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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Peeve: I wish there were more volcanos in Bellisseria. I like to imagine that new regions rise up from the sea as the result of natural geological processes, much like with the Heterocera Atol.
  2. Now there's a good idea. Would LL be able to provide a free translator at the Welcome Hub? The one I use is not free, but's come in handy when trying help newbies who don't speak English well.
  3. I disagree. The many islands that disappear and sink back into the sea must end up eventually as more sand, thus leading to an increase in SL beaches. ⛱️ The sand for internal sandboxes (not island ones) must have to come from somewhere though. Is it transported from existing beaches or dug out from out of the ground? Is a shortage of available sand why most "sandboxes" are actually grass-covered earth?
  4. Which is even worse, to be profiled as a possible thief, often because of one's race, age, or what they're wearing. Bringing this back to SL, are there ways in which SL newbies are profiled in the Welcome Hub?
  5. We've had a pretty interesting fraud trial here in the US recently. Unfortunately it wasn't a jury trial though.
  6. Imagine a newbie coming to the forums and seeing the amount of nonsense and bickering here.
  7. If this is a store that's been in SL for a long time, they might have decided on their own to use bots to inflate their numbers, because this used to be a more common practice. It's a shame, but I think often the creators who complain most about falling sales or their competition making more sales than them, have actually done this to themselves somehow. They might have been popular in the past in part because they had a big freebie section, for instance, but then they decided to change their whole store design and make it impossible to find their freebies.
  8. B I wouldn't suggest telling people to move out of a home they already have (except for in the old Linden Home regions). Setting up Linden Home regions takes far too much work for temporary regions to make any sense for Linden Lab. Maybe adding a few new house styles will be enough for those who chase the new shiny? I don't think increased Premium sales will be enough to sustain more than a couple more Linden Home themes.
  9. I wonder if some stores like that have lost much of their real traffic because of poor choices in the past, so now they feel a need to artificially inflate their traffic numbers?
  10. How is a worn bicycle any different from a worn horse? Neither is difficult to use, and both are fun to use.
  11. Do you go shopping? The only bots I ever see at a store is one standing behind the counter with some scripted responses to common customer questions.
  12. How can we tell if a dot is a bot? One indication might be where it is. There's no reason to have one or two bots in a Bellisseria Linden Home. They're against the covenant as well. So very few of those green dots in Bellisseria would be bots. There are unlikely to be bots at shopping events or many stores (unless that store has a CSR bot or sells bots). So few of the dots in store and event regions would be bots. Roleplay and AFK sex places probably have some. What percentage of regions are RP regions? What percentage of green dots in Adult regions are bots?
  13. With over 2500 empty Chalet parcels, I'm starting to come around to the idea of converting some of them to 2048 m parcels with a couple new house styles. Would this even be possible though? Would the LDPW be able to convert 2 existing 1024 m parcels in existing regions into one 2048 m parcel?
  14. Yes. They are north of the Welcome Hub, which is just north of the Log Homes.
  15. If you have your Build tab showing in your viewer, you can also see when it goes from being greyed-out to being lighted.
  16. Have you been to the Welcome Hub? There is already a whole region of demo Bellisseria Linden Homes, including a furnished one right in front when folks first step into the region. From the opposite end of this demo region there is a very long bridge into the Log Home regions. Newbies can fly or walk over the bridge to see what is on the other side of it. (They can't ride the rails or a boat because they don't have a train and probably haven't picked up the free sailboat at the Welcome Hub.) I did see one newbie riding the Linden horse from the Library into my north coast Victorian neighborhood, though, which I thought was very clever of her. 🐴
  17. There is already a railway line straight from the demo homes into Bellisseria. The only problem with it for newbies is that they can't rez a train, because they don't have a train in their inventory. The Valentine's train was a great idea though. I hope LL keeps something like this going with a rezable train, maybe just an engine and one open passenger car.
  18. Even an old-timer disguised as a newbie can help with new user retention if they bother to chat with the newbies. I had a couple of new guys chat with my newbie alt. One was apparently trying to form more of a relationship with her and even seemed jealous of the other. He was saying she was cute and chatting her up, which I found kind of cute myself rather than desperate. Maybe he was used to the chat-oriented experience in IMVU? Say what you want about IMVU users, but at least they they know how to chat in more than monosylabic text.
  19. I don't think it would be economical to rework existing parcels. It's obviously economical to add home styles, texturing options, and items in the content packs, because they've already done these things. I think it might also be possible to create new regions with 2048 m parcels within the existing themes. For instance, there is undeveloped coastline NW of the Newbrook regions which could have 2048 m Houseboat parcels. These could be the same depth as the current rectangular parcels, but with double the width. People seem to like being on water, but sometimes complain that the Houseboats feel too close together. The Houseboat theme also requires less landscaping than themes on land, so this means they'd use fewer mole-hours. They still need someone to create the coastline and piers, but they'd need less plants, soundscaping, and maybe less intensive QA work.
  20. Ok, @Zalificent Corvinus What's your sign? I'm sure you can contribute to the thread with a humorous example, rather than just mocking other people's posts.
  21. I think it's fine for us to be anywhere except inside the landing area, in front of the passageways into and out of the landing area, or sitting, standing or hovering over the landing area as if we're looking down at the newbies or stalking them.
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