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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Marcus Hancroft wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: when you have seen like ten " you know you are hooked when " threads over the years i'm not knocking your thread..i'm just feeling old lol Heheh...Miss Ceka. I guess I can understand. I see threads around the forums I think the same thing about sometimes. i think they are fun threads.. but it was the best i could think of as to how i know i am addicted LOL
  2. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: So they've finally put Blondin's informal promises about sexual activities on residential M-rated land into writing. That's a good thing. I thought they'd go back on that and force all kinksters in moderate regions to relocate to adult sims. thats just for those that needed it written out for them..((ETA: the reason i say that is because it seems to be LL's latest way of doing things..feeling the need to write it or spelli it out to users..kind of liek their words in their new age verification ..i thought it was a bit smartassy of them ..but i guess sometimes it needs to be i guess lol heheheheh)) nothing had ever changed for the regualr private citizen residents.. the only words that ever mattered were the ones in the CS and in the maturity ratings.. those were not written to the private citizens..well maybe general rating had something in there for them.. but moderate and adult didn't..
  3. when you have seen like ten " you know you are hooked when " threads over the years i'm not knocking your thread..i'm just feeling old lol
  4. LOL ya i remember that now.. i thought that was if she got nude for him then.. it was awhile ago..but ya i wonder where she is now?
  5. it should be open to anyone..reallly i don't remember what all is on there..lol i'm sure there are some though from some photoshoots lol
  6. oh you have seen me nude before haven't you? i could swear there were some on my flikr hehehe
  7. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Ha, that's awesome, Ceka! I'd never thought of doing that...now I can't wait to send a noob plummeting to the ground! well you kind of have to not be that high up hehehe..if they can fly up 4k meters then they have flight assist..unless you detatch all their stuff..i have a rock n roll that does that lol but if you are where they can fly up you can do it.. i have had some that i think got land marks from someone that got into my house before.. one guy was with some girl in my room..i turned fly off and set the floor to nonphysical and then told them to get out..the second they stepped off it was *SWOOSH!!* \o/ \o/ AAAAHHHHH!!!! down they went :matte-motes-evil-invert: i used to have this little funny dream about perves newbs that didn't know anything about SL.. this was when i didn't know ban lines had a roof lol it was to set banlines on the ground and then have fly off and when they got close enough they woudl fall into my trap.. i had this funny image of lots of trapped perve newbs on the ground caged in my ban line land just begging for their freedoms from the evil woman above LOL :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  8. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Wildcat Furse wrote: a good solution that will offer you more privacy is to set-up a skybox between 2000-4000 meters height which will stop people from camming in (because then they cannot find you anyhow) ....:smileywink: *meows* Some very lonely and desperate (dare I say horny?) people don't shy away from flying up to a skybox if they see a green dot on the mini map. I used to work in a skybox above 1k meters before I had my homestead sim, and I was often IMed by nosy people who were hovering outside. "What r u doing, can I come in, u r prety" and so on. Quite bothersome. i love shutting fly off on newb perves LOL
  9. oh ya i forgot about that...thats the new feature...does that work for cams also? not that i'm worried about being seen nu......oh never mind i already said that part
  10. thats what i do..i'm up around 4k somewhere in this world.. not because i'm worried about my avatar being seen nakies..heck half of SL has already seen that anyways LOL.. i just like not seeing anyone around me..i breath better when it's my sky hehehehe
  11. really about the only way is having clothes on or not worry about it... hehehe you can't stop a camera from camming through prims that i know of.. and it's not really against the TOS..
  13. kurt7D8 Avon wrote: I just want simple communication. the day we get simple communication from LL is the day i head for the hills..because something is up..LOL i will admit i haven't had any bad service as ar as customer service so far.. i can't speak for my fiance..but that was his typo that caused that.. as far as blog stuff and communication anywhere else ..ya it's not simple and i don't think it ever will be hehehehe
  14. just having media on can have media on a prim start up..i tested this the other day.. until they get a filter for media on a prim.i wouldn't touch media..leave auto media off and media off.. also i would suggest a viewer with music and media filters.. this will let you allow or not allow certain music urls.. even with media filter i would still keep media off until there is some filter for media on a prim..
  15. Randall Ahren wrote: @Ceka, your post reminded me of a question I think about sometimes. If you could be fantastically attractive but consigned to lousy sex as it is in SL or just be ordinary but have much better sex, which would you choose? I think I would go for fantastically attractive. Sex just doesn't take that long. really i think i just come here mostly to curb my desire for rl shopping.. The sex is really still good in rl and i'm happy that my jeans still fit from highschool lol i think that being fantastically attractive would be a curse more than something of a blessing..it's hard enough as it is to be taken serious by men in the work force.. i wonder..do men check each other out when in meetings? lol in all honesty..i would rather have my inventory in rl than anything..hehehehe i'm sure my avatar would look like plastic surgery hell if brought to real life heheheheh it's late and i have been sick the past couple of days..so if this sounds like a post from someone all messed up on drugs..it's was a good guess lol have a good night..i'm gonna go sleep for another 12 hours under the warm covers..ni ni's =)
  16. which ever one i feel at the time suits my needs.. my viewer is Firestorm 16922
  17. Melita Magic wrote: LOL I had already left, which is when they began to harass me in IM. Quickly muted. I've gotten to adore that little button. Used it again tonight. I was going to shop somewhere, and saw this lovely profile: " Disclaimer:I reserve the right to share any, Instant message, local chat, or any other form of communication, with whomever I chose.  " That's all that was in there! Besides a bunch of spam groups, so they were probably a bot. But I still told them I wouldn't be shopping there, and left. I'm so tempted to put this in my own profile: "o hai I'm a speshul flower and I can do what I want to cos LL says so and so does Santa" Lol here is mine Discalimer If you IM me it gives me the right to all your RL stuffs 
  18. if they make a fuss like that in your IM's and are being drama queens..just answer them back in general chat.. if you think they were pissed before..just wait and see how they love that cure for the common cold hehehehe:matte-motes-evil-invert:
  19. Melita Magic wrote: It had no personal info in it, and had just occurred seconds before in front of the same people. In local chat. I think the passage refers to exposing a conversation that took place elsewhere, and I always thought it was only about IMs for that reason. Of course, chat spy scripts are illegal we all know that. But this was not that either. It was to clarify and nothing else, and the person still threw a fit about it. I thought it ridiculous at the time and still do. ETA: Not sure why I replied to Void except it seemed part of the same subtopic, but this was more in general and to the people who posted above Void. ETA again: " you can't remotely monitor IM's but you can conversations taking place in range or out of it.. " If people chatting in local have no expectation of privacy - i.e. someone could cam over and listen to something talked about out of chat range - then how can reposting local chat be against TOS? Just confused. i don't believe you can cam out of range and hear chat out of range of where your avatar is standing.. they just told you and everyone that is there the same thing..you are not taking it from a log and posting to anyone that didn't hear it already..there is no disclosure going on.. it's when you take that conversation and share it with others that were not part of it without consent.. i mean anyone of them could have scrolled up and seen it in their chat..so they already put it in everyones chat themselves.. you are not revealing anything that they themselves had not already revealed moments earlier.. take a look at it's definition..:smileywink: Disclosure 1. The act or process of revealing or uncovering. 2. Something uncovered; a revelation.  
  20. hehehe ya peggy kind of pointed it out the one i remember..infact we just passed the anniversary for it..9/6/06..so it's been a long time and having only one on record is still doing really good i think.. but ya not much since then really..i'm sure that made them get tighter than jimmies hat band the way people freak out around here LOL WoW is pretty safe also..i hadn't heard of any hacks on them like that..
  21. do you mean game server hacks or people having accounts hacked?
  22. Maryanne Solo wrote: I got V3 immediately before the Firestorm mesh beta was released. I wanted to see some mesh for myself so downloaded it. The Labs have been working hard on quite a few issues in the last 6/8 months and based on these positive results, I gritted/grat/grote? my teeth and thought I would give it a try. I can definately use it. I did not see anything in particular that annoyed me. This is the first labs viewer I have used in nearly two years. Now when I log in I can ask myself for the first time without any trepidation whatsoever, Firestorm or V3? and feel no negativity toward V3 whatsoever. So much so that I havent bothered to dld Firestorm mesh beta just yet. I say right here and now, loud and clear, firstly, thank you Linden Labs. Thank you for listening. Secondly, thank you Jess Lyon & team also. With the labs & Jess's team slaving away (and other dev parties such as the wonderful Keli's example), I dont really see any reason for not moving constantly forward with viewers now. I wonder if the Labs recoiled in horror when they first saw the results of the new outsourced V2. Those days are long gone. i have a question about their V3 that i asked about thier V2 as well.. did they add the media filters yet or no? because if they haven't then a lot won't even touch it to find out how good it is or not.. LL better realise that a lot of residents are concerned about security and that whatever they come up with no matter how good thiers is..if it's riddled with holes for asshats that a lot of people won't touch it with a ten foot pole.. if it does have the filters then i'll go download it and check it out right now ..i would love to see how theirs runs..=) i kind of miss using the home viewers actually..
  23. Mayalily wrote: Much better! Looks great! I am using the old Phoenix right now and it is a pain and a half; it's so slow and not all things will rezz with the old Phoenix. I found Firestorm to be the best viewer I've tried so far, but unfortunately I got broken bridge links in Firestorm and could not get a clean install of Firestorm no matter what I tried. I'm waiting for the next Firestorm update as Firestorm has better graphics for my older computer. I'm just waiting for the next update. I don't see what people are raving about with Phoenix? It has sharper rather than softer angles for the avi's, and the Phoenix viewer performs very poorly on my computer. Firestorm graphics are terrific and Firestorm is so fast! Sometimes, Firestorm is almost lagless, and it's just an amazing viewer. Needs some tweeks here and there, so I'm hoping for a better Firestorm viewer as time marches on. One thing I don't like about the Firestorm viewer is when I type any word in my inventory, all my folders open, and that is a lot of inventory to go through when everything opens like that. I hope they can fix that issue with the inventory and the keyword search in the inventory box so that all the folders do NOT open. not sure if you tried this or not..but if your bridge is giving you problems..just delete it and then go to the upper menu and go to "Avatar Health" then choose "Create new LSL Bridge" that may help with that problem.. with the inventory problem..maybe the Colapse button may help if you haven't used that..it will close all the folders at once without having to go to the menu to choose close all folder.. also if you did not see it ..down at the bottom of the inventory there is another icon of the inventory that will open an additional inventory window without having to go to the menu as well.. i just figure i would add that last one for the fun of it =)
  24. it's any conversation general or im.. you can't remotely monitor IM's but you can conversations taking place in range or out of it.. it's not mentioning IM's or singling IM's out...it's showing it's about all conversation logs Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. here is the old version before the changes.. Remotely monitoring conversations, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without consent are all prohibited in Second Life and on the Second Life Forums
  25. there were some that really sent chills up my spine more than anything..they were about some serial killer dentist.. the worst part i remember..because it is the only part i could stand to watch.. when he had this woman duct taped into a dentist chair and he just started to snap her teeth off..starting with the fronts.. Blluuuuhg still gives me chills thinking about that..
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