouldn't want my friends to meet my alts! They are creeeeeeepy!!! Edit: My alts that is, not my friends....all three of them!
  6. Usually it just involves putting a price tag on her and trying to leave her in stores. Hasn't worked so far...
  7. I'm not big into holidays and never have been and tend to avoid them. This year I will be working through and only taking Xmas Eve off (which I take off every year as it's demon spawn's bday).
  8. My hair and shoes ending up in my butt when I would TP. These days I just lose my eyeballs and ears!
  9. Standing around on the skypad and looking pretty whilst debating boxing up more inventory.
  10. My first avatar is about to turn 14 years old in SL and my greatest accomplishment and skill...I can make a box! Still struggle to walk through doors though! #makedoorsphantom
  11. I limited myself to 20 items from Apple Fall, so only spent 1,000L. I'm such a shopaholic that I already own everything I could want from the stores in the sale, so don't need to buy anything from them and instead just cursing that fact instead of shopping.
  12. Much as I have griped about lockdowns and wearing masks and crap like that...I am actually thankful for them in the end, because it means NZ has kept virus numbers low and quite contained to the point we're not restricted....and that means I get to go to the funeral of the woman who was more of a mother to me than my own later this week.
  13. Hiding out at the linden trailer while the sim reboots.
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