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Tasha Karsin

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  1. how do i send a ticket 20 thousand of my inventory is missing
  2. I logged in to market and says half my items are unavailable this just happened does anyone know if there is a problem or a fix i am new to market and havent had problems until now. I have checked the item names / re synched/ uupdated ect . Ty Tasha Karsin
  3. OK Silly me i just checked and the names in sl object name and item title didn't match exactly, i corrected it and the items sent .. oh well its all in the process of learning lol Thank you !!!
  4. Ty Love I read what you have directed me to , but this is only happening with 2 items, which makes me think its the items them selves. I have tried to remove them and re add to the magic box and rest and re sync . is there something about properties ect that might need fixing is there specific guide lines that maybe im not aware of?
  5. Tasha Karsin

    market place

    why do i keep getting a message saying Not available for redelivery on my market place i have 2 items that wont deliever and are not flagged..can anyone help im new to marketplace : ) 
  6. why do i keep getting a message saying Not available for redelivery on my market place i have 2 items that wont deliever and are not flagged..can anyone help im new to marketplace : )
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