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Saucey Sinister

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Everything posted by Saucey Sinister

  1. Oh. I'm sorry. I must have been dreaming when they were used on my son's skin as a disinfectant in the children's hospital. I love how you know it all. You must have experienced it all. Pardon me for sharing my experience and existing. I didn't realize I was excluded from sharing if I didn't say something about hating Trump. Y'all need some yoga. Seriously.
  2. I know I am responding way late, but I wanted to add something about the way I see competition in the SL retail market. I think there are a lot of factors that not everyone is considering. For example, the biggest retailers do not have the best quality so much as they have visibility. Behind most well known brands are at least 5 or more bloggers in various positions to advertise in various ways and they all have their network of advertising to their following. There are bloggers who devoted themselves to nothing but advertising for brands by blogging on their social media, those who run events that are well advertised, and even bloggers turned to brand creators themselves. Another thing is utilizing SL advertising web sites and services, but most importantly putting your items in the right event. I have been experimenting with events the last year and have found that it doesn't matter how much advertising power an event has. If their following isn't into what you sell, you may barely see your event fees back in your pocket. Yet, put your item in the right match and walk away with 50k lindens in one day. I have a very small full perm store in addition to my main brand and I passively make lindens over time with zero advertising. I don't even believe anyone who shops my main brand would want my full perm stuff. I think they find it completely by looking for full perm on the MP. We always have slow periods in SL, but I have seen an increase in my sales since people have been home. You'd be surprised at how much money you can earn by creating a well made sim mini hunt or how much advertising a good gift in a common gift/freebie group can be to bring in traffic to your store and income that ads up very fast. My advice: Do it. Experiment. Create. It's good for your soul! It's the hard work that will be the greatest reward of your success!
  3. Yes, I'm so nasty for wishing people didn't have to fear germs the way my family does. I'm so nasty for caring about wanting options. Seriously, do some yoga. Try some meditative breathing. You aren't here to care about anyone's feelings, but to have your own validated. I was never angry and I truly do not care what you think. Just so we're clear. Who's calling who names here, eh? Thank you for your permission to carry on. You must be a socialist. I forgot that I should ask you for permission for any move I make or word I speak.
  4. You're so cute. You have an alleged medical degree and replied so quick you showed that you have ZERO empathy/sympathy for what I shared and are only here to get attention for your ego. LOL You lost your credibility with Snopes. You didn't hear Trump's words. You just want to complain. You want to feel justified or something. C'mere. If I stroke your ego for you will you calm down? I don't plan on validating your politics today. Next time, just start a thread that is titled: Stroke my ego about my politics because I am right. Might save you from opinions that aren't yours.
  5. You are welcome to do the research yourself, but use a different search engine than Google. Despite what you think you know, it's common for "alternative" therapies to be offered when there are no other choices. I was once told to look into UV as a treatment option for issues my son has from his team of doctors at a well known children's hospital. From what I remember, there's a few ways they do this through a technology that inserts a device through a ventilator, which allows doctors to infuse the inside of the lungs with UV light and they also do a radiation like version where they really do inject you with it. My son has had UV therapy multiple times and these things come up when you are speaking to a doctor, desperate and afraid that if this isn't good enough then there's nothing we can do for him. They have been doing it for a very, very long time. As I said in my first post, I feel bad that people like you are now living in "our world" where my child has lived with bleach baths to keep him from being in the hospital with skin infections and his medical team has used not so common treatments to keep my son alive as we dealt with the mystery of why he scratched himself till he bled and for about 9 years of his life didn't have skin on many areas of his body. When you are looking at life and death, you look into any treatment possible. I respect the president for his willingness to do this, despite the fact that most people aren't used to these treatments that people don't commonly speak about. What I just shared with you is something I have never shared with people outside of my family because it's so sad, like what all of you are experiencing now. Like Trump, when these people looked at my son with tears in their eyes it was my job to tell them everything was alright and would be alright. I'll take hope from anyone. I'll take ideas from anyone. Try it all so that because my son has only been a "normal boy" for about 2 years now and it will break my heart if he is stuck indoors playing with friends again, isolated the way he used to be forced to be. Be thankful that you never had to know about this treatment for any reason before we spoke. I'm thankful that you and many others didn't until I just mentioned it. I don't want people to live in a bubble the way we have for so long. I fear that if my friend with cancer gets it, she will die. Yet, prior to the hospital procedures being stopped, she was almost done with her treatment. How long will it be until she gets her radiation? What if she gets covid now, or 2 years from now? I want hope. I want people coming up with any idea they can.
  6. I love that you highlight this because being political became cool post Obama in the US. Most Americans have no idea what has happened globally unless they heard it on their favorite news source. They will say they like or hate this or that, but have no idea what is happening elsewhere. I genuinely believe that Trump rose to fame 3 important ways: 1.) The media hyped him up thinking he wouldn't be elected. Any publicity is good, believe it or not. 2.) Nigel Farage and the Brexit movement. 3.) Trump understands marketing and employed the right people.
  7. And your credibility just ran out the door behind your common sense. You would complain if he did. You would complain if he didn't. I think you just like to hear yourself lol
  8. Thanks, hall monitor. The point was that it's probably not a Linden helping anyone.
  9. Did you know that they actually do use UV light and inject it into the lungs of patients for other treatments? Do you know that UV light is a common treatment for many blood disorders and they even use them on infants? If you really believe Trump wants to inject people with bleach, then you have a common sense problem. Trump has been actively helping to come up with any possible idea they can find to change things for everyone. Would you rather he just sit back and say nothing? He's the head of the US. Just because you don't like him or the way he conducts himself doesn't mean you're right and he's wrong. If you watched the briefings, which I have daily, you would see he often talks out loud about many things that have become innovative ways we handle business now. If you can't support that then what exactly do you think should be done? Nothing? You should reeeeally think about what you're saying. Trump was speaking about UV light treatment he had just heard about. Not bleach. Now, you have heard about it, too. I highly suggest some yoga and meditation and stop drinking the propaganda kool aid.
  10. I got through about 3 posts before I couldn't take it anymore. Covis-19=politics. There's good and bad things about opinions. Personally, I'm sick of people talking about covid-19 and politics they don't always understand. The problem for most people are facts so I'd like to fill in people what it's been like politically in the 2000's in The United States of America and offer some things to research on your own if you are curious and have all of this time on your hands. In America, we have had our federal government shifting as much power as they could over to the federal government post 9-11 at a rapid pace and these changes have not been based on political affiliation at all, as it's come from both sides who benefit from those they lobby for. In the Obama era, people were taught, through campaigning and example, that the federal government is the ruling law in America in the way that other countries take orders from their leaders. They believe, just like dictators do, that we should look to the federal government as our parents who should take care of us. Heavy propaganda by the media helped this agenda along. ( Research the WWII law that was reversed by Obama which now allows propaganda to be used against it's own citizens. Own citizens.) It's been common knowledge that the US does it all over the world and have never stopped interfering in other political events around the world ALL the time, all political parties.) People in America really did believe Obama would be buying them houses and all kinds of really sad things that were all over the news. If you start throwing news talking points from any news source, you could be a part of the problem because you do not understand the United States Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and States Rights. Let's be clear about something. Anyone can say anything and so long as it's not infringing on some law by which someone can sue, they are allowed to say it. That is what freedom of speech is. I could walk around calling you all purple people eaters, that it's true, and there's absolutely nothing you could do if I started a movement of other people who believed this. It's a concept called Group think. I encourage you to study this. If you aren't a fan of free speech, think about the fact that free speech could also silence your own opinion, right to assemble, and are essentially submitting to the federal government.... No, not Trump, the federal government. Trump will only be in office for another 4 years. If we didn't have this right, you could find yourself in a situation where you are starving and you can't even complain about it because you don't have the right to free speech or to assemble. This is why overriding states rights and looking to federal law to control us all is very dangerous, as this is not how America was built to work. With that said, ask a constitutional lawyer or study the constitution for yourself. The federal government of the United States was not formed to tell us what to do. They are supposed to be there to protect our borders and through years of elections and people sleeping at the voter wheel, they have added more and more costly programs and laws, causing the government to be incredibly large and with wide spread control. Contrary to what most colleges are now teaching their students these days, our Attorney General and an entire body of lawyers in our federal government are the attorneys for the people. They have the right, have, and will sue to protect the citizens over overreaching government employees. They defend our rights in the Constitution and other protections we have. Add to it, Obama passed through a National Defense Authorization Act, that the federal government has the right to martial law, declared by any emergency. Most of the hardest hit with with covid-19 states declared emergency, with the acceptance of the federal government granting them, which allows for more funding and help from the government. The way in which the states are acting right now would not have been allowed prior to this move so even if you currently like your politicians locally, that could change and you may not agree. THIS is the beauty of the United States. We are meant to form communities and laws that make us happy, that are not a once size fits all for everyone, because we are ALL allowed to live free here in America... unless Mommy and Daddy government are allowed to take your rights away. So, what am I trying to say? If you live in the United States and you are busy complaining about the federal government, you are part of the problem. It's time for you to learn how state government works. It truly is their job to prepare their state for any state of emergency. When they declare a state of emergency and it is GRANTED by the federal government, they receive more help financially and through goods they may need. The issue of states not being prepared and the US not being prepared has been talked about all through the 2010's. It's time to do more research on how government works in the US if you are busy pointing fingers at any one person. As someone with a child who has been bubbled up and protected most of their life due to the threat of common germs, who is at high risk to be an extreme covid-19 case, trust me when I say I understand the worry. I don't like people having to "live in my world". But, fear is your worst enemy. It will make you sick. It will make you depressed, angry, etc. Knowledge is the key here. Turn off the news. Get the news out of your FB feed. Stop listening to people talking about this all the time and learn about something useful. Try states rights in US because if you are one of the people complaining about Trump in this whole thing, you really aren't helping anyone and you could be a part of the problem if you don't educate yourself before you vote in the US. ( Remember, your local votes mean WAY more than who the president is.) Let's remember that the Germans voted for Hitler and they gave away their rights away little by little for the sake of "doing the right thing" for their community. Trump is not Hitler, but some of our governors are actually breaking the law federally, as states rights do not override the constitution. ALL of these politicians are vying for power that puts money in their pockets, regardless of party affiliation. The fundamental difference between living in the US and elsewhere is that if we don't like the laws in one area we can move. What will happen if everyone continues to focus solely on the presidency? Now, for my feelings on Covid-19: It's a very scary time for the world in so many ways, but it's been beautiful to watch my own community come together. Whether we are talking about the volunteers who show up 4-5 times a week at various community schools to give free food to families in need, or the people who are out there storming the governor's office for our rights to keep our community thriving, or my son's teachers who have become moral support who check in on everyone daily. I feel truly blessed right now and I will continue to pray for all of you who feel stressed and hopeless. This too shall pass. The real challenge here is will you rise or fall? I'll be praying you rise and if you feel like you can't, just IM me in world for a free piggy back ride to the finish line. We're all in this together.
  11. I love a good conspiracy, but LL is probably not working with anyone. I would love honest feedback from customers, but the only reviews I ever get are when people haven't read the info or don't understand the basics of how Second Life works in general. I consider myself no one special, yet it only takes a few hours to a day to get LL to delete these reviews for me when they happen. I don't even have any contact with anyone in the process. I just report it, ask them to remove it, and it's done. This is one way they can have them removed. The other way would be simply relisting your item. I have seen this so many times with merchants. Side note: I have known a lot of these people who know LL employees and often it's not a matter of having some upper hand, but being able to have more personal, private conversations to understand how things work behind the scenes from someone who knows, who may not realize what they are enabling. The player then exploits what they know. I also know of many LL employees who also have stores on their non Linden accounts. I don't think anyone would necessarily need someone to help them in any of these examples. Just something to think about.
  12. I'm available for a quote if you need animations. I create my own bento animations and have done so for others. Feel free to contact me in world.
  13. That worked! Thank you to both who responded in this thread. I linger here sometimes and I think it's so generous that strangers help strangers while asking for nothing in return.
  14. This is the line I use for the rotation: llSetRot(llGetRot()*rot_xyzq/llGetRootRotation()/llGetRootRotation()); I don't know much about scripting, so I am unaware of the differences of why you use one or the other. Is this the part you are talking about? So, instead of a set rot it needs loc rot?
  15. I have built a HUD with a button that will rotate the HUD, with the goal of using multiple sides of a cube to display all of the options for my items ( ex: textures, re-size, and animations).The HUD functions all work, except for the rotation. If I have the HUD rezzed in world, it turns 90 degrees perfectly and even rotates back when clicked again. When I attach the HUD, it doesn't rotate all the way, showing just one face of the object, but rather acts as if it partially rotated, displaying 1 full face and 1 part of the other side. Can anyone out there clue me in as to why my hud rotation will turn 90 degrees in world, but attached it doesn't? It does this no matter what information I put in for the turn. It's never a completed turn showing only 1 face of the cube at a time. The buttons are of an existing product's HUD that I used as a sample to test that my button rotation also worked. The default box is my test button. No matter where I put it, it always rotates this derped way when attached as a HUD. Any help would be appreciated!
  16. We're totally around, but a lot of us are also creating for SL ourselves. I actually stagger my projects where I allow particular clients to give me a handful of projects they would like completed and then I create for my own brands. For small projects under $60 USD, I will allow people to pay me in Lindens that I just turn around and use in game. Anything larger than that I will always use an outside service like paypal. Larger projects I do bid at an hourly rate, but smaller items I just do a flat rate of what I think it's worth depending on what the going rate average would be on other sites that sell mesh and the difficulty/time the product would take to create. If someone came to me for work in a product they plan on selling, I can assure you that my hourly fee is based on my freelance fees that I charge in the real world. Most don't want to pay that so I don't overly advertise my work to keep away people simply looking for someone to create their product for them or want you to rig/texture every item because they haven't learned those skills themselves and essentially work for them full time at low wages. Some advice: If anyone is going to order any custom mesh in SL, make sure you voice with them and that they do come with references. Expect that a professional will give you an estimate, a pay plan, and a realistic schedule of some sort for completion. For example, I start the work with half of the money down (thirds on larger builds), allow them to check it mid project, and once the final product is ready to be delivered they pay the final payment. Everything is also in writing via note cards and email agreements that clearly state the terms by which I've created the product to protect both parties. I would also be curious about what programs they use because this will tell you a lot about the investment level of their craft. For example, I use Blender for mesh and animation plus a combination of Photoshop and Substance Painter for texturing. I can't help but be curious as to what you're asking for that people seem so standoffish to create for you. Inquiring minds want to know! I hope some of my blabbering helps you to make a decision in the future when choosing an artist with a real world work ethic you can trust.
  17. I love this idea! I've had this thought often as I hate having to maintain more than one avatar for my businesses. I have to keep my full perm away from my regular line or I could wind up with customers upset that they expected something other than what they bought. I think we should be allowed to create 3 stores. It's less wasteful than all of these extra avatars who accidentally inflate how many avatars actually play SL.
  18. I have the same grievance as the OP. I can't stand to unpack anything in any form. However, this is SL and one of LL's biggest failures is that they have allowed their entire platform to be created by it's culture of creators. While this seems like a liberating thing, it's not. What it means is there isn't the typical uniform way that things work across the grid. I think it's time for LL to up their game and actually create a platform fit for 2020 and not make us feel trapped in 1995 anymore. They have allowed the method of the creators to later become implemented in their code if it was popular enough or if we complained enough. Perhaps your complaint is aimed at the wrong people. I am a creator, and while I don't have many items that have demos, I find the idea of doing anything two ways to be a chance for me to make a mistake. A mistake for us equals upset customers and extra work. It's much easier to create the products all uniform, which means that since they go in a server in world that require them to be packed anything on MP will also be packed. When I pack up and list my items it's a very routine procedure for me. This makes it less likely that I would make a mistake and give an item that was a test and not a final version in the packed goods. Just on one project alone will clutter up my inventory fast, leaving room for me to transfer the wrong product. Instead, when I finalize my project it will immediately go into the unpackers in my work space. This assures me that I have the final product being transferred and that I don't have to repeat the same procedure two different ways. I have also had customers report that items were missing from folders, too. I went back to boxing after unboxing my entire inventory. That cost me a lot of money in time I could have been creating for profit. You have to remember that unlike other games, creating in SL isn't crafting. It's a graphic design or 3d modeling artist creating from scratch or texturing items. Another thing to consider is marketing. When you open one of my items the HUD has all of my contact information and a chance for you to view my entire collection via marketplace links, my blog, and my other store brands. When I do it this way, it doesn't matter if I change locations in world. You will have an easy way to find me again if you simply check my blog or MP. You can press a button on my unpacking HUD to find that information instead of having to look for a note card, LM, etc. Updating your boxed items from your server every time you have a store location change or put up a new store in a mall is a ridiculous amount of wasted time to go back and be sure each boxed item in the vendor has the correct/current information. Many of us will participate in a minimum of 1-2 events per month. There isn't much down time and there's a lot of room for error if you don't have a system to be sure you are consistent. While I understand the frustration, I think it's a lost cause. Just unpack the box and delete the box, please or design a system to present to Linden Labs for consideration. The creators would truly appreciate the effort and change, too.
  19. I would be surprised at the idea of a stranger willing to go 50/50 to create original mesh. As a photoshop artist, I felt the freedom of learning how to create 3d objects in less than 2 months. Once you learn how to do the mesh part it's very easy to texture because you get to make your very own UV maps and tell the object where you want to draw on it. Also, you get shadowbakes that you can create on your own which speeds up the texturing process. Most people I've ran into who can't do the photoshop part but the modeling part are faking the modeling part or friends with someone and therefore creating on a favor. I am saying all of this not as a Debbie Downer, but as a way to say: YOU CAN DO IT!! Your drawings are beautiful and you've already got the hard part done!! I often tell people that having the visual in your head and knowing how to draw it is half of the battle. The other part is simply learning a new program. I'm always around for lessons as a fellow lover of Japanese art. Just IM me in world!! It's not as scary as the other business owners would want you to think it is!!
  20. People don't realize that everything from a prim to an old avatar is mesh. Sculpts were made as an exclusive grid thing for SL that youc an't use elsewhere. Most video games that allow custom content give you their original mesh avatar and premade clothing, only SL's original avatar had clothing painted on. The other characters from other games were all prefit with the clothing with preprogrammed abilities never to change throughout play. BUT- You have a huge point about the way people "push it down your throat" and/or how hard it is for new players. I believe the biggest reason are these fake marketing ideas brands are using to keep their sales on top, to keep people thinking their way is the best way. People like to claim their items are original mesh as a marketing reason to sell to you. Mesh means it won't bend derpy when you move about ( like any other game) but in such a clear, high rez drawing space that almost anyone can texture mesh. This causes store owners to naturally start a competative marketing war. Think Pepsi and Coke over the years. With these top brands selling their version of SL, new people coming in have no idea they've been brand brainwashed and thus starts the spin of I am better than you because I have "original created mesh". For the record, I have indeed learned how to 3d sculpt to be able to create mesh and it's super freeing as an artist. The problem is (hold back the haters now, please) is that most people in SL are doing things half way. They may be able to buy a model off of a site like tubrosquid, texture it, and sound fancy. But, in my opinion, someone truly skilled would take time to build a fresh avatar or perhaps, the entire neck down, etc... or they learned how to export shapes, reupload an "original mesh avatar" but they can't make clothing at all. Why? Because they are faking it. All of this is about marketing products and in my opinion, it's no different than a commercial: They will let you believe whatever you want. Good luck with trying to understand all of these pieces people have made as "original mesh content". I'm so over these snobs, seriously! LOL!!
  21. You guys forgot this scenerio... You have an ex to whom is following you. If they are not on your friend's lists or in groups you're in, they have a harder time harrassing you. Sure, there's land banning and such, but it's an added security of knowing that this person doesn't know if I'm online or not. If I wanted them to know, they'd be on my list. SL isn't the first to do this with profiles. I can remember yahoo doing this in the 90's. It's no different than showing as offline on Skype so my aunt can't IM me but I can still skype call my friend.
  22. Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it! I think what my problem might be is that until more recently I was simply trying to make art from the doll or girlie styles in full outfits and was afraid to do anything that wasn't in that exact catagory, but now I am designing things a little more common as well as my dolly type outfits. I agree that perhaps I should step away from hunts and try to focus more on the sales groups. I could easily sell the outfit I am giving away for the Mix Match hunt for 100L! I also really love the idea about hiding the item towards other items people in that hunt may buy. Again, I think my experience has been limited because I stick to doll like and girlie hunts. I guess I'll just have to hope my rp customer base doesn't disown me for going a little more fashion trendy this year!! Thanks again, and please people keep leaving your opinions! I really love hearing things from another's experience!!
  23. Hello all! I'm looking for opinions from the rest of you experienced folks!! I am very busy in rl and I tend to keep to myself in Sl so I sometimes lose out on what is really going on in SL. That being said, I'm curious as to what everyone thinks about the mass production of sales groups and hunts in SL. I find that doing hunts, as a merchant, is just not the same as it used to be. I do believe there's a decent amount of customers to be gained, but it really does seem like with the mass production of hunts that the novelty isn't a rare thing anymore but something you must do to get people into your store because everyone is focusing on these promotions. I do feel that most who are just after freebies aren't going to be paying customers anyway, but what about those sales groups? Am I the only one worried that there are numerous days of the week and weekend 50L-ish type groups? Sure, it was a great promotion at first, but now people are coming into Sl feeling that things should cost about 50L-100L a piece. That's great for someone without income in SL, but 543L is only $2.50 US. I'm curious if anyone realizes how much this drags down the ability to pay rent. I'm lucky that my sales do cover my 1/4 sim, but that costs $80 a month... and a lot of dresses if I were to be stuck competing at 100L an outfit. I feel that my prices are fair, but my worry is that what was once a great marketing idea has actually driven down our sales without changing the value of the Linden. I worry about what this will do to the entire market. Thoughts, anyone?
  24. I know this thread is a bit old, but another thing to take into account is that it seems anytime SL has to convert anything you've done, there's some quality loss somehow. I'm not sure if this applies here, but a wise friend taught me to take my images in SL 3-4 times bigger than my actual resolution and always remember it's ok to size down, but sizing up loses major quality. I always save my ads as jpgs even though I, too, prefer png. Always use the largest size you can. a 512 in world will probably look better than it would on a web page because you aren't seeing it nearly as close. Always use the max pixels you can use on marketplace for your ads. A lot of people are concerned about image size in world as well, but I can promise you that anyone who wants to see your items have the extra few seconds to let your store load in and it's in my opinion that I'd rather capture their eye with crisp images the first time around. Just some food for thought )
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