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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I have over 20,000 items in my inventory & probably only paid for a couple hundred. Some of the best hair I have was free, some from SL Marketplace & some from in-world. Gurl 6 is a good place for free hair when you're new. Dr. Life used ot have some nice free hair at the Gnubie Store. Anyone know where they might be available now? Savoir Hair has some good free stuff by several designers, so you can try some & then buy more from the designers you like. Miss Murder has some nice free skins & packages for guys & girls. You might try Fab Free too. Many stores offer a couple freebies to get potential customers to come back & buy more. Hunts are also a good way to find nice items for free. I'll send you a Notecard in world with lots of links for good free clothes & such.
  2. I agree that these posts are annoying, but where else can people selling or renting land market their SL property? Merchants have SL Marketplace, which works pretty well even with it's weird problems. The classifieds & Search function work pretty well, though I think the classifieds are probably not cost-effective. Is there a section of SL Marketplace for land sales & rentals? If so, then perhaps this where these ads actually belong. As much as I feel for folks trying to make a virtual living on buying, selling & renting property. I don't think it's fair that they can plaster the forums with their ads while other merchants can't do the same.
  3. I agree. Witches Island is friendly & active pagan community in world, with good classes, interesting shops, & fun events.
  4. Montaigne Noir ( the link above from Valarie ) has a lovely pink floral day dress as its free group gift right now. The clothing there is always appropriately modest for a Victorian lady or gentleman.
  5. Lexie, you do indeed Rock! Thank you for helping to bring back our favorite forums & keeping them orderly & sensible. :smileyvery-happy:
  6. Yay for nipples! We all have 'em, so why do only half of us get to show them?
  7. The first 2 links are for boards that let everyone know who the script hogs are. Most of the rest of the links are for personal use script counters. The last one is for a Welcome Mat that announces script usage as people walk over it. p.s. I was wearing hair while on the Silk Road Hunt that had a re-color script in it, though I didn''t know it did. When the topic of scripts & lag came up in the chat group, I checked my new hair & found it was scripted. I was able to copy it & remove the script from the copy. Then I weighed myself on my script weigth scale & saw the difference in memory use. It does make a difference in personal lag when you reduce the number of scripts you're running.
  8. No, you can't name the store that makes laggy hair. I totally agree with this post. Lag is basically caused by 2 main things, a poor computer (user side only) or poor judgment in what you wear (affects everyone). Unfortunately, we residents aren't usually aware of how many scripts we're running. Some hair, clothing & jewelry manufacturers let their customer know they can delete resize or recolor scripts. Others produce No Modify items that don't allow users to remove the scripts. If residents HATE lag, they have to do what they can to clean it up. It's like not littering because you don't like seeing trash all over the place. (Yeah, we all know how well that rule works in RL.) Nobody is going to give script hogs a ticket for littering. Dancers & hostesses need to have nice hair, because they won't get tips if they don't look good. Try suggesting stores that have removable scripts & put a script counting board into your club, so everyone will know who the script hogs are. (My roommate says several fighting groups do this, because lag is even more annoying for fighters than it is for dance clubs.) There are also a couple of good free script counting devices on SL Marketplace for personal use. .:BLK:. Avatar Script Memory Monitor Avatar/Object Script Memory Monitor Kit Weight Scale Script Counter * Script & Memory Use Scale Counter Script Counter - Click Me! Coagulate Script Counter Welcome Mat Script Counter * I've only used the Weight Scale Script Counter, which has a good buyer rating. I can't vouch for the other products.
  9. You agree to the Second Life Terms of Service (TOS) when you join SL. The TOS uses a bunch of legal double-speak to claim lindens are not really money & that you don't really own anything you make or buy in SL. If you ( a customer of Linden Labs) later decide that LL is behaving in a fraudulent or illegal manner (which could include expecting it's users to agree to a TOS that is against US Federal or California state law), you can take Linden Labs to court to have a judge decide who's right. This has been done several times by others, & Linden Labs has changed their TOS following each case in efforts to cover themselves legally after the rulings. Most of us would rather play in SL than fight Linden Labs in court over their policies. Some choose to remain ignorant of those policies, while others choose not to worry too much about them, even though they know what they are.
  10. The Silk Road Hunt (June 1 - 30) is very good for Asian clothing & items.
  11. Try the STEAM Hunt Punks group. I think the next hunt starts in September, but the group is fairly active between hunts too. Once a hunt starts, doing it is a great way to meet other people interested in steampunk as well as pick up cool outfits, furnishings & gizmos.
  12. Yay!!! Thank you Lexie Linden, Santa Linden, and all the Lindens big & small who fixed up the forums & brought back General Discussion. :smileyvery-happy:
  13. Try posting to the Feedback forum before they delete it today or tomorrow or otherwise to the Viewer 2 forum.
  14. I've decided to change at least one of my alts to an annual Premium account, so I can add her free tier bonus to my land group & use her stipend to pay rent on my shops. Obviously, I don't want 2 premium accounts coming due in the same month. So, how long do I need to wait after my main account has been billed before I should make my alt premium? If I upgrade today, would I be billed on the 2nd of June next year?
  15. I guess we can all say goodbye to forum feedback, then? Looks like LL doesn't want anymore feedback from the forum users.
  16. I have 3 kinds of SL "friends" & sometimes it's hard to remember who is which kind. I wish we could catagorize them somehow. 1.) I have actual friends: people I like & may talk with from time to time. 2.) I have people who belong to a group I run, but which is not active right now. 3.) I have people who I friended because they were new, a friend of a friend, or for some reason. Sometimes people in group 2 or 3 could become group 1 friends, but often they don't. Sometimes I go through my friends list to remove group 3 people, but I don't want to remove group 2 people by mistake. I don't usually go through my calling card list to remove people, but I should, because excessive inventory causes lag. For a couple people I banned from previous land I owned, I kept calling cards & added a notecard to remind me why they were banned.
  17. Please try using a survey service such as Survey Monkey and reposting your link there instead of using your email address. Using your email address as a contact opens both you & people who respond to you to possible spam and/or trojans. Also, you mention going to church, which implies Christians denominations. Are you surveying all religious denominations or only Christian ones?
  18. This seems to be the JIRA for this bug, which has now apparently been corrected. Bye, bye free prims. :smileysad:
  19. Thanks, Valerie. I think I'll go with either the Wunderlich braids or the Tukinowaguma flower hair. Dang, an hour to dress & I have 2 of the longest names to spell. LOL
  20. I'm going to a Victorian Steampunk Cotillion (ball) tonight & I don't have a nice hairstyle to wear. I just looked though SL Marketplace & couldn't find anything I wanted. Where are good shops for Victorian & Steampunk up-dos? I don't want it to be too futuristic or cyber, just a nice updo with some cogs or metal flowers perhaps?
  21. This is obviously some weird glitch. When the problem is resolved, select the conglomerated objects in your Inventory & have them Restore to Last Position.
  22. A picture is worth a thousand words, so you might want to watch some of these videos. I'd add more videos to this post, but I don't have time right now. Personally, I don't use "Outfits" for my clothing, because I get too many duplicate pieces that way. Instead I save a folder with my favorite body shape, skin, hair, etc, inside the Body folder. Then I put on outifts from my Clothing folder. Be sure you keep the folders your clothing comes in, though you can rename the folders to help you remember what's inside & delete notecards or LMs you don't need from the folders. Don't delete pictures of your outfits, because they help you know what the outfit looks like without having to try it on. Sub-folders are your friends. Get used to making & using sub-folders to help keep you inventory in order.
  23. Dragging your boxed items to the ground is the most convenient way to set them down. You can also wear them on your hand, then right click on them & select "Drop". Then right click on the box to "Open" it & "Copy to Inventory" the items inside. Some packaging will open automatically when you touch it, but most needs to be opened by right clicking on it. Some items you buy go into your inventory in their own folders, without you having to open their packages this way. Btw, once you start buying things & picking up freebies, it's a good idea to put them into Inventory folders to keep track of them. SL inventory can quickly get unmanagable if you don't. There is lots & lots of free & inexpensive stuff in SL, which can be both wonderful & overwhelming.
  24. The houses I used to rent out had a little land around them, so there was no reason for people to looks inside unless they wanted to cam to peek. To me a sex toy is no different than a sex bed, & both are allowable in private spaces in Mature land. I think such things would look tacky as well as be against the maturity ratings if they were outside in public. RVL devices are fine with me as long as they are in private or in Adult regions, but even if one doesn't have RVL enabled, they still send out little blue boxes anouncing what they do when you touch them. So, no, I wouldn't want them to be outside on land that I own.
  25. Thanks. Jaylin. I was hoping for feedback from people who own a variety of SL pets. As you said, my Zooby wolf-dog is cute, but doesn't seem very bright. And dimness is just not realistic for a wolf-dog.
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