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Alyona Su

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Posts posted by Alyona Su

  1. 10 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    I am using Belleza Freya with breast and buoyancy at 100 and an 'enhancing deformer' to add about 10% more volume. So I have the movement amount dials nearly maxed out (90+),

    And you're doing it right, because gravity and momentum are affected by volume. I salute you for that. I have to admit, I half-roll my eyes and half laugh when I see a C-Cup boinging around like an E-cup. Or better yet: those that are gravity-defiying, torpedos. Hahaha!

    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

    My all-time favorite: "This isn't my original account, I'm actually much older"

    I won't go as far as calling out pomposity here, but all the replies to justify oneself in doing this very thing is fascinating. Though no one seemed to see this second-half of mt comment:

    18 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

    My point being: Who cares? Why does SL age matter at all? LOL

    So I suppose it is what it is: amour-propre toward strangers.

  3. 1 hour ago, Milk Pixelmaid said:

    But the rolling release is much more fun... that way people in all time zones can try instead of region stalkers.

    I concur. Though I've never region-stalked before, I was driving around and spotted an amazing location and for kicks I did the about land thing to learn who the lucky person is and... it's in Maintenance! LOL That and. a few salt-and-peppered around it, while others, also salt and peppered in there are occupied. Grrr. I have to admit, I need to keep an eye on that and gonna have to abandon my existing one just to try for this. (So that also means my horse and car rezzers will be picked up, sorry, folks - but they'll be back in a new location soon enough) :D

    I'm not even going to say which theme it is, because I'm stalking it! LOL

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  4. 1 hour ago, James Samiam said:

    I am genuinely curious why what seems like everyone is using this tweak where the viewer will display a crosshair where other users camera is locked in at. I bring this up because today I was accused of spying on someone when I was doing nothing of the sort. Supposedly my crosshair appeared on their avatar from the next room over. However, I was afk at the time that this happened and I didn't even have my hands on the computer - let alone zooming in my camera on anyone. So the system is obviously bugged in some way. I've also had IM's from people  in the past with comments like "dont look at me", while I was standing only a few ft away. Why?

    Why care where someone is looking? Are we so self conscious we need to know what everyone else is looking at, even when it is totally within their right and innocent most of the time. We create our avatars so that others can look at them appreciate them, or just, you know LOOK and see who it is.

    The entire scenario makes me laugh. People have that turned on so they can see when others alt-click on them, yet those using firestorm who are paranoid of others alt-clicking on them also have theirs turned off so other cannot see when they, themselves, alt-click on people.

    I leave mine turned on (that others can see what I alt-click on them). If they get pissy with me and complain, I usually reply "Well, you can stop me by teleporting out of the region. Otherwise, how does it harm you in any way?" I don't use igognito mod  because if you have yours monitoring.turned on, then I want you to know I'm alt-clicking you. OH! And if you wear clickies set to allow anyone (such as girl or boy bits, etc.) I will click them if I'm in a mischievous mood. If you done't like that, you should detach them or set them to white-list or owner-only.

    If you wear one of those annoying titles that spams chat asking for anyone to set your title? I will set it to something you don't like. I have to laugh when I do that and they complain to me about it. Sometimes, throwing that crapola back into their lap is amazingly entertaining.

  5. 1 hour ago, Chic Aeon said:

    A good question is -- are ALL the people having issues in the Linden viewer?  If so, then it is likely a new bug that (happily) hasn't made its way to Firestorm and likely other third party viewers. I am using an OLDER version of Firestorm (too many friends with problems with the new one so I didn't install) and I have had no issues like that. 


    I don't think this is a viewer issue, and Firestorm (as with each viewer) has its own issues.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    Also I have encountered a few items (a dress and a skybox) that semi-consistently won't show up until right-clicked and it may have become worse lately.

    I have been experience this a LOT during login. Not just inventory, but things razzed in-world, sometimes even including LL-owned stuff. And occasionally even the *land* - right-clicking sometimes restores it, but sometimes it's although nothing is being sent from the simulators to my viewer and a full reblog is required.

    I'm not suggesting this is what @Prokofy Neva is describing, but makes me wonder if it's related somehow. Prok: is this only during a session? What happens if you reblog (does the "missing item that was razzed" appear then)?

  7. 2 hours ago, Desiree Moonwinder said:

    I wish things would quit disappearing. 

    Granted. You now have 350,000 Items in inventory, plus backups because you cannot even delete anything, and it now takes your SL login five full minutes before the world appears after inventory-loading.

    I wish there were a true way to be anonymous without all the spyware-in-plain-sight that is the Internet in general.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

    But don't blame a victim for the harassment caused by someone they thought they could trust. It takes very little to IRL stalk an online friend. Friend them on your main/real FB or social media. Share phone numbers. Share e-mails. Little things that are normal social interactions can be used against you, and it's the stalker's fault. Not the victim's. 

    Also: Turning on VOICE or listening to Music Streams. The RL stalker from SL is a real, very scary thing. I'll just leave it at that.

    • Like 2
  9. 12 hours ago, Daemon11cz2 said:


     from what i know Belleza , Tonic and Alice bodies can do more than just boob physics...


    7 hours ago, DilliDallagio said:

    Altamura female Bento bodies have physics in breasts, belly, and butt. That includes their gift limited-version Bento female bodies.

    So that is all three Belleza, Altamura, Alice, and Tonic that do all three B's. :) There is rumor (only a rumor) that Maitreya will add butt, though I wouldn't hold my breath. Even though this is a necro'd thread, I'll reply to the old comment above about belly: Yes, I use all three physics on my Belleza, including belly.

    A *good* physics set-up is subtlety; less is more. One can only see my belly moving if they look at it closely while I am moving. The same with the butt, though it moves a little more, though, again, once has to be paying attention. But that's the best way, their brain will see it, but they eyes will not. Then they wonder why you are so "realistic-looking".

    • Like 1
  10. 20 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    Whirly's post explains. 

    There are only 2 solutions AFAIK. Wear fewer attachments. Try to have only one or two attachments on the same attachment point.

    Having fewer scripts attached may help.

    Even though it's a necro'd thread, it still applies. I've had this happen as well over the last couple of weeks. Though it seems to happen more often on Firestorm than it does in other viewers (Catznip, Kokua, and LL Viewer (for me.) Based on @Whirly Fizzle's description, I wonder if it's making a come-back due to parts of the SL system being moved to the cloud?

  11. 17 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    using RL taxes to evaluate the economy in SL is comparing apples to oranges

    Let us be clear here, this is not what I was doing. I was using it as the example of the cost of doing business. There are some entitlement attitudes all over the place, especially in SL, where everything is expected for nothing. All I have ever said in this entire thread on this entire subject is: nothing is free, it's the cost of doing business. I will stand by that.

    As for the differences in RL and SL economies: that is all a moot point. Business rules are still business rules with regard to the fact that there are costs to doing business, what those costs are and how they are levied are only the methods to the inevitable costs. The question is whether you can do enough business to support those costs.

    The numbers I gave you with regard to my RL business was to explain why my limit would be 25%. There is no meaning in that explanation other than that.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  12. On 12/30/2019 at 3:08 PM, BelindaN said:

    Yesterday for only the third time in my SL, I encountered extreme rudeness from a sim owner. I asked this individual if I could ask a question, being aware that they might not have time, and I got  a curt, short and rude response. So that sim is now number three on my blacklist. 

    I don't stand for rudeness in RL, and I'm certainly not taking it here in world.

    There, I feel better now. 

    I concur. There is zero excuse for that. Though, were I the one you were asking, my typical response to "Can I ask you a question?" is usually "You just did, want to ask another?" LOL

    1 hour ago, Cinos Field said:

    Items not detaching immediately when I click detach. God! Get off my body, demo! I want to try the next one already! AGHGH

    This is truly the pettiest of pet peeves.

    I have been experiencing this also! Though it only seems to have been in the last week or so, I'm not sure.

    Another thing that has been annoying me for the last week or so is the apparent loss of communication between my CTS Wardrobe HUD and the web site; I click to put on (or remove) an item that usually includes two or more parts. One or two parts go on or off then the web site says (paraphrased) "Error: Cannot communicate with your HUD, attach or reset your HUD" And I'm thinking WTF? LOL Then I click it again and the rest go on or off.

    I am wondering if it has to do with the system change where scripts randomly wait two seconds to execute (or whatever that is, I'm not a techno-nerd to understand it all.)

    And this one is definitely a PEEVE, though it only happened once: I put on a system layer outfit (Bakes on Mesh) and It goes on and I'm all happy about it. Then the other person who's there says "Ummm, I don't see it, you're naked." [!] So I log my alt in on LL viewer and lo-and-behold! I'm >NAKED<. LOL Buttt, on my local viewer I see the outfit just fine.

    So I try another outfit... same thing. Force "Rebake Textures"... no change. I went through a half dozen BOM outfits to no avail. Until I dig up an old outfit from 2006... then I finally see the gray-that-turns-into-texture. Now All can see it. Then I put on the original outfit that never showed... and now it works. I *Suspect* the region just wasn't rebaking textures for some reason (though it showed my system skin, so...)

    But now I have this sneaking fear always in the back of my mind that I see my BOM outfit, but to everyone else I may be >NAKED< LOL THAT is the peeve (the uncertainty). Hahahaha.

  13. I've always presumed and mentioned previously here that I believe there will be additional continents, primarily to add a divide or separation from any "fantasy" or otherwise fantastical themes. Bellisseria has the first four themes, that leave four more. So I was perusing the in-world map and noticed that there is a "clearing" where more continents will likely be plopped.

    Room for more LL Home Continents

    Room for two more Bellisseria-sized continents.

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