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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. if it does not meet what adult content is then it is considered mature content and activities.. on mature land you can cut the grass nude if a sim owner allows nudity outside..you just can't have sex while cutting the grass if the grass is outside lol it was said that you could have sex beds on mature land and that you could have sex in your private homes.. you don't need a sky box for it..if someone cams in then the ones inside are not advertising..the ones outside are seeking.. if the ones inside were promoting and seeking an audience..then it becomes adult content and activities..otherwise it is mature content and activities..
  2. Most that i can think of are usually times when someone shows up to a club or someplace and has forgotten to detach their GenderMcbobulators.. Male or female it always reminds me of the movie "something about Mary" on prom night and the brother yelling.. Beans and Franks!!!Franks and Beans!!!
  3. Indy Melody wrote: Just found out that LL had decided to no longer accept PrePaid Credit Cards. How many people will be affected by this decision and no longer be able to purchase lindens I wonder. The ones that tell LL screw it if you don't want my money..Most will find another way..Some will get fed up and tired of payment changes changing from this to that because LL can't stick to the plan lol
  4. sim performance is by far nowhere near an all time low..does anyone remember having to fly up to the clouds for 15 to 30 minutes so your hair could rez let alone 15 to 30 minutes for a shirt change? lol
  5. go back to off topic just outside of this thread..then go up to board options and sort by latest post date :smileywink: Also the forums have changed a few times..with that so have the people that use them more than a few times..These forums will build thier own regulars just as they have in the ones before these.. Each time there is a new forum ..there is always the "where did everyone go" thread.. Some don't care for the changes so they leave or spend more time in world..So others will show up and find each other and become friends or foes or love to agree and debate with each other ect.. Just because older forum users leave it does not mean the forums will not have quality people in them or that they will die off..People come and go all the time..Forums evolve.. give it time..the forums will regroup..it takes a few good months for people to find each other..even when they are all in the same place hehehe :smileywink:
  6. Why let it bug you so much?? They may be raking in the money and they may not..why care one way or the other? hehehehe
  7. Some of us are on summer break... SL or Party bardge ? hmmm :smileywink:
  8. even LL doesn't know how many acounts a person has..so this guy is bluffing..
  9. you can try Zooby's pets also..thats where i got my calico i have..i don't know how big her selection is in world.. but here is a market link to her store. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/10185: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/10185 here is her siamese https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ZOOBY-ULTIMATE-SIAMESE-CAT-90/1288662: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ZOOBY-ULTIMATE-SIAMESE-CAT-90/1288662
  10. Aww i am so sorry for your loss.. I used to have two shorthaird siamese that were actual twins..when they were born they came out at the same time in the same sack..but they were not joined or anything like that..one female and one male.. They never left each other for anything..If one got in a fight the other was right there with them..If one had to cuddle then they both did..If i separated them for any amount of time..Well it just wasn't good to do..They wouldn't stand for it.. We called them Bonnie and Clyde..They were the only thing besides me and my BF that the dogs would move out of the way for..if they saw Bonnie and Clyde coming down the hall..they made a path lol.. When the Bonnie passed away a few years back..Clyde just kind of gave up and lived only a couple weeks longer..He stopped eating and became mean to anyone but me.. i was never much of a cat person myself but for those two ..My dogs pretty much wouldn't let me be..Always wanting to eat them..But when it came to Bonnie and Clyde ..They left them alone because they would quickly find out that it wasn't just one cat they had to get in a fight with hehehehe One siamese is bad enough when they get pissed off..Add another and even a 250 pound mastiff will take off hehehe..I've seen it happen.. I do hope you find something in world and RL as well that will make the loss much easier for you..It's never easy losing a family member.." Huggles"
  11. i used to wear this one in the old forums..i forget where i had gotten it from.. "when i go i want it to be in a nice peaceful sleep..Not screaming my head off like the guy in the passengers seat"
  12. Setekh Ichtama wrote: Land owners can do pretty much what they want because it's their land. Here's hoping you never have to open a support ticket though! :smileyvery-happy: they can boot someone for any reason..but they cannot do pretty much what they want to anyone because it's their land.. they are under the CS and TOS also..even when it comes down to visitors on their land.. they have owners rights to the virtual land and can lose those rights and be perma banned just as easy as any asshat being an asshat..
  13. well they did take care of a lot of that spam that was just eating up the forums before.. whatever they are doing..i think it's better than the frustration going on when spam bots and wastedbot would show up on a friday night and spam till monday morning.. the forums may not be 100% what everyone wants all the time..but they are better than they were.. and so are the mods.. atleast from what i've seen so far.. last forums there wasn't even decisions on AR's..people would just AR something and the mod bots would get rid of it.. so ARtards weakend and spam bots weakend.. They say to follow the guidelines of the forums.. if people want to tote the line knowing it may be on that fine line of staying or going.. then it shouldn't be a shock if something goes away.. maybe if people want an rl off topic section ..they should ask them to make a first life section ..maybe that would stop a lot of the confusion..anything first life related can go in there and it wouldn't get pulled.. just a thought..:smileywink:
  14. This pretty much sums me up..well not the wanted poster..hehehehe but for the most part gunslinger slash jeans chaps and a flannel get out there and ride your horse where nobody else can kind a girl hehehe
  15. are you looking at the profile of the group or just looking at the group in the search window?? the join button won't be in the search where you open to see the group..you have to click the profile button and it will open the group in the side bar and then a join button should show..
  16. If you are looking to setup a photo room where you are wanting to take pictures and then bring them into photoshop..myself i just create a room and will have the walls all white or green or blue or red ..depending on the scene or what i am wearing to clash with and make easier to separate in photoshop.. there are lots of pose stands out there with poses in them that are mod that you can add more poses with.. mine has a hud which someone made for me a long time ago..all i do is jump on one poseball and can cycle through until i find the pose i am looking for.. if you want to make different types of lighting..you can create a small spheres and go into the build tools and under features add the power of the light and even color you want..then place those in certain spots..there are probably some lighting kits on the market for next to nothing as well.. my photo room is 32x32x32 which gives me plenty of room if i want to drop any kind of props or something i want to add to a scene..plus plenty of camera room for panning back without running into a wall.. myself i haven't found any studios that i could buy that really give me the freedom to set up a pose and move around myself for different shots...usually they are just a wall that will cycle through textures and seem to limit to a certain amount of space.. as far as walkthrough for making them..maybe the knowledge base may have something..Torely may as well..
  17. ya i am just saying that there are a lot of people that will act like they have some super powers in second life when they don't really have anything that anyone else could not get.. there are lots of things in world that could find you on the grid..they could even be using some sort of funky viewer that maps you..
  18. i just upgraded myself back to premium hehehe..i forgot all about the stripend..someone told me i would not get the same as i used to get and would more than likely just get the 300 like everyone else.. still getting the 400 like i did when i first opened it..so that was kind of neat hehehe
  19. i kind of like the layout with all the sections..we have machinima which we can go to or fashion or art or whatever..no digging..just hit the section and either start a thread or join one that relates to what you are looking for.. it sure beats people ARing picture threads after people go to all the trouble of making something in photoshop ..only to have the ARtards AR the whole thread and everyones work is gone nevewr to be seen again.. it's not hard at all to find what i am looking for.. i did have to set my selection to date of post instead of thread so that i could see the active ones..but that was no biggy to find either..they sure are better than that jive crap we were stuck with thats for sure hehehe
  20. people will also sometimes lie and make the information they have on you sound more than what it is..to scare you mostly..like they have some leg up on us or some stupid crap like that lol some can have lucky guesses just seeing you and an alt in more than one group together or in places together..they can pick up on how you typre and just anything..because they are obssessed and look at any little detail to line up.. i had one man IM me saying he left something in my home for me on my bed..then when i tp's to my house ..he said ..ahh i see you are at your house now..LOL a lot of people would think..ok this guy has a way of following me..when all that infromation he used was just looking at my profile in a place he saw me at..then tping to my home because he knew i was at the place he just left..then opening he map to see a dot land in my home assuming it was me landing there.. so a lot of things may just seem like they are bigger things than they are..when all he had was an LM to my house and a current location where i was at the time and a place he more than likely knew i would jump to out of curiosity.. he could never pull it off if i had tp'd two sims away a second later..because he would not be able to tell me where i was after i left my house hehehehe this guy only knew me for a few moments..You mention the one stalkign you knew you for three years or has been keeping track of you for three years..they could gather a lot of little important details about anyone in that time to use.. take what a lot say with a grain of salt..still never let your guard down..:smileywink: a stalker is only as bad as we let them be..we are the ones really in control of them..they just don't realise it yet LOL
  21. Here i stand broken hearted Tried to build and (Ceka Ciancia has gone offline) (Ceka Cianci has come online)could never get started I made a cube my very first (Ceka Ciancia has gone offline) (Ceka Cianci has come online)DAY!!! :smileymad: (Ceka Ciancia has gone offline) (Ceka Cianci has come online) (Ceka Ciancia has gone offline) (Ceka Cianci has come online) Oh well you get the picture anyway :smileytongue:
  22. User name to me has always been something that i knew would be public and name for the account.. Private is what you are not using or displaying to everyone in whatever program or messenger you are in.. The TOS and Privacy policy are filled with information telling you that your user account name is public.. Why would they call it avatar name when it is a user name and account name?Avatars are not users and change just like display names do..but users remain the same person you are communicatiing with through the life span of the account..it's not your avatar name..it's your user name.. just about any communication program has your user name as your public communication name..:smileywink:
  23. Shakira Kimagawa wrote: I have heard that there are huds and third part applications that allow people to find out alts. do you know any really good and really working shield that can stop such griefers? I have my way to do it but I was just wondering if any hud/shield exists, so I can be in double session on the same OS without letting anyone find me out. I might save also a few on my bills . I just need the shiled or script to stop such devices. I really need such a shield (if any exists), cause a Jealous person keeps stalking me, thinking that I want her partner. For future cases i would just use a veiwer with the media filter..There are viewers with the filters for the v1 and v2 viewers.. phoenix has media filter.. Also Dolphin 1 if i am not mistaking Rainbow or Cool viewer also..i forget which of those two..hehehe. i am half asleep and waking up at the moment but those are just a few v1's i know... For V2 viewers the Dolphin 2 viewer i believe even has the media on a prim filter.. Phoenix's Firestorm which is phoenix's v2 has a version for media on a prim filter if you know how to compile a viewer.. that is out now.. They will also have a version of the media on a prim filter hopefully in the next pre-alpha of Firestorm for the people in their test group.. As far as viewers without a media filter..I Would make sure "Media" is Turned off.. Also "Allow Media to auto-play when entering a region" Turned off.. If you are using a v2 viewer i would include "Play media attached to other avatars" Turned off.. Also have "Allow resident scripts to play media" Turned off As well as not using the viewer built in browser.Use your browser instead.. A lot of those alt detectors used timing to line up an avatar name and an ip as to when they would enter and leave a sim.. music streams were really not used in those basically because you didn't even have to be in the same sim to be listening to a stream..the timing was too irregular to be able to say who was leaving or coming..people are always clicking on and off their streams.. Also that music streams on land can only run one stream at a time and would need land permissions to have the ability to load their stream for the milli second they would pop on to scan..where media is not so restricted music streams were just to unreliable..where media was much more versatile..especially with those on v2 viewers because of media on a prim.. if anyone IM's you telling you your alt names and you never told them your alt names..AR them for disclosure.. because they are relaying information about you that you never gave permission to give out.. Thats information that only you and LL should know unless you happen to give it out..either way if you gave it to someone else and this person talked to them..it's still not something they should be passing around..even if that someone they pass it to happens to be you.. it's not who they are passing it to..but the information they are passing which is considered private user information..it's not avatar information..it is private account user information..and that is ARable..:smileywink:
  24. theft is theft nomatter how easy it is to get away with it..
  25. Waa Choo wan? son kina parade or sonting..or meybe you wan a corn ona steeek? Eneweys..I ho you fine what you looking for neeekstine.. Signed Nachooo's side keek
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