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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. Back in early SL days, I would always have to phantom the doors of my homes, cos I had "walking through door" issues. Still do to be honest, but stopped phantoming doors and now blame my walking issues on "lag" so I don't look like such a blonde noob!
  2. The chat over-ride thingies were driving me bonkers...so solo dance party on my skypad!
  3. They will have to pry my Lona head from my cold, dead pixels!!!!
  4. People I don't know and who don't appear to be SLers adding my name to their Flickr comments to get more views on their crappy pictures!!!
  5. Will give this a go next time I venture far from home! Will try this too.
  6. Not being able to mute people in clubs who use the chat over-ride thingie. It is PEEVING me greatly. Now I remember why I rarely venture from my skypad!
  7. Is there any way to mute people who use those chat over-ride thingies they use in clubs when they want to beat the chat range? It's so annoying having to watch the "look at me, look at me" from silly bimbos you want to mute but the over-ride thingie won't mute them!!!
  8. This reminds me of a tiktok clip I saw on a youtube post. Question - Give me a phrase that someone born after 2000 wouldn't understand. Reply - Oh I haven't considered that point of view before, and although I disagree with your opinion, we're still friends. These days, that question applies to MANY "someones" I feel.
  9. Nope. Its just an el cheapo platform rental place where I can just stand around looking pretty and rez stuff, and I don't log in that much these days, so I can suffer through it. It builds character after all!
  10. I am actually English...just been in NZ too long I guess. I need a refresher course!
  11. I'm a big believer in never being too old to learn new tricks!
  12. NEW PEEVE!!!! So I just logged in after a couple of days off and my skypad neighbours have added an eye sore of a privacy mountain range thingie to hide their silly little log cabin where they shag from my innocent virgin eyes! AS IF I would wanna see that happening! Thank goodness for derender and show friends only!!!
  13. Cat is asserting predatorial dominance of the new home. First....dead mouse proudly brought in and dropped in front of the telly when I was sprawled out watching it. Secondly...returning from the bedroom to find feathers all over my newly vacuumed lounge room floor. Both incidences happened within two hours. Looked everywhere and could not find any birdy remains anywhere. She was pretty proud of herself though!
  14. I really really REALLY want to point and laugh at certain people in a certain thread! But I'll probably end up being banned...so I'm just sitting here snickering at them instead!
  15. Two days later...and I have finished unpacking and sorting through the months of unopened shopping that was lurking in my objects folder. Time to relax!
  16. I've been at it for HOURS...and I STILL have over 1000 items to open and sort through in my objects folder!!! Curse my shopping addiction!!!!
  17. Several months worth of shopping to unpack, sort and put away in the correct folder to get on with. Glad I got a comfy chair and company!
  18. *raises hand* I dislike random IMs when I'm shopping. That's when I like to just zip in, grab what I want and then leave. Its always linden beggars or strange men hanging out trying to pick someone up...and that ain't gonna be me!I Other times I can take it or leave it. Sometimes I'm in the mood to chat and get IMd by a dud...someone who expects me to carry the conversation.
  19. Peeve - New computer...so I have to add in all my programs and hunt out my bookmarks and all that stuff again. But... OMG MY NEW COMPUTER IS AMAZING!!!!
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