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Alyona Su

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Posts posted by Alyona Su

  1. 12 hours ago, heartzwhim said:

    i got one in tawakoni too

    Hello, neighbor! Tawakoni is definitely one of the better regions for lots of water areas!

    7 hours ago, Peony Swee*****er said:

    I have to say, if you're really wanting nice locations and are content with the smaller size, the trailers are the way to go.

    I definitely agree. The truth of it that we don't really spend a lot of time in our homes (actively, I mean, AFK-camping notwithstanding) - these are beautiful and cozy. And leave a fair amount of waved land-use fees to obtain the other half (512 m2) on any other mainland, because there is some nice areas there, also. Especially if you want to plop up a few vendors for any marketplace you may have.

    • Like 4
  2. 29 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:
    1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:
    2 hours ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

    awwww I thought I'd get the whole run of quotes inside quotes!

    Rather than hit the "Quote" "button", you have to drag-select the run of quotes in the post and wait for the "Quote Selection" popup. Click that and you'll see the entire run pasted into your post.

    I'll be darned - I never knew you could use the highlight 'quote selection' process for an entire set of embedded quotes.

    I thought everyone knew this method. Things that make you go 'huh...'  LOL

    Here's a GIF that shows how to do it: https://jumpshare.com/v/Rtfn0xrVG2e7xPKqXmjP

  3. 2 hours ago, LoveGloss said:

    Today I was decorating the apartment of a close friend when instead of rezzing the desk I accidentally rezzed the desk ad to the floor 😭😭😭 I can’t gwt it up and I need help!



    57 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    The longer you are in SL, the more likely it is that you will make this mistake. Almost everyone I know has done it at least once. It's almost as upsetting as accidentally deleting your entire house, which also happens more often than you might expect.  These are SL's ways of reminding you to keep backups.

    No, no, no... It's a lot more fun when you go to PICK UP your rezzed object and instead you pick up the floor to your skybox that's 2000m in the sky!  LOL

    • Haha 2
  4. So I played the Game of Homes yesterday and today because I ran across this coveted spot, though the LL Home-getting is so random, it's a total pipe-dream to actually snag it, whomever does get it: You lucky son-of-a-b... LOL This and the one to the left of it are vacant. Grrr.

    The Coveted Spot


    BUT, on my fifth go round today, I did land on this and I am thinking this one is a keeper! For a while, at least! The one to the left of this also is vacant.

    The Catch


    • Like 13
  5. 1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

    Until now, I think we were seeing the actual terrain for that 25-region area starting at SSP1001 (see above pic).  However, it looks like they now have dropped a screen over it.  So, nothing to see here, probably for quite a while.



    Definitely the next theme. Though the Moles have many ways to hide their work, one we may not have thought of is under water:



    • Like 1
    • Haha 6
    • Confused 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, Odaks said:

    You just had to spoil it, didn't you!

    You did - in the adverts for the Easter Bonanza sales. Be patient!

    I wish I had a new kitchen knife that would actually cut things.

    Granted. You now must learn to handle things with only the palms of your hands.

    I wish Christmas sale discounts went all year long.

    • Haha 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

    Works for me, but as anyone who has seen many of my posts knows, I am the worst about getting OT. I know it drives some people crazy, though (I have been called out for it in a certain long-running thread, and don't participate in it anymore because of my tendency to to that), so having an OT forum is nice. :)

    Hahaha! Yes, I can go OT a lot, too, but will try to, at least, plop an OT sentence in them. As for anyone who gets crazy about it, it's their issue, not ours. LOL Just like how people get all upset over revival of necro'd threads. Their greater-than-thou attitudes give them cause to respond with nothing more that some form of "shame on you," rather than answering with a meaningful reply, then kindly mentioning they may want to pay more attention to comment and thread dates.

    Let's get together and see how many forums people we can annoy! :D

  8. 1 hour ago, Orwar said:

       I've heard complaints about plant based burgers containing more sodium and fat per calorie, though I haven't really looked into it. I don't at all get the appeal of fast food though, I'll have a burger or kebab at the end of a night out on occasion. If I want a burger, I'll buy some minced meat and make my own patties (a burger patty should always be 100% beef and no additives except salt and pepper, and the meat should have a high fat content of 16-20%). It's so quick and easy to cook it yourself, and it's cheaper, healthier, and you get a tasty quality burger without any artificial junk in it, and no excessive fat (a patty with the correct fat content doesn't even need fat in the pan to cook).

    I agree. I usually go for the salads, though I like a place here called Wendy's - they have more variety in their menu, like baked potato, chili and so on. I don't go to fast food places as often as many do for the basic reason that there is zero service. You are just a number, they try to take in as much cash as possible in as little time as possible, so you pay for your meal, then they push you away from the register to take the next person's money. No waiting area, no place to loiter... then they call out "Customer Number 000" (rather than "order number") - so they even call you by what you are: just a number.

    The food doesn't taste all the great, either. You get better-tasting food, for the same cost and actual service at most sit-down places. And the wait for the food isn't a whole lot longer (unless you order a steak or something) and you don't pay for your meal until after you've eaten it.

    I think of fast-food as "mail-order food" - you pay now then who knows how long it is before delivery and it's not delivery, you have to go back to the place your ordered it from to pick it up. IF you hear the number they call out.

    People are such sheep. These places have been training people to just accept rude service. It's amazing. LOL

    1 hour ago, CaerolleClaudel said:

    I have sort of thought of this sub-forum as the OT forum, but looking at the description, it does say  "Second Life discussions welcome here.' (emphasis mine) Perhaps we need an OT forum? I guess it is ultimately all up to LL, either let this be a de facto OT forum, or whatever.

    Emphasis is mine. This is the "General" discussion forum and where all non-SL-related discussions are supposed to go. :)

    EDIT: To fix the font for Orwar! 😄

    • Like 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

    I was eating with my parents and they ordered a beyond burger not knowing what it was. I was not able to convince them it was not meat. I did try a bite and it tasted meaty but the texture was too soft. I think the fake meat sandwiches aren't made for vegans but for people trying to save the planet by reducing methane but a KFC methane reduction sandwich doesn't sound that good.

    I've had that impossible whopper, too - it Tates pretty good, though different from the regular stuff. The other reason, other than tree-hugger benefits, is supposed to be that's healthier (less unhealthy?) than the regular stuff. Though every nutritionist report I've read about all these plant-based meat substitutes are that they are not healthier in any meaningful way.

    The regular meat has a lot of alt added to it and so the sodium content is almost the same. Though there is less fat, there is more carbohydrates, and the calories savings is, what? 150 calories? It hardly makes it worth the higher price. Unless you actually enjoy the flavor of it.

    As for the vegans and such: why would you go into a place that specializes in dead animal products to begin with? LOL

  10. 45 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    Yeah. The needed physics file is going to be different depending on volume, support, and motion. Too many people grab a premade setup and assume it's ready for them out of the box.


    I agree. And those premeds are way over-priced and often no-modify. It cracks me up. Which is why I sell a kit for only 30L, it's modifiable, and includes set-up animations and clear instructions how to adjust it for proper fit (with only one slider in each category). I should add these confirmed bodies to the description list for belly and butt. :)

  11. 36 minutes ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

    Challenge accepted... besides your premium payment, how much did you pay in, say, December 2019?

    There is a difference between "paying" and "spending"; there is a difference between contributing to the economy and contributing directly to the support of the system. Just saying. @BEKAII - This is an ignorant suggestion as it is a discrimination-percolator and will create an unnecessary divide akin to a "class system".

    • Like 2
  12. 10 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

    you are better off going into wireframe (Ctrl+Shift+R) and then back out of wireframe again. This, at least for me, seems to refresh the entire scene and load all the missing objects.

    OH! Thank you for this tip! I'll make a note to go that a go when it happens next. :)

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