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Selene Gregoire

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Posts posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. 3 hours ago, Adrianna McArdle said:

    the larger point was that I was given no frame of reference and the communication style was odd.  I'm not looking for a free pass if there is in fact a real issue.  I'm just looking for more information, better communication, and proof that nothing shady is going on.

    I think it's pretty certain nothing shady is going on other than the other two things. It is good business practices to be more forth coming with information in these kinds of situations, otherwise, how else are people going to learn? Communicating via notecards isn't a good business practice as a form of communication. I can see why it may have been done though. People are likely to get a notecard sooner than they would see an email if they are a typical resident that spends 2 - 4 hours a day in SL.

    Excuse me, please, while I inform this silly spellchecker that in SL, "notecard" IS one word.

  2. Anything scripted causes lag. It's the degree of lag that is important. Two scripts can have the exact same functions but one causes a great deal more lag than the other. Why? It's all in how they were coded. Extremely well written scripts cause negligible lag.

  3. 1 hour ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    The only people who think SL isn't a video game are people too old or too 'not gamer' to have played any actual other MMO like titles...

    This place is straight up the anime demographic. Moreso even than a LOT of other video games, even actual anime titles...

    Ageism is a thing, too, you know.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

    You've seen how I am ... One of those days where I'm running close to empty on patience and/or understanding.

    My patience committed suicide yesterday. It jumped out a one story window. Services will be held tomorrow at 2pm for family and friends.

    • Haha 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Machen Savira said:

    So youre telling me that someone, nearly 10 years ago, set up a bunch of bots to just TP to SIMs for the purpose of...

    i have never seen a brenden anywhere until a recently, especially at Ubers event (why go there), or Collaborate88, hell even Kustom9. These are locations that offer a bot nothing.

    regardless, i am not saying they arent someones idea of running around looking for land that is for sale or that some dead person left their computer on these many years later, and the bots have made it to every place i happen to hang out at ironically.

    thank you though for your input, i really am a little frazzled from this (yes, i know...WHY) and just wish said dead persons bots would respond to my IMs. /sniffles


    This is what Tyche's land bots do.


    She's been doing this for years. And since LL no longer publishes that info and many find it useful, she continues. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    Oh no, me for Pete's sake.

    There is not enough time in the day for me to do that.   That is very reason I was suggesting to set up a way so buyer's could know when or if a Gacha is retiring.

    I give up.

    You had plenty of time today. Instead of spending it all on the forum you could have used some of that time to ask the proper sources questions. 

    Like has been said all along that you refused to see, without the full cooperation of all gacha creators, there is no way to do so. Even with their full cooperation someone has to be in charge. LL isn't going to spend money on it. Putting a resident/creator in charge or even a committee of some kind will have the same drama and issues that all other similar endeavors have encountered. Eventually, they all went belly up because it got to be too much crap to deal with.

    The creators have groups and group notices so they can notify people if they are retiring something. 


    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    Where is this fact listed about Gacha not retiring?

    Oh for Pete's sake. Talk to the creators! They're the ones that set those rules. They are the ones who determine when or if a gacha is retired for their creations. Ask them how often they retire or if they retire at all. Just like every other business in SL and RL, you go to the source!

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    I was told we are to resell the Gacha's we don't want so we can try to win the rare.

    This has never been true.


    1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    I was told all Gachas retire.

    This has never been true.

    There are so many rumors started in SL... you should always check the facts first.

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  9. 1 hour ago, KanryDrago said:

    If we get the labs to enforce a time limit on gacha items I will make more money


    1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    I have no idea what you are saying UNLESS those Gacha listing on MP don't really have an object there.

    And, if Fenton or 1928 Jewelry Company retires their items for a season, they don't pull any items from the stores.  Those are the last available for that year though and what the stores have left the stores have left.

    And, btw, I am a creator, too.

    How in the world do you manage to sell anything if you don't understand what I'm saying? facepalm.gif.485c0f513933ea289413140144cd450d.gif

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, moirakathleen said:

    And that's for Marketplace.  I don't sell things, so I don't know if there is a similar quantity limit available for in-world sales as well.  (Ignoring the "copyable" issue for now).  And if there were limits available for in-world resells, I would imagine it would be the reseller who would be setting the limit, not the original creator.

    (I'm in a mood today it seems, posting on all types of topics I have no direct experience with, but opinions about, lol)

    Quantities on inworld vendors can be limited very easily. Most vendors are already scripted to do that and have been for years.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

    Why would LL need to pull out dated items?  Are those Gacha's listings on the MP more or less empty?  Or, in other words, if you purchase from the MP a Gacha, it is part of the quantity in the Gacha machine.

    I don't under this at all.  

    There are only two ways to do what you want. Either pile more work on LL employees and LL pulls the gachas after x amount of time or you pile more work on top of an already heavy work load on the creators. Who are you going to choose to dump the load on to get what you want? Creators or LL?

    • Like 2
  12. As far as I am aware, there is only one limit that can be set. Quantity. 


    Note that while it is still possible to sell a limited quantity of copiable items using the appropriate listing field, the quantity of items available from a stock folder is determined by the number of items in the folder and cannot be changed using the Available quantity listing field.

    When a stock folder runs out of no-copy items, the Marketplace de-lists your listing and sends an email alert reminding you to add more units.



    It would work for gachas but the gachas would have to be made copyable. From what I've seen gacha creators would have a hissy fit if they were forced to make their gachas copyable. The very reason I won't buy gaches. No copy? No sale. Full stop.

    • Like 2
  13. I doubt many gacha creators will agree to a time-frame. They already have a heavy workload and customers want to an additional workload. LL isn't going to set anything up on the MP to automatically pull "out dated" items nor will they set up a separate MP just for gachas. It would not be cost effective for them. Unless merchants don't mind all the fees being raised. Again. 

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, moirakathleen said:

    The presence of gacha items in the marketplace doesn't really bother me. 

    Gachas being on the MP doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is having to filter them out with no copy/no mod because that means I'm also filtering out things I want or need to see. Which means I may not find what I need and then I'm going to be stressed and pissed because I wasted hours looking for something I had to filter out, then have to waste even more time wading through sheetloads of gachas to find it. If it even exists in SL.

    When you get to be my age, life is way too short to waste that much time.

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