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Luc Starsider

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Everything posted by Luc Starsider

  1. As Monti says - we need a bit more info. I'm wondering, though, if you own any land which prevent you to downgrade from premium to basic? Also deeded land you are accountable for? - Luc -
  2. The others have Already answered, really, but if you want to see what is available, and what these devices can do, then have a look at the marketplace. Search for 'home security' and have a look at some of the features for the products that show up - Luc -
  3. Smoothing will only get you so far. It will help, but is not the solution to the issue. Aside from the avatar mesh being pretty poorly made, the weighting of the vertices are also poorly done. As have been said, a new mesh have been requested for a long time, but so far none have been provided. Until then, you are kind of stuck with the one available. - Luc -
  4. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: JonathonAnthony said LL sent him a free trial offer of a bigger more well equipped home, which is the first I've heard of such an offer. Anyone else know anything of this trial? I was also wondering about that. If such a thing exist, it kind of underlines the points that have been made about LLs inability to communicate with the population of SL. You would think they wanted as many people as possible to know of this, and get people in to make use of it. - Luc -
  5. The tutorial sites Keli posted links to are very good. I can throw in a couple more. http://www.youtube.com/user/ashasekayi?feature=watch and http://blog.machinimatrix.org/ . The trick with SL mesh is to keep things low-poly, and to manage your LODs the best way possible. The link Zak posted to the wiki should get you up to speed on this. Good Luck! - Luc -
  6. As Val says, you have to move the pieces closer together. There is a limit to how far the center of pieces can be apart and linked, although I don't remember the distance atm. Remember - it's the center of the prim that counts. Not the edges/sides of the prim. Alternatively, you can get something like a Rez faux (I think that's the name, but I don't really know) and package the prims without linking them. And, yeah, please don't shout. We can still hear you. - Luc -
  7. The rigging information in the dae file has to include all 21 bones of the avatar skeleton, even if not all of them are used by the model. Also, if you have uploaded the model previously, try to delete the slm file that was stored with the dae file on that upload. - Luc -
  8. ONE sculptmap cost 10 lindens. Often times, an object require you to use several sculpties. How much a mesh object cost depends on how complex it is. Some can very little, but some cost more. Overall, I don't think you have to spend that much more when building mesh objects than sculptie objects. It's all dependent on how efficient you make the mesh. - Luc -
  9. In a word - No. - Luc -
  10. Perhaps this will help: http://www.masterprim.com/blender-modeling/sculpted-prim-blender/quick-setup-sculpty-blender.php But as Dilbert says, why not look into creating and importing mesh objects to SL? More info here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh - Luc -
  11. Sort of elaborating on what Tiffy said, and also defending LL a bit. LL have to make a few consideratons in this respect. On the one hand, they have to provide value for their premium members, and on the other they can't alienate land owners who make a living from buying, selling and/or rent out land. This is a big business in SL, and I don't think LL can affort to step on too many of their toes. LL needs to keep a balance, and Linden homes is a pretty good deal as a premium incentive. You get a 512 lot and a house included in your membership where the house itself does not count in the prim allowance. At the same time, you don't get to choose the excact house or look you want, it is kind of small, and mostly not the best view and also few options when it comes to changeing it to your liking, so many will want to buy a different plot after a while to use for a home. Hopefully to the benefit of the real estate business in SL. I opted for a bigger place after a while in a Linden home. Others, as have been explained, choose to keep the Linden home, perhaps as well as getting another plot. To me, Linden homes, the way they are set up, seems like an ok compromise, although it wouldn't hurt if they built some more so that their customers could actually get a house... - Luc -
  12. To me the two are the same. The difference is that in the case of a club, the invite is sent by an object which simply send it to anyone it is programmed to send it to, while if you IM someone, you make a choice and decides who to send the invite to. Their both spam, anyway you look at it, though. - Luc -
  13. What you mean by 'a rigged mesh avatar' - unless I completely misunderstand your question - is simply a rigged attachment like any of the other items you describe. They all - as the others have said already - attach to the standard SL avatar in the same way, if not to the same attachment point. - Luc -
  14. The problem you see is a combination of the shape of the SL avatar - how it's built - and the windlight settings you use, which is probably default in the viewer. The lines is really nothing you can do anything with, but you can do something with the windlight settings. Have a look at this page for more information: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/WindLight_Settings Basically, you change windlight settings from the world menu. The last two items in the menu lets you change or edit the settings. (I don't remember the excact name for the menu items...) Finally, we all have the same issue, and cope with it any way we can. Shoes and clothing. If the seller did not provide resizer scripts for them - which you normally access by clicking the item, you can right click the item and choose 'Edit' from the meny. If the item is modifyable, you can then select the 'Stretch' option (or hold down ctrl+shift) and drag one of the white cubes marking the corners of the items bounding box to resize. But be careful. If the item is copyable, make sure you create a copy of it in your inventory first!!! (Rigtclick and select 'Copy'. Then paste) - Luc -
  15. If you right click yourself, you should se a 'Sit down' item in the menu. That is probably what you want. Hopefully - Luc -
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: I completely agree with that. Posting necessary information on Twitter is fine but it should always also be posted where the users are - here or in the blog. Posting necessary information exclusively on Twitter is a really idiotic thing to do, and it reveals something (really negative) about the person who decided to do it that way - Rodvik, wasn't it? It is really easy to think Rodvik is behind it. I'm not sure he made the decision all by himself, though, even if he probably influenced it greatly. He does seem to like to make people work to find any relevant information. Spreading everything on feeds, twitter, facebook and whatever doesn't exactly make it easy. - Luc -
  17. Ah, right! I didn't read your post too well. So, this is the 'Don't worry. We're building more' part of the message. Two weeks is a long time to let customers wait. Perhaps the Moles are on strike? Everybody has been let go, and there's no one left to start the auto rezzer? @Peter. You might very well be right. I don't blame LL for trying to get more customers, and I hope they manage. I'm not sure I think the customer they're after is the 'right' type... Also, contrary to what I have a feeling LL thinks, trying to attract new customers does not mean you have to abandon and forget the existing customers. - Luc -
  18. You'd have to wonder, though. If they created 21 sims a while ago, which have been taken. Does this mean more people are signing up for premium? Or are simply more people abandoning mainland and getting a Linden home in stead? Oh, yeah! I agree with Phil and Dres. Recommending Twitter for updates *is* idiotic. Seems secondlife.com is just a signup form with a few embellishments, and the community a resident sandbox/playground. - Luc -
  19. I agree with the others. This is almost certainly some issue with the connection. There used to be a problem, I don't know if it still is, with Netgear routers and SL. (Or one/some of them anyway) Do you happen to have a Netgear router? - Luc -
  20. I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but I *think* you are asking about mesh? Mesh is one way, out of several, to build. To create mesh objects you need a 3d program - such as Blender, Maya or 3dsMax. The things you make in the 3d program you then have to export and upload to SL. To be able to upload to SL, it is required that you verify (not sure this is the correct term, though) by a) having payment info (which you do as a premium member) and b) taking a 'test' on http://secondlife.com (you can also take this test by clicking a link in the mesh upload dialog in the viewer). Have a look here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh for more complete info. Also, you can try to post questions in the Mesh subforum here: Mesh where you are likely to get more answers. If you are not thinking of mesh, but other building methods, there is no test or verification needed. You don't have to be a premium member and can freely build (on land you have build rights on such as a sandbox), and sell creations. If you go to a sandbox, rightclick the ground and select build, you are on your way. Sculpties - a very specific SL technology - which you may have heard about, are created in a 3d program as mentioned above. You can freely upload sculpt maps to SL. - Luc -
  21. I tested the 'Apply modifiers' feature in a build from svn the other day, and I'm happy to report it seems to work very well already! I'm VERY happy to see this back in Blender! Thank you so much, Gaia! - Luc -
  22. You find intelerance everywhere... I would suggest ARing the person, and include the chat or im logs where the abuse happened. - Luc -
  23. Someone mentioned resetting your modem and router. I agree. This sounds like a connection issue in some ways. I would also suggest trying to plug in to the router if you're on wireless atm and see if it helps. If the quality of your internet connection is not up to it, you may experience issues as well. Althoug that would probably mean you got logged out a lot as well as other in world issues. You can check this, however, at http://www.pingtest.net/ - Luc -
  24. This is not a new issue from what I can tell. I searched and found this advice from a while ago: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/nothing-loads-only-shows-blue-after-logged-in/qaq-p/723831/comment-id/369 Hope it helps. - Luc -
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