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Alyona Su

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Posts posted by Alyona Su

  1. 1 hour ago, Alexilio said:

    I have worked with Moodle for a bit, few years back, thanks for the info.  

    What I am looking for, is a platform to create online interactive, NON- web conferencing courses. I want the user to watch some representational videos and then do some takes that would require him to click at objects, drag and drop objects, answer some questions and receive  relative feedback. 

    Definitely MOODLE. We do all of that, exactly what you are describing. We are too small a company to manage the server, but there also is a MOODLE plugin (free) and allows you to do conferencing from directly in MOODLE, and I mention that only to example how far it's come, development and feature-wise.

  2. 1 hour ago, Angelina String said:
    • AVX Version is for modern CPU's starting at AMD FX 6000 Series and Intel equivalents.
    • Non-AVX Version is for older-than-above CPU's before 2011/12.

    Ahah! Thank you.I didn't know which to try, so I grabbed the AVX version. I am *shocked* at the performance I got in my simple region-hopping-like-crazy tests. More than any interest in it's photo-abilities and the rest, that performance alone is a serious magnet for me. And I actually like the UI a lot. :)

    Sorry to everyone for the mostly off-topic comment. But still a little bit on topic because Black Dragon (as I've been seeing it mostly described) is the "Photography Viewer." I'll shut-up now and back out of the room slooowly, as my eyes dart frantically at each of you in twitchy fashion, looking for any sudden movement...

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Muiregwen said:

    EDIT: I just realized this is a month old but I hope i helped? XD

    Pffft. You have made a NERCO*POST, HOW DARE YOU! (This is the single-sentence reply the annoyed will anoint you with.)

    I, however, SALUTE YOU! ~Stands and make a military salute~

    And to add to the subject matter, different mesh bodies react differently to the sliders, some do well at extreme settings while other fall apart like a house of cards. The same is true for extreme minimums as it is for extreme maximums. This is why we DEMO, DEMO, and more DEMO mesh body and fully flesh-out your desired shape before ever committing to a purchase of said mesh body.

    Some are complaining the Belleza and Legacy are high-complexity models with so many more polygons than others like Maitreya and others. Ummmm, yeah, that's kind of the reason those bodies look so much better than those Maitreya and others, also. Extreme settings handle much better on those high-poly models for a reason.

  4. Oooh! Another L$3000 gimmick. Want Nao! ~snorts~

    Interesting concept. The main downfall is you have to use *their* specific AO. And it's only a single hairstyle. So for the next hairstyle, it will have to be an entirely different AO. And another for the next one after that. And after that.

    It's great idea but implementation will relinquish it to FAD status, I suspect.

  5. Avatar physics is a clothing part. You wear it, then you will have avatar physics as long as that option is enabled in your viewer and the mesh body (if you;re wearing one) has that aspect rigged. For example, many, f not most mesh bodies have only breast physics rigged, others like Belleza and Tonic have all three areas rigged (breast, belly, buttocks.)

    Once you have avatar physics enable, any bounce, sway, and jiggle will react to avatar motion based on how sensitive those physics settings are.

    You can create your own physics by choose NEW->Clothing->Physics in your inevntory, then begin the months-long tweaking process. :) Or you can buy from in-world or Marketplace. My alt (Alyons Chernov) has one on MP - I am not saying you should buy it, but rather to see what you what it is that you are looking for, as there are many different terms that creators use for it.

  6. 3 hours ago, Marut72 said:

    Granted. Your partner is now emitting Body Odour. (puts fingers on nose).

    I wish I had warmer clothing for those really cold cold days!


    Granted. You have now been tar-and-feathered.

    I wish, at work, I didn't have to cater to people who have the same intellect as a rock with lips.

  7. 4 hours ago, Angelina String said:

    Black Dragon, unedited

    It's been about a year or so since I've last looked at Black Dragon and I was bored today. So I decided to have another look at it, but there are two versions: BlackDragon 64x AVX 3.6.9 and BlackDragon 64x 3.6.9 - both have the exact same file size. Do you know what the differences are? LOL I've looked Dev's blog, the wiki, the FAQ... cannot find any mention of this.

    I'm trying the AVX version (whatever that means) - it seems better than I remember last time I tried it - performance wise and also UI wise (it just seems different from what I remember - I remember being overwhelmed!) I don't like that you can only map a single control to turning, though. So it's either A and D *or* left/right arrows keys, but not both. Ugh.

    • Like 4
  8. 5 hours ago, Mollymews said:


    the Catznip - Create folder in the same folder as the box/hud is one of those things we don't know we are missing out on until we have it.  With the Linden viewer, the sub-folder is created in the Inventory root folder. When we have a whole bunch of stuff to open/unpack then Create sub-folder in same folder I find to be a blessing  

    I agree. It is the Catznip *killer feature* and why LL and others haven't implemented it or anything like it is a real "WTF-R-THEY-THINKIN?" LOL

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

    Doesn't computer power figure into it too somehow, like the cost to render for your particular set-up? I think I remember reading somewhere that it wasn't a universal number, so comparisons between the numbers will be misleading if they come from different people.

    (As well as the problems in the formula itself.).

    Which is another reason the OP suggestion is nonsensical: "Hey! I bought this and the Complexity Number you say it is is a LIE! EVERYONE DO NOT BUY THIS!!!". 

    Adding complexity numbers to merchants presales information; what could possibly go wrong?

  10. 6 minutes ago, arabellajones said:

    Look, I know the number for avatar complexity isn't a perfect measure, and might change with Project ArcTan and can vary enormously depending on whether an item is attached or rigged, but why does it never get mentioned? You can't search for a low-complexity version of an item, and hardly anyone bothers to mention a number in the item page they create.

    You answer your own question: it's an unreliable measure. A friend and I were standing together, using the same viewer, the same and the same Windlight and graphic settings. We each saw different numbers for each of us. Not only is it a unreliable number for accuracy on it's own, it isn't even a reliable number between the same viewer and setting for different people.

  11. 1 hour ago, Emma Krokus said:

    So - late to the party - but I am trying out BOM... and laughing at some of my old outfits (occasionally with delight - OMG Danys French Touch).

    I expected the old classic skins to have awful toes and fingernails. BUT not BOM skins. (Actually the finger nails are usually kind of ok.)

    So I am wondering if it's my mesh body, or the skins... Anyone else experience this?

    There seem to be finger nail / toe fixes out there. Are they meant to improve BOM skins or are they just for classic skins? What are your experiences with those? Any recommendations?

    Emma :) 


    You're welcome.

    • Thanks 2
  12. 5 hours ago, Nendolt said:

    It's hard to avoid necro posting when someone new comes to SL forums and find interesing posts from some years ago... Yeah locking the posts should be the fix

    At what age, exactly, should a thread become locked? Many will say that's not old enough, others will say that's not young enough. I say deal with it and move on. If you are annoyed by necro-posts - then you'll just have to forever be annoyed. ~snorts~

    • Thanks 2
  13. Minimap is always on for me: It's great for spotting nearby rez zones (turn on parcel boundaries) and the location of other people around. When I TP into a crowded place, I'm able to start moving around through the crowd, without ever running anyone down, all before anything (including myself) even rezzes in.

    It's great for spotting invisible avatars, too. Because even if their name tag is hidden, they *always* will be on the minimap.

  14. 1 hour ago, Marut72 said:

    Granted. You never run out of things to wish for. They come some fast and furious. This is all you ever do all day. You develop a low self esteem because who in their right mind can handle so many corrupt wishes. 

    I wish we were landing on Mars this year. 

    Granted. "Rover III" Should be there taking pictures before the end of Summer.

    I my hours weren't the opposite of the rest of the SL Life.

  15. I'm going to be the meany and just say what others will think: there is a reason to be truthful when creating any account because there is an actual reason they do the question-and-answer thing. Case-in-point: this and the other threads by this person and their alts (and even more other threads by others.)

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Marut72 said:

    Granted. You learn how to fly a drone camera well but only when it’s raining. The photos turn out horrible!! 

    I wish I knew where Pablo Escobar buried some of his money so I can go and dig some out. 

    Granted. And you discover every henchman from every Cartel has followed you, with locked-and-loaded submachine guns. They make you do all the work of digging it up, packaging it for transport, and loading onto cargo trucks before stating that no one cares about any last words you may have.

    I wish I had a pet Unicorn. Rainbow-colored.

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