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Dune Ravenwood

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  1. I am 5' 8" male elf/hobbit and wondering if I look like a child avatar? So if you think the avatar looks like: a child (17 or younger) then react with a like, for an adult (18 and over) use thanks, and use confused if you can't tell based on physical appearance alone. Please don't respond to individual posts with written comments just use the reaction icons.
  2. I vote for Britbong and Esteban Winsmore to be the new Lindens 🙂
  3. I went there with 0 other avatars and the lag was so bad it was almost impossible to move.
  4. Hobbit houses that are not square shaped like all the other LH layouts!
  5. I want a hobbit house in Fantasseria! 😉
  6. I think a first time "noob" should automatically recieve 500 free Lindens to hook them into the experience of shopping and keeping them a little more interested rather then expecting someone new and trying out the "game" to buy Lindens with real money right off the bat. In 2007 when I first rezzed into the old orientation islands there was no push or talk right away of buying Lindens. It was more based on exploring and learning and fun. Last thing on my mind as a noob was houses, cars and land. I also did not read many tutorials but just wandered around looking. It took me at least a year to learn how to fly. I hung around orientation island for at week or two until I tried a landmark. I did not know about TPing and thought you walked to places on one big continent lol.
  7. All these suggestions are cute and sweet but after a week they just become ghost towns.
  8. I can't think of anyone who would want that type of Linden Home.
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