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belladonna Wexhome

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  1. I said make a living - not make money. They are two very different things.
  2. SECOND. LIFE. WAS. NOT. MEANT. FOR. PEOPLE. TO. MAKE. A. LIVING. ON. that's what people do NOT get. The fact that LL lets people cash OUT of LL is the Luxury.
  3. wanting a couch and getting a rug is not the same thing.
  4. there are tons of items - including avi's - that can make someone look cute af without being a gacha. and gacha's aren't cheap when the person wants one specific item (and not always rare or ultra) and they are dropping sometimes hundred of DOLLARS/EURO'S on linden in order to get the item. Also, the fact that this will stop home and decor stores from releasing items as no copy (cause yeah, one patch of grass is all i need) is brilliant (and i mean they still could in their store but they would be blasted across the universe if they did that). Want to sell things one item at a dang time cheaply so it's more about quantity - join a weekend sales event. People can pick exactly what they want and you're stlil selling it for 75L.
  5. It is hard and VERY draining to put yourself out there. I have been forcing myself to do that. I went to the destination guide last night and I started to sim hop. On one of the sims (I forget the name) the sim owner actually imed me and thanked me for coming to the sim - I ended up having a really lovely conversation with her. Will we become friends? who knows, but as hard and draining as that step was for me to take, i did and I am happy i did. You can always say hi to me in world in you like as well!
  6. thank you!! I wish LL would clean up the MP of merchants who haven't signed in for years.
  7. So not sad to see gacha's go the way of the dinosaur. It was an exploitive business model. I am not sad to see events like Arcade go away either. You want to see a small amount of items for a small price - do some of the wonderful weekend sales events. that way people can CHOSE what they want and not have gamble and have stuff they don't. Gacha was a horrible business model and I have no sympathy for anyone (creators or event coordinators) who exploited this horrible trend.
  8. The longer I am on SL (and the older I get in general) the less I want to put up with certain behavior from people - but I still want to be friends with fun, creative, non judgmental people who don't take themselves too seriously. Why do I find now that it's harder to make friends on SL the longer I've been here (and don't get me wrong, I have some AMAZING friends on SL - just scheduled change and what not). Anyone else have this trouble - those who have been on SL for years?
  9. that's what I use my favorites landmarks for . i love the fact that fs allows the buttons on the top of the view so i can just click the button and tp to one of my favorite places.
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