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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. It's an interesting topic.. Why do you think people don't change? Or do you think, as I do, that sometimes they do change but are reluctant to admit it....because it's seen as a weakness...?
  2. This reminds me of a lesson I am striving to learn: Listen to understand, not to respond. Me too! When we're focused on proving the other right or wrong we miss the ability to see a different perspective. It's like coming into a situation with preconceived notions where one just proves their perceptions and locks out any perspectives that don't fit.
  3. It's possible that some do change their mind in a debate, or at the very least develop an understanding of the perspective from the opposite side. However, my theory is that most are reluctant to admit a change of mind, or even admit they understand the other side better, because winning is usually valued over learning. Changing one's mind as well as exhibiting a tentative, uncertain stance on issues is seen as weakness. I wish people more often would value learning instead -- it would be great if more would value openess and learning from experience and be willing to face the uncomfortable sense of uncertaintly that is actually more based in reality. I do see some forums that exhibit this quality from time to time, but it's rare.
  4. Am I advocating the following or making fun of it? Now that is the perfect joke...
  5. Good luck Hilary...! I lost an entire region design once! A kind Linden got into my inventory and searched far and wide for it. Of course I would not have wasted their time had it been an inconsequential lost item..
  6. I know, right? It looked like it was gently holding the kitten in its mouth to me. But, what do I know? If you pray to a Hindu God sometimes the kitties will return
  7. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. What happens if the new friend becomes friends with their former enemy?
  8. Hmmm... Unfortunately this could mean your items are lost. Or...they might have gone to other folders in your inventory. I have witnessed some strange happenings with this feature over the years. But you did own these 13 objects right?
  9. Did you rez it and make sure it was only 1 object? Items get returned in coalesced form (kind of linked together)...so check and see if this is the case for you..
  10. Could be nice if the return period was lessened to a day or 2, although I doubt this will ever happen in SL due to difficulties and cost in implementation. If it did however, and with an extended return period of a week or 2, I imagine more than a few shoppers would buy the item to use for the short period they actually only wanted it for, and then return it get their money back. I've known people who change their house in SL every 3 days! lol Kind of reminds me of those RL shoppers who buy an expensive dress to wear to a party and then return it the next day...
  11. Oh...that photo Madelaine posted. You think that kitty is being killed by the dog? Are you serious? You must be joking...or else seriously need sleep...
  12. I fear you have misinterpreted my graphic. You already know I'm a practicing Yogi, so why would I ever make fun of my own religion...of anything Hindu? Please look at the what Roxy was accusing me of, what I prefaced the photo with (context is everything)...she accused me of attacking women with new-age buzz words thrown in. And so I posted a ludicrous poster demonstrating her ludicrous stereotype of me....a new-ager spouting new-age words while attacking women. That poster I created is how SHE sees ME... A bit of context regarding 'new-age'...I was very much made fun of for my religious beliefs on that other forum that Roxy keeps dragging in here (from 6 years ago). Of course it's not 'new-age' (what I believe), but that's how Roxy perceives it. Even on this forum not long ago someone referenced me as "that cosmic woman".
  13. lol the comment above, too funny. Wow Madelaine, what an amazing story! And amazing what SL can do to us huh? I will have to post my photos of dancing with my girlfriend @the SL 3rd birthday celebration, if I can just find them. Good luck on your travels...may they be very fruitfull (sorry, bad joke..lol).
  14. you don't know what it means, and I don't either. I spent about 4 hours reading law books about 'justice vs the law', 'justice and the law', 'no law without justice', and 'no justice without law'... and I still can't say I understand fully.
  15. I'm not sure what the statute of limitations is on this...I guess you have it all figured out? And who says what he did by bringing it up again was "nothing more than flaming/trolling"? Maybe he's trying to process something still...like he doesn't have it all figured out yet. But what if he did it in this case to get an argument going again? I can't count how many have done this, so not sure why you pick on him and not others..
  16. I'm more curious to know what you mean by "social injustice". Well you are the one who originally brought up this topic, and these terms, so I think you should start it off..
  17. Littleme, what in the world would be wrong with referencing another argument from a few days ago? Goodgod I have someone on this thread referencing squabbles from 6 years ago! lol
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