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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 1 hour ago, Jules Catlyn said:

    I have experienced many cases where people go absolutely mental when you call them by their username instead of their display name.

    They'll just have to go mental then. If I can't read it, I can't use it. Display names were meant for "special" names like when two people get SL married and they want the same last name, or they roleplay a character that isn't human, etc. I can always block them if they become abusive, after ARing them, of course.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, CoffeeDujour said:

    There is no easy way to deal with delinquent accounts when they have land ownership, either direct or indirectly as part of a group etc. A grace period is the simplest 'wide brush' kind of solution, but the services are still accessible so billing has to just accrue and payment in full at some point is required.

    Sounds like something an integrated insurance policy would be good for, for every X period of ownership, you get Y period worth of non extractable valueless 'Land Credits' in the bank  .. you can either spend them for Q days without a bill every year, or save up for a rainy day. Current grace periods work the same as they do and when you come back you can settle your bill using any combination of real cash and 'Land Credits', make the 'Land Credits' transferable between accounts and we can all pitch in post Bus accident, or people can sell their Land Credits on the open market for whatever they like.

    ... and now I've dragged my own thread off topic.


    Wait, what!? You want to introduce insurance into SL? Are you mad? As if we don't already have enough scams to worry about!


    Seriously, people need to stop trying to turn SL into real life*. It resembles it far too closely now as it is.


    *Yes, I am aware people don't always stop to think about the long (or short) consequences of their suggestions.

    • Haha 1
  3. Those who have legacy last names had to chose last names from a list. When (or if) they ever get it done, new accounts will be able to chose from a list again as well. That's how you get some of the unique names you've seen.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Kimmy Swee*****er said:

    Yeah, I was worried this might be the case.  :(

    Just so upsetting and frustrating as has been our home for so long and has never been an issue. Then out of nowhere....lost and found folder starts being bombarded with no word :(

    It's why I rented a private homestead with full estate rights for so long and would again if I could. I'd even go back to where I was although the land company has been taken over by someone else. 

  5. On 4/27/2019 at 7:26 AM, Lindal Kidd said:

    Amina, LL's income is from:

    • Premium membership dues
    • Land tier
    • Setup and land fees for private regions
    • Marketplace sales commission fees
    • Marketplace listing enhancement fees ("Featured Items")
    • Auction commission fees (a new one!)
    • Transaction fees on buying and selling $L
    • Process Credit fees
    • Upload fees
    • Classified ads
    • Show in Search fees

    Hmm...wonder where they will get us next?

    Where ever they can stick it to us while we roll over and play dead? 


    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, CoffeeDujour said:

    To be fair it comes up fairly often and the answers haven't really changed .. I was talking to someone in world about mixxx the other day.

    Other half was a professional radio DJ in his younger days. He DJs in SL. 

    Legally, not much has changed over the years. Otherwise... a lot has. I don't care what everyone else says, DJs are not MCs. For those who don't know or remember what an MC is (Master/Mistress of Ceremonies), they are the official host of a ceremony, staged event or similar performance.

  7. 2 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

    This is close but a simple "forgot password" request will send an email with recovery instructions.

    Take it a few steps further ....

    • First, generate two 16 character passwords at  https://passwordsgenerator.net/ and copy/paste to notepad.
    • Use the first to create a new gmail account.  Use the second as that account's password.
    • Change your SL email to the new gmail account.
    • DO NOT change your account to basic -- leave as premium
    • Delete payment info
    • Change your SL password to the second generated password
    • Close notepad without saving
    • With your web browser active, press Ctrl Shift Del
    • Clear history, cache and forms for the past hour
    • Uninstall SL
    • Navigate to {your User directory}\AppData\Local\
    • Delete the SecondLife folder
    • Empty your Recycle Bin
    • Defrag your hard drive



    This will kill an account beyond any recovery.

    Well yeah, except if they are really determined to get the account back they can provide certain bits of information that is still on record. Keyword there being still. So they need to take it a couple of more steps and completely wipe from their memory both the user name they registered under and the email address they used to register the account. There's also other info but those are details only LL will know.

    ETA: The rest depends on whether or not LL feels like messing with it and/or you pay the small reinstatement fee.

  8. 1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Those species haven't the destructive potential of the asian carp. And the great Lakes have already been messed up by the zebra mussel and now the quagga mussel. Port Washington sends divers down into the lake every year to clear mussels away from the municipal water inlet. One of them reported that the lake floor is covered in a two foot thick layer of shells. The lake water is crystal clear these days, unlike my childhood. That's great for photography, but terrible for the food chain.

    It was the idea, not the actual species. People wonder why gators can be found living in sewers. Well, if parents would stop flushing the kid's pet, there wouldn't be any gators in the sewers.

  9. 1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:


    Yeah ... no. My brother is simply a cheapskate. He also tries to blackmail family members and then screams about his money when he is making damn sure other family members don't get all of their inheritance.

  10. 1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    There's are three electric barriers at Chicago they hope will prevent the carp from getting into Lake Michigan. So far, so good, but it's probably just a matter of time.

    Even then people won't stop flushing their unwanted goldfish.

  11. 1 hour ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    It's one thing to quit Crack by tossing your stash in the river, and a whole other to quit by putting it in a box in the garage just in case you want a hit someday in the future.

    Even if the dealer is down the block... getting it out of the house really helps remove the temptation.


    Tossing your stash in the river isn't quitting. It's just tossing your stash. Same as my brother saying he quit smoking. He didn't quit, he just stopped buying them and started bumming off everyone else.

    The only way to quit is to make up your mind to stop and stick to it. Wishy washy won't cut it.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Personally, I agree. Absolutely.

    But very loud objections would emanate from sim owners, because PIOF is seen as "proof" that someone is not a griefer.

    That, of course, is a pretty objectionable assumption, because it more or less labels anyone without PIOF as at least a potential troublemaker. It's a lot like racial profiling, or setting your store security guards on someone who looks "scruffy": it's a very very blunt instrument, it assumes guilt before the subject has even done anything, and it does represent a form of inworld "classism."

    But I can guarantee you such a move would be opposed fiercely. Mostly by the same people who distrust anyone with alts, and who thought RedZone was a great idea.

    Elitism at its finest. Didn't do them any good back then. Won't do them any good now. Unlikely to do them any good in the future.

    The ones who scream the loudest are the most guilty.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, BelindaN said:

    Getting tired and full of cold, but if there was a forum village sim where all forumites had a chalet (even a beach hut) and was only accessible to Premium it would tempt me.

    Yeah I love the hangout but its usually deserted, unless there's something going on.

    Should I just quit now before I even get my SL business relaunched? 

    Hell, just have LL make it so anyone who doesn't earn at least $50k US annually can't even log in.

    There was good reason LL made certain changes years ago and you are no longer required to pay a monthly fee to be able to log in after a two week trial (may have been just a week, don't expect me to remember details from 14 years ago). LL needs to make up its mind as to whether or not SL caters to the "elite". If LL decides it is going to shrink its already niche market even more by making SL "elitist" then I will definitely be gone for good. That is not a world in which I would want to be and I damn sure wouldn't pay for it even if I could afford it.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, moirakathleen said:

    If you want to make sure you won't use it during the time it is  pending cancellation, you can change your password to some random bunch of letters (not looked at or written down), so that you will not be able to log in. 

    Until they use the password reset. Email address should be changed as well but then again, a new account can always be made. 

    Point being there really is no way to stop yourself from logging in except through shear willpower.

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