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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Well...a cross between Sandor & Bagnu could be SandBag
  2. I was about ready to jump into this rustic hot tub but I think not...
  3. The "power" is Maya, and they are lost in bondage (not the kinky kind).
  4. I think we're going to have to face this eventually but right now the regulatory environment in most countries makes this an enormously lucrative business and I know those involved won't want to give it up easily or even reduce their rather large share of the pie. We've allowed a global economy to emerge where we charge ludicrous sums for the transfer of tiny packets of information, there's nothing especially expensive about handling online transactions other than the wrangling that is involved in obtaining the licenses to do so. I don't know how we fix this, cryptocurrency (I know, I know) was one idea but rather quickly being made less and less viable due to how disruptive it can be to those currently making out like bandits. It's never easy to fight against those in power
  5. In a capitalist system the top will squeeze as much as they can from those who work for them. We must resist! We need a freelancers on the internet lobby.
  6. Perhaps all who create for these online corporations should get a better deal? Why should SL conform to the too-low payments creators receive on other platforms? As more and more of RL moves online I'd like to see all who create for online platforms get a better deal. In other words, let's not funnel too much of the money to CEO's. However I don't know SL's financials, and realize they do need to keep afloat. Also I don't know what those at the top are making -- could be it's not in excess as RL execs make these days. But to automatically think those at the bottom of a community should pay more is faulty thinking.
  7. Yes I've done that and it's really a lot of fun. Was a bit creepy when some creepy-looking sci-fi guy slipped into the chair next to me though one day. As you know, in VR, you really feel like you're there!
  8. For the most part, what you see as flaws, I see as originality and beauty. I just changed my lighting to noon if the ambience chosen for the overall landscape wasn't suitable for shopping. And I consider the additional items in a small garden for sale a plus rather than a minus. And stores placed in a more hidden manner so as to showcase the overall beauty of the sim is a known feature of Fantasy Fairre, and one I love (not so fond of stores being visible on any sim, really). I do have one criticism though, one PET PEEVE, regarding a particular region where even an experienced builder like myself found it difficult to click on the vendors because the builder of the sim linked all the store structures into one huge link, and the transparent bounding box blocked vendors! The linked structures had an unusual name too, but I'm afraid it would trigger the bad word censors here if I posted it. From the name I had the feeling he didn't give a damm if anybody bought anything from the other stores embedded in his overall design, but could be he just thought it was a funny joke.
  9. oh c'mon, let me feel like some super techie person with my big PC ;0 But seriously, to answer the question @InnerCity Elf posed, I did get a mid to high-range PC for the better visuals in SL, and also for creating mesh and music stuff.
  10. Yeah I can't imagine SL without a big screen. I like to chat too, but only while viewing the landscape. If you haven't already seen it, Fallen Gods @ Fantasy Fairre has the most amazing region this year if you like the long views.
  11. Does it make you feel sad? Yes it does. I looooveee to see new sim layouts from SL's most talented landscape architects. I need to mention, too, that I am using the forum and exploring FF as an excuse to avoid an important Blender lesson. But then, I might be addicted to Blender too. Confuz.
  12. Exploring the very last region @ Fantasy Fairre... Sobs*
  13. All I know is that I'm on my very last region @ the Fantasy Fairre area comprising 20 regions, and I'm going to be very upset when it's over!! And if I've become addicted to FF then it's their fault!!! ;0 I'm using the forum as an addiction to prevent the ending of my Fantasy Fairre addiction! ...... I better go chant and meditate..
  14. I bought my new one less than a year ago, at the cost of $2000. I wanted a mid-range one that would be adequate longer than the cheaper ones would provide (costing around $1000). I don't really like the hassle of upgrading, so will just run this PC until it dies.
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