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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. theft is theft nomatter how easy it is to get away with it..
  2. Waa Choo wan? son kina parade or sonting..or meybe you wan a corn ona steeek? Eneweys..I ho you fine what you looking for neeekstine.. Signed Nachooo's side keek
  3. Maybe the OP's inventory took forever to load..Being a new install and all
  4. Well if this works then this one will have to do for now..i hate that they thumbnail if you are not hitting one of their dimensions right lol
  5. Thank you.. Don't you just love how even the smallest thing..LL wants us to hunt it down instead of save time and just inform us in a tiny little line someplace hehehe instead..image may not be the same size and this preview..Durrr lol now that i have uploaded 4 images that cost 5 times as mucheach as the one they could have told me about lol
  6. I hate to just start a thread about this..but does anyone happen to know the dimensions for badge background sizes.. maybe i'm overlooking where LL put the information..but all i see is full ,small,medium and large..hehe I don't want to upload 3 to 5 images just guessing what LL thinks those are..it would be nice if they said something on the badge option page hehehe
  7. Darrius Gothly wrote: I was researching this topic ... how to drive someone crazy .. and I hit upon a post that explains it perfectly. At the risk of getting this post pulled because of a link .. you can find the answer: HERE what?
  8. well if you guys would have not been hanging around out in the desert you may have made it back in time to go to the moon :smileytongue:
  9. They are making it too easy..now instead of a big turn rate at the start level they are having a big turn rate at start and veteran levels.. things were hard and not user friendly..but those that did join stayed for years.. LL we don't do things because they are easy..we do them because they are hard..easy is boring hard is gripping and excites the mind and addicts us.. We chose to go to the moon!!! now you bring us back home?
  10. Peewee Musytari wrote: I just tested it and its way more simple, interesting that you don`t need to do email activation anymore either...It said I was activated at the end of registration. EDIT: LOL Blot just saw your logo above mine...Kewl name did you use the same payment info..i have the same email for my alt as my main..it's been a long time since i made my alt..but can't remember every giving an email for that one..
  11. Void Singer wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: I would think a lot are like those WoW gold seller sites..almost all of those have something to get the account of WoWplayers that buy gold..LOL thats where they get a lot of their gold..from accounts they hack from people that have bougth from them.. don't be silly.... those sites just don't deliver.... they hack the account, sell off the stuff in it, and either try to sell the acount on or do something to get it closed on purpose so that the original owner doesn't have a way to get at them through contact with WoW billing/devs/etc...... it doesn't even have to be from the gold sites..just any site..i used sites that used to be pretty trusted for addons and they got mine.. I had my account hacked from gold diggers and not even buying gold..I tried to figure how they had gotten into it and where i had been.. It ended up that it was from an addon site where i was getting some addons for the new expansion.. i hadn't played it in about a year and when the second expansion came out i wanted to see what it was like and try the deathknights.. i think i played on my 4 year old account for maybe a week after getting back ..then couldn't log in.. i called blizz and they confirmed it was hacked.. i had to set up a new email account and make sure my system was secure and a few other things..then let them know everything was secure.. it was right around when they were having this huge hack wave or something ..i know the forums were loaded with people that were being hacked .. so i had gotten back into my account..all my stuff was gone in most of my chars but my rogue lol..they even left the gold on that one..they used it to make deathknights on every realm they could make one on until i had gotten it bback.. all from an addon site that i was used to using back when i used to play.. so after that i just stopped using addons and sites not related to official WoW sites.. last tiem i was there..they had people they had hack that were on my friends list sending me IM's about gold offers.. i was like ..omg this has gotten real bad.. it took about 3 days after i had called blizz before i could get back online..but they shut the account down right away until i did everything on their list they asked for.. just glad i found out right away..it would have really been bad if that had happened and then i stopped using my account for a year lol..it would have probably been totally gone or me banned for life or something lol
  12. Dogboat Taurog wrote: its very easy to have a keylogger on these fraudulent sites. so as well as you paying them for lindens which you wont receive, you also risk having your Credit card details copied too. from there the site operators can shop for free with your credit. i would advise you cancel your CC and bear in mind next time the old adage; "if it looks too good to be true it probably is". you thought you could but L$ cheaper than LL sell them for? Lol. I would think a lot are like those WoW gold seller sites..almost all of those have something to get the account of WoWplayers that buy gold..LOL thats where they get a lot of their gold..from accounts they hack from people that have bougth from them..
  13. not sure about now..but didn't they have a website for support as well as other things you could go to as well? ETA: It looks like their site is down at the moment..they may be doign somethign with that.. they may be working oin that and just not online in sl..they could have had server problems as well that has them all hands on deck..
  14. don't want to know what i spend a month..i know last month they said i went over my monthy and wouldn't let me buy anymore lindens..i was like..since when did they start doing that? and i hit a couple of days where i went over my daily too..i never did that before either.. is this something new they added or am i just getting cut off more because there is no xstreet now? I
  15. Any type of music that fits my mood at the time..my favs change a lot..Soul is one of my most favs and rock old AC/DC bluesy style rock..not lead guitarist takes over every place in the song type rock.. Old AC/DC is timeless good rock and can change my mood from bored to energized the second one of their songs comes on..
  16. Worst IM lines to me are the ones that start with some RP that has me in some situation that feels like it's right out of a bad pron movie or some bad friday the 13th girlfriend waiting for the boyfriend to get back with the beers that will make teh sex ooh so much better scene..All before saying hello StrangerInTeh Night:Walking passed the womens shower room at the gym i notice a light under the door..*Wondering to myself * Who would be here after closing.I sneak into the shower room to investigate.I notice womens clothes on the bench outside the shower .Slowly i sneak looking around the corner and notice you in the shower with your back to me..(He goes into descriptions of how the water bounces off my body and soap dripping and other stuff while watching me neked all while sneaking up on meh in teh showers) Standing only inches behind you i lean to your ear whispering*.It looks like i caught a tresspasser.. Ceka Cianci: Relaxing in a hot shower after teaching her last KungFu class of the day..Thinking everyone else has gone home and is all alone in the building she begins to sing a song that her father used to sing to her everynight after tucking her into bed. ...Singing while rinsing the shampoo from her hair she is startled by hearing a voice in her ear as arms wrap around her.. *WHO THE HELL !!! * Quickly she reacts.
  17. here is what mine says i haz Elite powers again wee \o/ :smileyhappy: Note: Your internet plan provides you with unlimited usage. There are no usage details to display. no wonder i couldn't find anything about it hehehehe
  18. i was just reading yesterday about workers that work for the reactor plant.. They all had gotten emails from the plant asking..can you come.. now there is a group called The Fukushima 50 that is going on what is considered a suicide mission and going to do what needs to be done in heavey radioactive levels..knowing they will not come out or come out the same again... i'm gonna find the article..it was really amazing how much they looked at others they work with as family.. here it is The Fukushima 50
  19. bleh..i just got U-verse Elite march the 3rd..which i don't know what the hell is so elite about a cap on my bandwith.. the stupid sales people didn't say crap about bandwith limits..we set it up before the 3rd ..but the 3rd was my day i activated.. i looked at all my paper work and all the tons of junk mail or anything i have from them and it doesn't mention it.. why hide something that is suposed to be what some would call a feature AT&T? not even on my U-Verse bill does it say anything about usage..if they are gonna cap me then shouldn't i get somethign that shows my usage? how do i know if they are not ripping me off if they say i went over? figures i pick the one that sux...if i go over one time..you can bet i'll be going for less speed and no cap.. just one time AT&T and you can kiss my cheeks..and not the ones on the sides by my nose..
  20. Just toying around in photoshop trying to get the feel back hehehe.. sort of just thinking outloud LOL
  21. Darkie Minotaur wrote: I just love his posts - and I die laughing when he goes on about The Help People. So: Long live Waisted. Ya everyone gets a kick out of it at first.. Then it turns into that episode from SpongeBobSquarePants where he ripped his pants..
  22. Psyco's would be wise to choose another target..I love the attention waaaay too much....A sad thing for them is my thirst for it is more than they can provide and they always end up trying to get away before i am done with them.. Yep thats not gonna happen..Not on my watch..Get back here honey bebee..I'm not done with you yet lover!!!:smileyhappy: Now tell me more about me again? C'mon you know what mommy likes!! SAY IT!!! How do i handle a psyco..I turn on mah crazy powers..Ahhhhahahahaaaaa AAAAleeebra leeebra kakakakaka!:smileyvery-happy: Works everytime..:smileywink:
  23. That just looks like a list resellers would want to be on rather than have to be on.. kind of like the tpv list.. is there someplace it says they put their accounts at risk of being on hold if they buy $L's from anyplace that is not on their list? just asking because it didn't show anything on the link Venus provided.. if there is it would be nice to show people that may not know they are breaking the rules doing that.. it would help to put a damper on those places that spam the forums as well.. =)
  24. ya i think i'll just wait till it comes out hehehe.. it's probably something that will be fixed before the release of it..i was just curious about it..i never left bewbie jiggles on after the first 20 minutes i tried that..i'm sure i would do the same with this hehehehe
  25. is this stand alone or do i need to already have their 2.6.0 viewer installed?? i can't get this one to run so far..it shuts down right away..
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