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Ariel Vuissent

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Everything posted by Ariel Vuissent

  1. I would buy other instruments (a guitar doesn't really fit any of my characters) that play music, but I wouldn't want to write my own. It's not my talent. I think it would be cool, though, if an instrument had two options - one to write your own songs, and one to play from a small selection of premade songs.
  2. Mute the person or object. I've ended up subscribed to a coupel of things (back when I was newer, and didn't know what I was doing), and I got tired of the spam. I've also gotten the "Oh, you bought something from me once, here's fifty tons of advertisements for my new products!" things, mostly from things I've bought on the marketplace. If I don't want it, I mute it. It's easier than trying to find the unsubscriber, or messaging the merchant (who often times might SAY they've removed you from the list, but don't). Technically, it is against ToS to randomly spam you - it's called "unwanted advert spam." There's an AR category for it and everything. I'd rather mute; SOME people might want the special offers and such. I don't. And as for the subscribers, it's my own fault, really, so I'll just mute and move on. I can unmute if I someday decide I want the advertisements again. (Or, let's face it, more likely I'll forget why I muted it, unmute it, and the get the spam again and remember.)
  3. Most creators price their skins by how much work went in to it, how much time it took, and consequently how much they think their time and effort is worth. (Plus how good they think the end result is, of course.) Better skins have a lot of color variation and small detail. Some of my favorites have a little mole here and there, or freckles. The older the skin, the less detail it tends to have. (Think of the Ruth skin; if you've ever been Ruthed, you've seen it. It's basically just one solid color, very little variation.) Not all good skins are expensive, of course; and not all expensive skins are created equal. It's also important to think about how much you're getting for the price. For example, most LAQ skin packs are around $2000L, but include 10 makeup variations, each with and without a hairbase, for a total of 20 skins. (I can't remember offhand what else they come with, if anything, but 20 skins in one pack for $2000L is $100L a skin, which is pretty good!) Here's a pic pf me in an older skin; Redgrave, if I recall correctly, and free. Beside it is a newer LAQ skin, which I paid for. The skintone is different, and I've changed shape and hair, etc., between the two pictures, but there are obvious differences in the skins, as well: If I get a chance, I'll throw the old skin on the shape I usually wear, and take another pic, so the differences are clearer. Maybe I'll find a freebie skin, too; now I'm curious. If you see a skin you like, it doesn't matter if it's free, cheap, or expensive; or if it's new or old. I think your skin looks fine, so if you like it, and can't find anything you like more, I don't see anything wrong with keeping it.
  4. Pink Fuel also does some younger, innocent-looking skins. I like their Elly line, in particular, and it comes with multiple lipstick/gloss options (I love the Juicy glosses, which have a nice shine and give a bit of color but aren't too bright or "lipstick-y"), and their small packs come with two eye options and are only $900L, if I recall correctly. The "pure" version, in particular, has the look of wearing no make-up at all. To remove those lines around the mouth, you can wear a facelight or use a windlight setting. As someone else posted, Nam's Optimal Skin is good. (I use Nam's Optimal Skin 2.) Facelights work, if you have local lights enabled, but if you use one, keep in mind that it has to be VERY soft, or it tends to light up the entire area around you and you look like a walking flashlight. Adjusting windlight settings works better, I think.
  5. If you are using add, instead of wear or attach, you can also try changing the attachment point of one of the items, particularly if they attach to the same point by default. Go to attach to> and choose where you'd like the item to attach. For example, since these are items that are worn on the head/face, if both are attached to the nose, change the attachment point of one of them to the chin.
  6. Try another region. (Smith is a popular suggestion.) It's possible the region you logged off in has gone flaky for whatever reason. That's all I can think of, but perhaps someone else has a better idea.
  7. Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only Have you tried making a small $L purchase? You can also try deleting your payment information and re-entering it. There may be a problem with your card. Have you made a recent purchase in RL using that card? If it's working in RL and not in SL, there's a problem with the system; but if it's not working in RL, you need to try your bank. The best advice I can give is to call billing support at one of the numbers listed above and see what they can tell you.
  8. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=bake_fail This is for Phoenix Viewer, but will also work for V3 (which is what you're on, I believe). Your problem is the third bold topic, "You See Yourself as a Cloud." They explain how to do each step fairly well. Go down the list until something works (if it does - at least one thing there should work). If you have any questions as to how to do something listed there, just ask!
  9. August, the sunset of summer: And good old snowy January, with a pic I've posted before but still love:
  10. Perhaps it's that you can't read whatever he types To the OP: There aren't that many "starter outfits" provided. There are some, but they're pretty generic, so to "customize" your avi, you need to go shopping. Check out places like The Free Dove and Fabfree, for some great free clothing (and other) items to build a wardrobe.
  11. I like owning land. I don't have to, and I may someday choose to return to not owning land. I don't see why this is any of your concern. I'm not asking you to own land, or looking down on you for choosing not to do so. As far as I can tell, neither is anyone in this thread. You simply decided to post about what you percieve as the "real issue." I percieve it differently. You have every right to choose not to own land, as do the many others who choose the same. Those of us who choose to own land, on the other hand, have every right to do so. And in fact, many of those who choose to own land are the ones you can thank for everything you enjoy in SL. Shopping, dancing, etc, all things you do on land paid for by other residents. Personally, if I read this and owned a business, such as a dance club, I might be moved to put you on a ban list, since you clearly don't respect the work and money that others put into SL so that you may have a good time. Choose to own land, or not, but there's no reason to publicly dismiss and insult those who choose otherwise. As for the squatting issue that is, in fact, the "real issue" in this thread, being the entire reason for it's creation - no. There is no valid reason for squatting to be necessary, and despite the OP's assertions, I don't believe it would encourage most people to buy homes and furniture, or anything else. As someone else said, if they want free land, they likely want everything else for free as well, rather than putting money into SL. If they were going to put money into SL, why not just buy land? Besides which, how will the "chosen few" be chosen? You say this is primariliy to encourage builders - will there be a contest? Those with the best creations win? You did say you already have a "squat," so it's not for you. I respect that, though I don't believe your rationalizations are valid. And you repeatedly seem to forget, in your campaign for squatters to be allowed ot squat and to have rights, that no, squatters in fact have no rights. It's illegal. Period.
  12. Ah. Makes more sense now. I was just rather confused; danny's request seemed perfectly innocent to me, but I figured I missed a portion of the conversation.
  13. You have to download a viewer. Most new players go with the default V3, which you can find on this website. There are also third party viewers, but for now, I suggest staying simple and just going with V3. Simply go to Help > downloads to find it. Download it, then log in using your username and password (of course), and there you are! In order to do many things, like change your avatar's clothes, you'll have to be in advanced mode.Choose that mode before you log in. Default is set to basic.
  14. I have no idea. It may well not be the way to go at all. It was just a thought Hopefully someone more experienced can chime in.
  15. Yay! Thanks. I'll log on shortly and peek.
  16. Ah....Good luck? DJ'ing's not a bad idea, but realistically, you're unlikely to find a job that pays that much. Remember, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of users like you, looking for a high-paying job in SL. Tons of competition. And saying "I need something easy" doesn't really bode well. If you decide to try DJ'ing, I'd recommend having voice. It's certainly not necessary, but my favorite DJ's are those who narrate a little, joke some, announce what they're playing, etc. (Depends on the club, though; some places have that as the host's job.) But seriously, good luck. I just don't think it's a realistic goal, but I certainly hope you're able to prove me wrong! P.S. Maybe start smaller? Why do you need so much right off? Might be better to start with a lower goal, get some experience, and move up from there.
  17. Oh, I agree. I should be able to wear what I want, and if people are going to get their panties in a twist over clothing that LL has made possible on their viewers, then they should have to upgrade or leave. I shouldn't suffer for someone else's ignorance, just because I choose to wear advanced technology. But, ce la vie.
  18. Ooooh, nifty! I'll have to go check that out. I think I have most of the Vista AO's I wanted, but there is one...Or maybe two ;; I hadn't caught that. I guess things have gotten deleted here. Thanks for the heads up!
  19. /me knows nothing about scripts, but...Have you looked into a breedables script where you can take that part out, perhaps? Seems like there should be a way to get everything else, stats and such, but just remove the breeding bit. Just a theory.
  20. I feel like I must be missing something in this thread... Anyway, as far as animation overrides go, it is best to find them inworld, where you can try the animations. I used a Gaeline one for a while (either Gaeline Creations or Gaeline Animations, can't remember the exact name, but pretty sure they had both male and female AO's), and it was under $1000L. My favorite so far are from Vista, but theirs are pricey, at closer to $2000L, sometimes more. Oracul is a good suggestion, and the prices there are the best I've seen. You can also find free ones, particularly on the marketplace. Most places have a link you can use to get to their store and try the animations out before you buy.
  21. Find a sim where you have rez rights. Find the box in your inventory, and drag it to the ground on that sim. Right-click, and choose "open." A folder should appear in your inventory containing all of your items. To tell if you have rez rights, look at the top of your screen, beside where it tells you the land information. If there's a box inside a red circle, you do NOT have rez rights and can't rez a box. If, however, there is no box, you do have rez rights. Many sandboxes allow you to rez items in order to build or unpack boxes, so you can try an inworld search for "sandbox." Alternatively, you can wear the box, right-click it, choose edit, go to the contents tab, and drag the contents to your inventory. It's a little more difficult, but will work if you can't find land where you can rez items.
  22. I have a pair of mesh one-piece boots that attach to the lower leg, and quite like them. They do move with the ankle, which is nice. (Slink has a pair that are thigh-high, and presumably also move with the leg, but I don't know how many pieces they are or where they attach.)
  23. Maybe next time you should wear the AO, then start drinking...
  24. You seem to be confusing what LL offers and what users offer. LL offers a free account, yes; and a few free starter avis. Free gifts, Midnight Mania, lucky chairs, etc. are offered by users. And yes, these items are offered as incentives for group members or as advertising for the business. But LL does not offer these things. I don't see "squatting" as a good option. As others have said, it will encourage those who own land to give it up, and start squatting as well. Eventually, no one buys land, everyone squats for free, LL doesn't earn anything and closes SL entirely. After all, if THAT person can squat over there for free, why can't I? If you make squatting an "option," to whom is that option available? Everyone? A select few? How do you choose the select few? How do you decided what they can rez? Anything? You'd lag out the grid! Sure, people would have a reason to buy things. And maybe they'd buy $L, and spend those $L inworld buying houses, and furniture, and decor for the land they're squatting on. But that doesn't help LL as much as people buying land. It's not cost effective. Having abandoned land sit empty is more cost effective than giving up revenue from people buying land to live on. And of course, it's not "fair" to people who do spend a lot of money on land to have their neighbors set up for free. (Thus encouraging the "if they get it for free, why shouldn't I?" mentality that would likely lead to more and more people abandoning land, stopping payments for it, and trying to squat for free.) It's a good theory, but an idealistic one. Nothing good comes for free. There's always a catch. BornToObey Sideshow wrote: in RL, squat exists....... I just ask LL to give us the same rights as in RL... Squatting is not a right in RL. It's illegal. Squatters do exist, but they don't exist within the bounds of the law. If they are found, they can and will be forced to leave and in some cases arrested. This idea is faulty at it's base.
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