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Alyona Su

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Posts posted by Alyona Su

  1. 9 hours ago, anna2358 said:

    Sometimes system shoes used as shoebases are editable, and then you can change the texture to a trans.  But they are ever so easy to make your own if some weird creator has made theirs no-mod.

    This is true, though it also is pretty easy to just create your own.

  2. 44 minutes ago, JuliaAemilius said:

    Running SL on said system. Mid-2017. 24GB of RAM and the Radeon Pro 580 8GB GPU. It's a 4.2GHz i7. Now the first mistake I may be making is running thus sucker at 5120x2880 res ... right? But even so, with a lot of things turn down (draw distance, least water etc) I'm getting only 7 FPS in a place like Muddy's (dance) with maybe 15 other Avis in the room with me. I'm off to try halving the screen resolution down to 2560x1440 to start, but any other settings I should use to get my frame rate at least into the 20s? Anyone post a screen shot of their iMac settings that they are happy with?

    Really appreciate some help, here ... this is unbearable. Thanks!

    No matter what your system is, when there are other avatars within draw distance (and especially in one place where you are) FPS will likely drop exponentially. As for your macOS version of SL: First, check your graphic settings and turn OFF "Hi-DPI" setting - that causes the viewer to use every pixel of that gorgeous Retina display - which would be okay on a 12" MacBook, but a 27" iMac? I don't think so! LOL

    Your mileage may vary, but I get better performance from the LL Viewer on macOS than I do with Firestorm, though I recommend you try them both (and perhaps Kokua also).

    The main thing is to keep draw distance down. I go with 128 as my "main" setting and I have presets for "High" at 256 , Photo, with draw at 96 and everything else maxed out, and "Events" which is 96 and most settings turned way down to zero or off, except LOD (so I can see vendors and rez items well).

    I also find, sometimes, running the viewer in a window helps a lot also (approximately 1200 pixels wide or so) - but at full-screen, OMG SL is freaking gorgeous! So... I get it!  LOL

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

    It looks like as if there is a competition going on who can build the highest (and ugliest) add-on on top of houseboat. 🙄
    The one in the front is much higher than 15 meters. The one at the background is higher than 15 meters too.


    Has no one noticed the one between them; is that not within theme also? Just asking.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    Try Belleza.

    Belleza can do the range from about 0 to 100 without deforming.


    That's an old post that does not include Tonic. @NewLuden - search places for Tonic, grab the Fine Beauty demo. It will get you want you're looking for and is pretty well-supported commercially. Not as much as Maitreya or Belleza etc., but well enough that you'll be able to build a good wardrobe.

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/10/2020 at 12:09 PM, momomoonusagi said:

    In regards to the thread topic, I'd like to recommend one more store that I had forgotten about: Boheme Skins.

    I went. I saw. I bought. I cannot recommend Boheme at all because there are no demos to check shades other than tiny swatch on a table (which turns out to NOT be very accurate *at all*.) So I decided to buy the body skin first because it's inexpensive and have a look-see at the detail and quality.

    Um, no. No matter the shade, the belly area is light, almost white. You look like a Panda. Secondly, there is a *very* dark groin shadow added (where inner thigh meets vulva) and it is jarringly dark, and it doesn't even come close to where that is on the mesh on body, so it looks like you have racing stripes down one's pelvic bump. Seriously?

    I can post a picture or two to my Flickr if anyone wants to see how bad this is.

    I purchased in-world so I cannot warn others at Marketplace, thus this comment will have to do: The face is beautiful, but the body is the polar opposite.

    • Like 1
  6. Do you really want to pay to advertise to yourself? It a rhetorical, but serious question.

    I paid for front page listing a few times over the years and I think I saw my own advertisement twice. I was miffed! Those were wasted impressions the way I saw it. I have always assumed, perhaps wrongly, that the Marketplace enhancements system would, could *should* have some kind if way to know to not show my own adverts to me. Perhaps @Dakota Linden or another in the know can verify or debunk that.

  7. 9 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

    I’m still confused, I know the purpose of bom is to get rid of much of the onion skinning for texture layers for the bodies, reducing geometry and multiple layers of many large textures but if normal and specular mapping is not used, then are we back to flat and matte textures without materials? In an advanced-lighting environment? Only texture-baked light effects and drawn-in highlights? I hope not, but I’m still not sure. What about all the options for makeup blending? How does that work with bom, or is it gone too?

    Are there plans to add back materials as an option? I feel like that’s a step backwards if not, eliminating a very good feature. 

    I described the baking and what it does and its benefits in this comment: 



  8. 1 hour ago, momomoonusagi said:

    In regards to the thread topic, I'd like to recommend one more store that I had forgotten about: Boheme Skins.

    And this is the latest Flickr entree and kiiiinda reminded me of you for whatever reason, @Alyona Su. It's a WIP at the moment, but I still wanted to bring it to your attention. C= from my understanding, all parts of her skins are BOM.

    This is really important to me, thank you! I'll definitely have a look-see at them. Right now I'm still using one of the newest from Sessions, but also using the blush-remover and Monolid freebies fro. Deetalez, which works well (95% perfect) - only a very slide shade difference but the blending is well enough that's not noticeable to those who know know what I'm doing. LOL

    Thank you for the heads-up!

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:
    6 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

    Materials are the primary reason there is a neck seam between head and body when each are from a different creator. Because BOM doesn't use materials, BOM skin will have no seam at the neck, even if the body or head is still using applier when the other is BOM.

    Isn't the reason why there's a seam between two pieces of mesh because their verts and/or vertex normals and/or UV don't line up? I mean sure, if one has materials and the other doesn't, there's going to be a noticeable seam under certain lighting, but that's not the main reason because you can still have materials on a BOM surface. 

    I never said materials are the reason. :)

    • Haha 2
  10. 19 hours ago, BraveHot said:

    You know, the term "bake(ed)" has had me confused for a while. In one sentence you made it a little clearer.

    Bake is the same a "Flatten" - You can wear a skin texture, a tattoo texture, clothing textures and so on. So, for example with these three textures, you and everyone else must download all three textures to see them.

    This is why maybe people will be nude when they first login or TP into a place, because all that must be downloaded to everyone's viewer.

    What "Baking" mean is: The skin texture, the tattoo texture, and the clothing textures (in this example) are all sent to the LL servers. Then the server "flattens" (bakes) all those textures into one single new texture to replace your skin texture - so it is now your skin texture with the tattoo and clothing textures all mashed into one. Now there is only ONE texture for all viewers to download.

    Benefits are, among other things: : One texture downloads a lot faster for everyone ( and is less load on the LL servers and region), you will never appear naked in that case because your "skin" texture already has the tattoos and clothing on it - there is no nude parts at all. It also makes adding and removing and changing and *stacking* textures drop dead easy and fast. You can wear as many tattoos as you want. With appliers you have to stop and clear layers, then apply to the layer and you only get three layers, right?

    Now MIX AND MATCH: Wear your skin as a system layer, your undies as a system layer, your STOCKINGS as a system layer, and your Formal dress as a MESH. Undies and stockings will be a *perfect fit* under your mesh dress and your undies cannot be derendered by the pervs, either, ever.. See how BOM is a benefit?  :)

    • Like 3
  11. I'll just leave this here as food for thought on both sides of the political aisle:

    • The point to remember is that what the government gives, it must first take away. -- John Strider Coleman, 1897-1958
    • Agree, for the law is costly. --Sir Wiliam Camden, 1551-1623
    • There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion. By persuading others, we convince ourselves. -- Lord Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, --1694-1774.
    • Democracy passes into despotism. -- Plato, 428-348 B.C.
    • A liberal is a man who will give away everything he does not own. --Frank Dane
    • Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents. --Lord Herbert Louis Samuel, 1870-1916
    • The art of taxation consist of plucking the goose as to get the most feathers with the least hissing. --Ascribed to Jean Baptist Colbert, 1619-1683
    • Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882
    • When you have robbed a man of everything, he is no longer in your power. He is free again. --Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, 1918-
    • Nobody outside a baby carriage or a judge's chamber believe in an unprejudiced point of view. --Lillian Hellman, 1905-1984
    • None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license. --John Milton, 1608-1874
    • Equality is the result of human organization. We are not born equal. --Hannah Arendt, 1906-1975
    • All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. --George Orwell [Eric Blair], 1903-1950

    [Source: "The most brilliant thoughts of all time (in two lines or less)", edited by Joh M. Shanahan.]

  12. 54 minutes ago, Walpurgisnacht said:
    1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

    Click inside another parcel and choose "Derender all content on this land" would be popular. Something to wish for. 

    Now THAT, I would love to see!

    A new PREMIUM PLUS perk = SOLD! I'll buy that!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  13. 2 hours ago, Marut72 said:

    I wish I was Amina's sugar daddy.  :)

    Granted. Though you are forced by Linden Lab to enter a contract of said Sugar Daddy Status and are then compelled to also gift Amina a full year of Premium Membership, including an upgrade to Premium Plus, monthly allowance for name-changing, obligation to fund the Mega-Pack of every new item from Amina's top ten favorite creators and a lean is placed on all real life assets to ensure your compliance.

    I wish I had a sugar-daddy without having to be a sugar-baby because eew.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Cinos Field said:

    As I wait for a layerless and optimized update for this body, I can't help but notice that the demo has been relisted on the marketplace (with no reviews, now) and the body itself has been removed, presumably in order to reset the reviews on that too.

    Very shady, to say the least.

    Then you should flag the demo because it is against MP TOS to list a demo that is not linked to a full version.

  15. 5 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

    So where does this leave materials? I really don’t want to give them up at all. 😱

    Materials are the primary reason there is a neck seam between head and body when each are from a different creator. Because BOM doesn't use materials, BOM skin will have no seam at the neck, even if the body or head is still using applier when the other is BOM.

    • Haha 2
  16. 6 minutes ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

    Like system makeups, new system skins, which are fundamental to how BoM works, may get more difficult to find as time goes by and mesh bodies and their appliers become more widely adopted.

    This literally sounds like the early days of mesh bodies! LOL I would think it's the opposite; as BOM gains traction, more skin creators will releasing their skins the "old fashioned" way and call it "BOM". Go figure, creating a system skin, head-to-toe the way we've always done circa the beginning of SL time until someone invented appliers is now a selling point.

    • Like 5
  17. 8 minutes ago, missyrideout said:

    I dunno, or it means you're not that into Catwa so you have no reason to keep track? I don't wear Genus anymore so I didn't know they had a branded BOM applier, not sure where I would have heard—maybe a missed redelivery, group I'm not in, discord?  BTW Catwa has had similar since BOM went live, and its now included on the HUD (among many enhancements starting with updates to 4.0 in August.)  Personallyt, I assume I will have to check myself for updates to any product I'm interested in. I don't think Catwa (or Genus) is particularly good or bad in that regard. 

    I have six Catwa heads. I also get and pay close attention to all notices off-line. So I suppose they're just not very good with their notification system. They aren't the only ones, so it's not an issue..

    • Like 2
  18. 16 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    I have done it myself and it does work! 

    Mind you, I'm a self-proclaimed Linden/Mole brown-noser extraordinaire and tend to do a lot of fawning and groveling in my requests, but I can drive my train right from my own property onto the SLRR so...


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  19. 2 hours ago, Orion Pastorelli said:

    I own the original TMP male body, but I have only DEMOed the new Legacy male body.

    Excellent explanation and reasoning here! I don't know the details of the why, etc., though your description makes perfect sense as I remember the :Skin wars" from those days. As for the body versus Belleza - on this account I debated getting the Legacy, but did not (I have it on my alt) because I always keep coming back to my Belleza (which I do not have on the alt).

    I will say this about the Legacy: it has the *best* auto-alpha system than any other body I've tried, including Tonic - set your alpha cuts, click the "Export" button and a box is rezzed for you to name. Take it and wear and boom: Auto-alpha cuts, just add it to the folder with the outfit is should go with.

    I *really* like the skins it comes with, but don't want to mess with trying to match a head skin with it. So a couple pointers for others that I have done for myself:

    • Deetalez skins have a "neck fade" option that will allow you to use a built-in Legacy skin with their faces and it works fabulously! Deetalez also offers complete body skins that can be applied to legacy to match their faces.
    • Session has release "BOM Body Kit" . that includes all shades of their body skins in system layer format (body-only, no head) - so you can set your Legacy to BOM and use the applier to your Genus or Catwa, etc. Seamless!
    • Session is in the process of releasing full BOM skins (complete body and head the way skins were released before mesh heads arrived) - This is what I'm using now with my Legacy set to BOM and using the official Genus BOM applier (grab one from their store if you don't have it) - seamless neck, looks fantastic.

    BOM is still catching on with people, including the creators. Now, when I look at skins: no System layer versions included? NO SALE.

    • Thanks 1
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