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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 1 hour ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    Maybe it's worth getting a voice morpher so that even if you're a woman, you can string along one of these idiots and then if they start making demands and accusations, you can suddenly voice as a man anyway. 

    We're trying to discourage the behavior, not encourage it. Females voicing as male in reaction just adds fuel to the fire and sets us all back by 30 years.

  2. 4 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

    Second Life - no matter how cool a 3D world - just isn't for some people, and that's absolutely fine, too. If you really can't 'get it' that doesn't mean there's something wrong with either you or it. It just means that particular relationship didn't work out

    And some of us are just too damned stubborn to give up completely, even after walking away for 4 years.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

    The accuse of being male in RL is the official douchebag response for refusing to voice with them, exchange RL pictures or video chat. Because refusing to do that can't probably mean you want to keep the immersion up or that you value your privacy...or actually don't like them as much as they would like to think you do...it MUST mean you are just hiding that you are a guy. This is followed by insults, because you tried to trick them and give them the gay.

    See this guys? 

    This is why, all too often, you'll get the cold shoulder from me from the second you start asking me to voice, send rl pics, or any of those things you ask a woman to do to prove she is a woman. Get it through your thick skulls! We do not have to prove anything to you! Nothing! Zip! Zilch! Nada! Stop falling back on that old defensive bullcrap. You aren't the one being sexually assaulted (verbally). We are!

    As for things like women should always smile no matter what...


    • Like 8
  4. 1 hour ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

    I never said money. I said reward. In the case we speaking about that reward is money. Even if you take out money and you have only goods, the result it still the same. People will always want more and to feel rewarded for the work they do. 99% of the people out there are not going to do some of the kinds of work they do for spiritual or personal reward. They do it for the reward of stuff whether that's money or food or whatever. But my point stands, even if you take out money...no one is doing the hard job over the easy if the result is the same. 


    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

    So the alternative is?. I never disputed that capatalism was greedy, it is. I think you should also note the words "in some ways" not all, "some".

    But capatalism does motivate people. Motivates them to want more and to improve their situation. Any of the other options take away that motivation as there is no longer any incentive to need to progress and take on extra stresses when you can do significantly less for the same rewards. Think about the surgeons living in their mansions on hundreds of thousands a year, private doctors, dentists and even those on the other side sitting in factories doing repetitive monotonous day in day out work. You think many of them are going to put up with the stresses that those jobs entail when they could simply pick a easier path for the same results?.

    I stand by what i said. Capatlism + Socialism is the best method. Any single one does not work on its own

    When you can stop looking at the world through the eyes of money, a concept based on placing value on what is nothing more than a rock, you'll have the beginnings of understanding.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

    Capitalism in some ways is a necessary evil. It gives people a reason to try and a reason to want to succeed, to make a better life for themselves.

    Bullcrap. Humans don't need capitalism to want to make better lives for themselves. Capitalism motivates greed, not people.

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    It took until today - but I was tagged in the middle of my back, at high speed, in the house. Ouch!

    It's not supposed to hurt. Not supposed to be at high speed either. It will mellow out over the next few months, if it continues. If it doesn't continue, then you'll just have Ricky Road Racer to contend with. Make sure those knickknacks aren't close to the edge!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, AlyciaStarsider said:


    I did indeed mean for someone to edit like in Instagram and stuff, nowhere in my post did I say I was gonna loan my account to anybody. Wee bit dramatic lol

    Didn't say you did either. There was a reason I used the word "IF" and it had nothing to do with drama yet everything to do with a clear understanding.

    Thank you for clarifying what you did mean.

  9. You should probably file a support ticket as you are not supposed to be able to see their text.


      Block Resident by name opens CHOOSE RESIDENT, which allows you to specify a person to block. This is useful for muting troublemakers who you find unpleasant, and can be used in addition to filing an abuse report. Among other interactions, a blocked Resident can't:
    • Communicate with you via text and voice chat.


  10. 7 hours ago, AlyciaStarsider said:

    Hi guys, just wondering if anyone offered photography and editing of avatars so they can use them for their profile pictures?

    There are lots of people who offer profile photography. If, by editing avatars, you mean logging into their account to make changes, that's not a good idea. No matter who is on the account, the original owner of the account is held responsible by LL for anything that happens. In other words, loan your account to your BFF and they commit a ban-able offense, you are the one who gets banned, not your BFF.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    I've lived with damaged cervical vertebrae since being hit by a car when I was a teen. I have flare-ups in which my right shoulder/arm/hand feel like I've been carrying a bucket of sand for hours. There was a time I took medication to take the edge off that discomfort so I could focus on other things, but I eventually learned to feed my brain "treats" to distract it so I could get to work. Once I'm focused, it takes significant discomfort to get my attention. Distraction ~= hydrocodone. I handle my tinnitus the same way.

    I am a "flow" style thinker, particularly when coding. I can't count how many times I've found my frustration level rising as I tried to squish some bug, eventually to break concentration and realize I'm about to pee my pants. After quickly addressing that stressor, I'd return to coding and usually fix the problem equally quickly.

    While I couldn't code my way out of a wet paper bag now (TBI), I can tune the whole world out to concentrate on what I am doing. It's why I usually tell people to keep a 2x4 handy in case they need to get my attention.

  12. 1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Meditation ain't magic. My father had a magnificent ability to vanish while present. If you believe my mother, that rarely happened unless I was with him. There's no need for you to say I'm a blabbermouth, it's common knowledge.

    I developed this neat little switch in my head that turns off my hearing. I probably developed it due to the loooooooong lectures my mother tended towards. Flipping the switch was always immediately preceded by a voice that sounded suspiciously like the adults in Peanuts.

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