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Alyona Su

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Posts posted by Alyona Su

  1. 1 hour ago, PandoriaMoonshadow said:

    And then when you meet them in person or hear their voice or whatever, that image you've created in your mind is often destroyed.

    A.k.a. Immersion Bubble-burst.

    Not everyone uses SL as a 3D social chat-room. Some of us take the platform title a little more literally: *Second Life*; not part of our *first life*. There are many, many reason why people don't like to mix the two, but this immersion bubble-bursting is among them.

    Especially when when the voice you hear in your head when people write are vastly different from the voice that comes through when they speak. It's a lot like the first time I heard Mike Tyson open his mouth. Bahahaha! Seriously?

  2. On 1/5/2020 at 2:13 PM, Malayaa said:

    But then there is furniture that, for example, will rez a candlestick and table runner, it counts against the parcel LI and stays on the table looking pretty until you tell it "clear away".


    On 1/5/2020 at 2:33 PM, Beth Macbain said:

    I was having trouble understanding this as well since I'm entirely inept when it comes to knowledge of these things, so I cornered @Quartz Mole last night to get the explain-it-like-I'm-five version. 

    The short answer is those types of things aren't what are really considered temp-rezzers so you're good!

    I can clarify this one easily: The furniture you are using is AVSitter scripted (or using a similar system.) I build AVsitter systems for furniture creators professionally, so I have a little insight into this. :)

    When you sit on this type of furniture and it rezzed a prop, that prop is not a temporary object; it is a fully-rezzed object that will use parcel LI as required. If there isn't enough LI available for it, it will not rezz. If it is attached to you, it is still a fully-rezzed object, though it must be copy and transfer, because if you do not own the furniture then it is transferred to you and is then converted into a Temporary object (via scripting) - this is why it does not go into your inventory and goes poof when you detach it or when you standup (or change poses).

    The reason static props (like the coffee pot example) and transferred converted-to-temporary attachments go poof when you stand up or change poses is because there is a script inside those objects with an LL-DIE command (Not the actual syntax, BTW) or DETACH command that is executed when the pose changes. The main AVsitter scripts trigger this command inside those props when necessary.

    This furniture and many vehicle rezzers, etc. that rez an object, and the object is not temporary, are all within the Covenant rules. A temp-rezzer rezzes a temporary object that the region deletes after 60 seconds, so it re-rezzes the object over and over to keep it there. THAT is baaaadddd. AVsitter and most vehicle and other rezzers do not do this. They only rez on demand (usually by touch or on a timer after scanning that the object does not already exist within range.)

    • Like 3
  3. 35 minutes ago, momomoonusagi said:

    (why it's not BOM as well I have no earthly idea and think it was kinda silly because ya got the body in there. -.- maybe because Genus hadn't released BOM yet, but still. U: Can't complain too much myself, I guess. I use the head skin and love it. ><)

    Genus has released an official Genus BOM applier for their heads. Check group notices and grab it. I imagine there is a vendor in Genus Project store by now, it may even now be included in the boxes. I received if for my Genus Classic and and on my alt with Genus Baby-face. As I describe in my OC above - I'm still using applier on head on this account because the Session Akira face skin is not BOM (Applier only) and I purchased the BOM Body Skins package from them - seamless neck with BOM body and applier head.

    On my alt I am using Legacy and Genus  -  both head and body are fully BOM (the headshot in my OC) - and that is a new Sessions skin the is 100% BOM (Full body, head-to-toe, system layer only.) I have the niggling feeling Pepe will not be upgrading any of her existing skins, much less do what Sessions and Deetalez are doing.

    This is why I was asking about the others. Creator discovery is always interesting, so I plan to investigate the examples you show above. :)

    • Thanks 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, momomoonusagi said:

    I don't believe the ones I recommended are available in BOM. I own the first one I suggested, but I got it a long time ago and it only had appliers then. I don't recall receiving an update with BOM layers.

    It's totally possible there are BOM layers now with Tres Beau skins, but I couldn't honestly tell you. I personally use Pepe skins and just remembered Tres Beau. 

     (And now that I think about it, Pepe has some Asian skins too with her V1 and V0 skins. >< )

    Yes, I've had the Pepe CAMI skin since it's first introduction. Though I've gone BOM on my body, so unless Pepe releases system layered body skins, I'll stick with the newest Sessions Akira skin I have (though the Cami is my favorite). It's difficult to find a really good accurate, well-done Asian face in skins. So this could prove to be a very helpful thread for all of us. As for whatever it is Pepe is doing: I'm confused; half her skins are no longer available and all her body skins removed from MP and in-world store. Just not sure what's going on there.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    and where's your suggestion? .. a bit cold to flame someone else who tries to help, without giving better advice yourself.

    I concur with this. This should be a let's-help-each-other thread, not a debate thread about Asian features.

    @momomoonusagi and @Shaeloni - are those skins (or more specifically, those creators) offering in System Layer version or inclusions? I ask because Bakes on Mesh is very fast becoming a thing.

    • Like 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, Orion Pastorelli said:

    So my question is, DOES the Legacy body store (The Shops ?) offer their default body skins in some kind of System Layer?

    After thinking about it, since you can only wear one System Skin at a time, I realized that a System Skin with just body textures (Torso & Legs) would be problematic if you wanted to go full BoM, head to toe. System Tattoo Layers would probably work best.

    I do not own a Legacy Body, but anyone that does, please chime in.

    The only way to know is to go to their shop and look at what they offer. Though it is highly unlikely. Though with BOM, you can use any system skin from any creator offering it. Sessions has just released two new BOM-only skins (full head-to-toe system layer skins, the way skins were sold before mesh bodies arrived in SL.

    The best way to think of BOM is: Your system avatar is the real you, your mesh body and head is a clear, plastic head-to-toe raincoat. So using system layers whenever possible for your skin, makeup, tattoos, all of it, whenever possible. Any thing you apply to the clear-coat enveloping you (your mesh body (and if BOM enabled: mesh head) will appear outside anything your wear as a system layer, including clothing.

    Though this can seem complicated, it's actually wonderful as it creates the maximum flexibility in how you create your look.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Claireschen Hesten said:
    2 hours ago, Orion Pastorelli said:

     In order for the default Legacy skin to be a part of the combined/composite baked texture that is ultimately applied to the Mesh Body, it HAS to be applied to the System Body FIRST.  The only way to do this is via a System Skin.

    While i do use BoM i never knew that. had assumed HUD appliers would still work with BoM activated

    Appliers do still work, just not skin appliers because a skin applier will overwrite/cover-up the BOM layer. However, using a system layer skin allows you also to use anything else that is a system layer. But you also can use appliers for things like tattoos, makeup, etc. Think of appliers as "decals" - like those bubblegum temporary tattoos for children - something you affix on top of, or onto your skin.

    Though, having an applier tattoo, and wear BOM system skin along with any system clothing would look odd: because an applier will always be the top-most layer; your tattoo would cover your (system layer) clothing also.

    In short, once you do BOM, try to avoid using appliers whenever possible. If you have anything that is an applier than also includes the system layer version, wear the system layer version and do not use the applier. :)

    • Thanks 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, Marut72 said:

    I wish I had the power to be invisible  

    Granted. Though floating clothing freaks everyone out, the military is called-in, entire regiments of armed troops, tanks and attack helicopters surround you. You decide hence to go au-natural from now on and "male-shrinkage" because of the cold turns out not to be an issue as you cannot get a date anyway.

    (Since posted while I was writing...)

    4 minutes ago, Fauve Aeon said:

    I wish I was motivated to go to the gym today. I’m a slacker. 

    Granted. You go to the gym today. But procrastination ensues and you sit in the parking lot, just staring at the building as ongoers give you the stink-eye as they walk past you toward the entrance.

    I wish I could type faster, more accurately, and properly.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Orion Pastorelli said:

    In order for the default Legacy skin to be a part of the combined/composite baked texture that is ultimately applied to the Mesh Body, it HAS to be applied to the System Body FIRST.  The only way to do this is via a System Skin.

    Precisely THIS. Full stop.

    • Like 2
  10. 14 minutes ago, Feorie Frimon said:

    Weird question, I know....

    'The Moles' were mentioned in another thread I'm in which got me thinking.... we have some super amazing things that have already been built in world. Why don't the moles use these items to build with? 

    Is there a way for SecondLife creators to build some simple objects for the lab to use and build with? Could a 'Linden Avatar' or a 'Mole' avatar purchase items in world at a store and build with them? 

    Why not add a normal 'non-Linden' avatar to a mainland builder's group like Linden Department of Public Works and let them use things they've purchased from their inventory with a prim budget? 

    I'm sure there is a copyright thing I'm missing... 


    Because all Linden-sponsored builds must be created by Linden Lab, else it would look silly, not to mention the cries about "LL usurping other creators' work!"

  11. 18 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    I didn't know anybody sold limited number items that were not Gachas.  Interesting.

    This is amazingly RARE and absolutely will not be missed when using that filter. Besides, by setting a Limited Quantity, there can never be a redelivery option, conscious choice by the creator. So for me: no sale; move on.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Fauve Aeon said:

    I wish I could carve out one more hour of creative time per day. 

    Granted. Now your timescale is out of sync with the rest of the universe, everything around you happens in slow-motion, your grand children eventually turn old and wrinkly before you do. And conversations take forever!

    I wish I didn't have to return to office routine today.

    • Haha 1
  13. Picks were always ever intended to be your favorite *location* picks. This is why there is a TELEPORT button on each of them. There IS a web tab in your profile where you can link to your wordpress, blogger, flickr, tumblr, anywhere where you have all the space you need for any rhetoric you wish.

    When I look at profiles, I may peruse the picks section, but usually skip anything with lovey-dovey in it and especially anything that has to do with "RP Character) and "RP Rules".

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Ratany said:



    Never put any money into your SL account that you do not intend to spend right away.  Never put any money into buying land and expect to get your money back after selling the land.  The Lindens will not let you sell your money and will want you to buy more money instead.  I can only consider their business practices as deceptive and fraudulent.


    Oh. My. Gosh! Please file legal action on behalf of all of us. Because class-action is a win-win for attorneys and no one else!

    • Like 1
  15. The simple fact is this stuff wreaks on both sides of the aisle. I see people belittling Trump all the time, I remember seeing people belittling Obama all the time. Whoever side of the aisle you fall into, those can be unflattering and even make you angry. So take a breath and move on. There are some here in SL who are completely, I'd go so far as to say almost radically as far on the other side of the political debate as I am, and yet... we are still very friendly with each other (some still in my very heavily-pruned friend list. :)

    Best thing is to just hold one's breath and them vent, because most of what think they know is misinformation anyway. And remember that other than whatever their political or religious views may be, they are. more likely than not, still wonderful people to get to know.


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