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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Peggy said: "I said IF YOU GOOD it's easy. If you are mediocre it can be hard and if you are really amateurish it will be almost impossible. So you studied hard in school.......guess what, so did I. So you cried in frustration.........so did I. The end result is that I learned what I wanted to learn and I got good at what I wanted to do.......and IT IS NOW EASY. That's the way life is You can try to impress me with your hard work.........but I know it's little more than play. If you are still, after learning your skill (whatever it is you do), working hard, then you are not very good at what you do." ~~~ Peggy I've had enough of your denigration of merchants. It's obvious what your motivation is - you were never able to earn money here and are jealous of those who can - you post on the forum to vent your frustration at merchants, tearing them down in numerous ways. The reason you failed is that you don't understand what a successful merchant does in SL - you expect it to be easy once you're learned the software. If you are functioning as an artist it gets more difficult..not easier. It requires innovation..seeing things in new ways..and whenever you challenge yourself to do that you have to let go of old patterns, old ways of seeing things...it's always difficult to get out of the safe groove and tear your head apart. It's not easy..it's not 'playing' - it's very hard work though there are those times when one gets into the 'flow'thank goddess. Add to that all the packaging and marketing required to sell things here and it's even more difficult - both the creative and rote aspects. Why do I do it? I love to create, and I love to earn money creating, and I'm willing to deal with the stress. This notion in society of it being so fun and easy for the artist is often why many feel they shouldn't be paid for their work. I've even had people approach me in SL wanting to pay me less because 'you're an artist, it's easy for you, and it won't take you much time'. No...it's very hard for me..that's why I'm an artist. I often scan the forums, have found a lot of useful information doing so, but I rarely chime in unless I see something abusive - you are being abusive Peggy and need to shut up about things you know nothing about.
  2. Yeah kind of ruins any kind of immersive experience doesn't it. It started happening to me when I switched to Firestorm, but there was an update too so can't really track down what's causing it. I do wonder if it's worse when theres a magnum server sim next to a SL server sim. I could deal with it if it was just a flash...but it stays there for several minutes.
  3. Thanks Amethyst...I just posted it in the tech area. I do clear cache every day but this doesn't help, and I wonder if this only happens when leaving a magna sim. This seem to be the server that leaves people out of search when updates occur too...I wonder if we can change servers for a sim.
  4. When crossing from a Magna sim to a regular SL server sim it looks like half the sim is resting in the new sim I just entered. Sometimes the ghosted vision stays there only a minute, and on other days it can look that way for 5 or 10 minutes. If others are seeing this they can't shop in my sky store, and I can't work with all this ghosted junk obscuring what's really in the sim. And if people are riding tours all they see is a jumbled mess when crossing a sim boundary.
  5. When I go from one sim to the other in my store in the sky, part of the previous sim appears to be in the sim I just crossed into. Sometimes it disappears in a minute or so, but atm it won't disappear and I can't even work. And of course, people can't shop if this happens to them. Is this happening to anyone else?
  6. yvw Porky.. If anybody is online a lot I wouldn't worry about checking vendors as we get a message anytime one of our prims intersects an avatar. I wish the message went to email but unfortunately I only receive it when in-world.
  7. In a server update awhile back they made it so a prim or prims with bounding boxes over 64m cannot intersect an avatar during the rezzing process (excluding the owner of the prims). So I have these demos of my holodeck skyboxes that rez multiple scenes where people are sitting on a transport flower (that is also the rezzer of the skyboxes), and on some skyboxes big chunks of them won't rez because they intersect the avatar. They work fine after the customer purchases however, as the prims then belong to the customer (unless they have a friend sitting with them on the flower as the skyboxes rez). It's strange because some prims that are huge rez just fine - like those prims that are the size of something like 8 sims (or maybe more), while others that aren't so big and not even sculpted won't rez. I've found that if I rebuild it and make sure the rotation is at 0,0,0 this fixes it (so far). This is probably specific to the spot I have the skybox in relation to the avatar. I'm curious as to why they had to change this - were a lot of people getting griefed by big prims and how did they do that? Seems I heard something awhile back. Once I couldn't finish a custom job due to someone placing a big prim over the garden, and that's when I decided not to work on mainland anymore. I can only imagine how the 'creativity' with big prims flourished since those days.
  8. Hmmm it seems to be working now on new items I set for sale...I wonder if the one tree became corrupted somehow...that has happened before. Eventually I wonder if people won't comprehend a pie menu anymore and know to right click and choose 'more' and then 'buy'. I hate dollar signs coming up everywhere too..plus it's so easy for people to accidentally buy things (happens a lot in my store already).
  9. Thanks for the responses everyone... I've tried setting the object for sale with the Touch option and the Buy Object option, but still the customer gets the dollar sign when they left click so they can't rez leaves on a tree or accessories with a bench. I found the legacy settings under Preferences >>> Firestorm >>>Build....however this only changes the way you set an object for sale (you don't have to hit the apply buton) but it doesn't change the way people can buy it. They get that stupid dollar sign no matter what I do. Thanks LL for this lovely improvement! And thanks for the big prim avatar intersect improvement too so I get to rebuild a lot of my skyboxes because the Demos won't rez for customers. It would be nice to have time to actually create and not fix things this year. END RANT
  10. Does anybody know if there's a viewer that will set items for sale the old way (so that the purchaser right clicks and get the pie menu) as opposed to the newer way in Firestorm (where one hovers over the item for sale and a dollar sign appears, then left clicks to purchase)? The problem I'm having...I can't set items for sale in a forest now that have interactive features (like a tree with falling leaves, or a bench that rezzes multiple items) - left clicking brings up the dollar sign instead of the menu I've put in. I hate putting ugly boxes out beside every single thing for sale in a forest or my store, and want the old system back. One of my trees with falling leaves even became totally corrupted - I can't get the dollar sign to delete even after setting it to not be for sale - so you can't get a menu for falling leaves anymore no matter what i do to the tree. All I get now when clicking is the dollar sign and the message that the item isn't for sale. I can't alternate between the old Phoenix viewer and Firestorm anymore as something gets messed up...does anybody know of another viewer that sets items for sale in the old way? Or will everyone not even comprehend a pie menu as a way to purchase eventually?
  11. Does everyone not showing in Search have a magnum sim? That's what mine is..hasn't shown up in Search for a number of days now...Bliss Gardens Park.
  12. Yes Knowl...there are lots of wide open spaces on the google map...but that is not how you determine if we have overpopulation. Cities require lots of land surrounding them to support the population - all this land is needed to grow food on and supply other raw materials. If there's not enough land to support the city then the city suffers. I live on the prairie - it's turning into a dust bowl as the drought continues. It's not going to be providing much wheat for the numerous cities that need it. 40,000 children die every day from starvation.
  13. Knowl and Medhue affirm: "So, how do we as people fight back against the evil that surrounds us? We demand voluntary exchange and reject violence all together. We embrace Free Markets. Each 1 of us does what we were meant to do, which is be our own person with our own businesses, supplying each other with the things we need or want. The computer age is here and we can now all do business and inform each other. We can reject the chains they want to put on us. Profits are not the evil part, it is the people behind all the profits that create the world we live in. Profits mean that the business is sustainable and provide value to each other. They are a measure of just how efficient your business is, and how you might improve it. To save the earth, we all take ownership of it and protect it. When it's our water, we'll make sure it is clean. Each of us, individually, to benefit every1 in the market. Markets, business, profits, and self interest protects our world, 1 by 1. It's the TV that makes us think differently. With each of us, doing our own thing and providing value to each other, we will create a utopia. I don't need to grow the corn, because he will. You don't need to make the clothing because she will, and with every1 doing their thing, we'll all live in abundance. We don't need governance, all we need are markets that are without restrictions." They had that freedom in the Wild West in the 1800's (in America). It didn't work too well....unless you carried a big gun.
  14. I remember my Political Science teacher saying that politics can be defined as 'who gets what, and how". And I see many parallels between RL politics/business and SL ones, though of course many don't apply. It''s a good thing for business people in all worlds to examine who gets what, and how. Most important, given that we all don't burn up from the RL weather feedback loops set in motion, if we want our jobs to continue as 3D content creators in user generated worlds do we want a world highly governed as SL is, or do we want a wild west world like open sim with little governance, or do we want a world somewhere in the middle?
  15. Medhue how can you say the big corporations are not a problem when the earth is being destroyed as we speak. It may be too late to save the human species due to the weather feedback loops now in motion, but sadly I sometimes wonder if that is really a problem. Maybe it ultimately doesn't matter as Mother Earth will cast us off even as we head to the Arctic to pillage every last drop of her. They will stop at nothing for profit, and just as they stole the savings from elderly people and others who invested they will steal every last part of the earth unless we stop them. Banks...corporations...they are evil today. And they like nothing better than to use those obsessed with freedom to create 'divide and conquer' argument distractions so they can more easily run off with the loot. No..I don't think you are some horrible evil right-winger...I think you are duped...unable to see beyond your experience into a world where some find it harder to pull themselves up by their boot straps due to past circumstances, and where corporations and even some small business owners will stop at nothing for the sake of profit. Employees can't always find another job as you say...it doesn't balance out so easily IN THE REAL WORLD.
  16. Medhue there just simply can't be the freedom without governance in society that you wish for - it will not work because those with the most money always skew things to their advantage and exploit others for their own gain. Right now those with the most money have managed to buy off government to exploit everyone else and so government is not working for the people as it should be, but if government was gone they would just exploit those with less money directly. There has to be some kind of regulation in life, and the solution is not to do away with government, it is for us to influence government to regulate for all people instead of only for those at the top. You seem like a fair person, and I imagine you would make an attempt not to exploit others working for you (and in the complex society we have today work is organized so that we have large companies and employees - most are not single entrepreneurs), but many business owners do not see anything wrong with squeezing the little guy in their company for all they can get. Even if that is not your motive, it's very hard to maintain empathy for others - I would not even trust myself (having majored in Psyc and Social Work and so trained to see others needs) to see all the specific concerns of those who might be working for me. I would rather a group of workers meet and explain it to me, for negotions to occur, and for some kind of governance to be in effect from an agency above me who has studied the matter and received input from everyone involved. Power corrupts, and once again if those in power can't buy off government they would find a way to exploit people directly. The solution is not to get rid of governement but for us to take back our own slice of power in government and make it work in a fairer way. Demonizing the government and focusing on divisive right/left, governement/no government, conservative/liberal arguments only obscures the discovery of solutions - it's much easier to just blame something as opposed to the complexity and hard work of sorting it all out.
  17. Rya said: "....real world companies usually supply information on a 'need to know' basis - and for good reason. Because when management tries full transparency it is almost certain to come back to bite them. Things change, but staff will hang their hats on any information they receive, and will take it very badly when it doesn't happen that way. The environment here is very much like working for any company, where you could parallel the Lindens role to management and we're the workers. As a worker within a company you'd be told to just get on with it under the conditions as they are, and leave actions, decisions, changes to management. Oh, I know that management often make a show of 'listening' to employees, but how often do they act on what they hear? Same happens here. Now, I'm not saying I like it that way, but it's the way things are. It won't change and maybe because it isn't practical to change it." The problem is that this type of virtual world is very different from the typical corporate company you described, and treating it so has been the primary reason for SL's decline.
  18. When a new policy forces us to collect our money from customers after delivery failures, depending on our customers good will to actually pay us for what they received, this has crossed over to maliciousness (because LL can easily fix their mistake by refunding the $L, but through willful negligence they are choosing not to). My concern is that this new policy is setting a dangerous precedent, one in which they feel free to deliver our content through the MP and not pay us for that delivery. If it happens infrequently I'm not concerned and don't consider it malicious, but the fact that the policy regarding failed deliveries has recently changed to where they have no intention of compensating our losses is something we should keep a close eye on. I reluctantly deal with all the failings of the MP, but this latest development has gone too far. Hopefully this was the act of someone uninformed or making bad decisions and not reflecting a true change in policy regarding how they intend to deal with MP delivery failures in the future.
  19. Well Toy, regarding the SLUniverse forum I think it's an alpha male thing - you have to go through this procedure to be accepted I've noticed. As a male especially you can't act like you know anything till you've been pissed on a bit, kind of like what my dog used to do in the yard to mark his territory. Many of them are more disappointed in LL than even we are - they've pretty much given up. I more talk to those who used to participate there and gave up on SL totally, leaving long ago for other grids or just quitting virtual worlds altogether. They were fighting against you, and most were not really fighting FOR SL. They do show respect to Rodvik when he appears in the forum though, well most do anyway, but many trash him on the forum and in other venues due to their disappointment in the management of SL.
  20. Pamela did you have any luck getting payments for all the orders LL delivered to residents for free? I have yet to receive any response for my 5K skybox that was gifted to a resident.
  21. Yes Czari..it is satisfied customers that bring in new members...this is how a world grows...a fact that seems to be unheard of by LL. Faye I'm sorry for your loss...I can't even imagine having to deal with that. An entire sim (one that rezzes over an entire 65,000 sq m island) disappeared from my inventory once. Blue Linden searched high and low for it but to no avail and I was very appreciative of his efforts. But yeah Toy, you would think they would create a backup somewhere!
  22. http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/general-sl-discussion/77023-sl-marketplace-cheating-merchants.html#post1648980
  23. I received an email saying I sold a skybox for 5k as part of an order, yet no money was deposited into my account and it doesn't show up in my MP transaction history either. I'm fairly certain that if this skybox had not been part of an order I would have no record of the sale. I don't sell that much on the MP but have had a LOT of failures...I imagine people who make a lot of sales on the MP are losing quite a bit of money. Using DD btw
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