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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. shoe taper ------> sneaker shrinker (is shrinker a word? lol) storm chaser
  2. butt nonsense ------> trunk bunk geriatric whim
  3. Well Phil, I can't say I'm for certain about this, but I think you're blaming the wrong person (although I might agree the moderator in question is a bit heavy-handed). I think the resident you had the argument with is watching this unfold and laughing at you, feeling empowered because they have caused such trouble to the point where they could actually cause you to leave the forum.
  4. While I don't think (in most cases) people should be suspended for the incident you describe, I do think there should be a new rule, as "off-topic" doesn't really encompass the behavior you're describing, and I see this dynamic as the reason why many threads are closed. This behavior could best be described as people who have stopped listening to each other. While not necessarily attacking the other, or calling anyone a name, they have basically entered into a kind of 'war', emotionally charged,and the goal has become an attempt to try and force their opinion on another.
  5. goofy dick ------> silly willy happy day
  6. frozen wrench ---------> cool tool
  7. Well I guess I'll just stick to telling everyone about my butt....
  8. I just figured out how to report a post. I reported you,Kitty, and my comment was "the kitty went wild"...lol I did not really do this
  9. Let's everybody report everybody's posts for at least 2 hours, then we'll all get banned from the forum, and then the forum will disappear...
  10. I thought that if someone was banned from SL they had done something horrid, like using the 'N" word or becoming violent. But you're saying people are getting banned from SL for fairly innocuous behavior? What are the rules...do a certain amount of warnings equal a ban from SL? Or is all this totally arbitrary?
  11. You can judge it. In times past I've had the odd penalty - way back. But, until recent times, I hadn't had one for years. Then we get the current crop of moderators and suddenly warnings and suspension become common to me, some of which are subsequently overturned. And that's what's so idiotic these days - penalties that should never be issued, but are issued because some moderators ignore the fact that the forum rules and guidelines haven't been breached, and penalise just because they want to. And what makes it really bad is them being in the new habit of suspending people from SL and well as from the forum. Some decisions are totally idiotic, and the people who make them ought never to be allowed anywhere near moderating buttons. It's not just me, Luna. They do it to anyone. Well my guess, we have an extra dose of net-nanny tattlers these days. And, perhaps, due to budget shortcuts, there's not enough time to moderate in depth. And so, the comments that tattlers go after get the ax
  12. I value 'truth' over 'connection', so I don't think I can ever really fit into a group. I do wonder if that's how you are too.
  13. Sometimes it really is just time to move on. I've been at that wondering place a couple times in SL, believe me.
  14. I can understand that. If I felt I was repeatedly being treated unfairly it would not make me want to stick around!
  15. ChinRey, if you ever leave SL, you could make your final statement: "Currently optimizing in another dimension"
  16. word manipulation deceptive conceptive
  17. Why are you leaving SL, Phil? (if I may ask)...
  18. Well my view on this, Scylla, is that if you haven't gotten a warning (or maybe a few) you're probably not saying much of anything worthwhile. So don't clam up! I have always said what I wanted to say here, gotten a couple of warnings, didn't feel so good, but in the end it's just "meh" Now if I got repeated warnings I'd take a look at my behavior of course.
  19. Just found out I have a Class C Business (sole proprietor) and so these sweeping tax code reforms (at least the ones eliminating business deductions) won't affect me. I just hope the landlords are Class C as well, because if they can't deduct sims as a business expense yet have to pay income tax on their earnings.... their cost will be going up considerably.
  20. The most important topics to discuss on the forum are: 1. Have you seen my new butt? 2. Where are the lesbians? 3. Someone has somewhere, somehow cheated me and this should be fixed. 4. Is SL a game? I know if we just stick to these topics that hoards of new users will beat down the door to get into SL.
  21. Federal laws sometimes supercede state ones. But the main issue is not how tax code changes affect land barons or big earners here -- drastic changes can result for those earning very little as well. Most people in SL earn just a bit of money each month, but this 'chunk of change' is added income to their regular job earnings, their retirement benefits, or their disability payments. Sometimes the additional earnings can place them into a higher tax bracket, or trigger other unwanted results such as changes in disability payments. It can disqualify people from food assistance or Medicaid. There's a lot of loopholes though, so best to contact an accountant or attorney.
  22. Right, so that thread would not have been appropriate for the proposed "anything but SL" forum. Oh, well I was more going with Selene's revised idea, which was for additional threads not necessarily about SL, but not excluding SL.
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