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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. When you're feeling down, an SL support group might help. Survivors of Suicide (SOS) is pretty good & is for all kind of issues, not just suicide related. Building can be good therapy too. I also like putting random words in Search & then going exploring. I tend to isolate too, in RL & SL, but when I'm busy doing stuff I feel better. I make lists of good places for newbies or other themes, & which gives me an excuse to go exploring, where I inevitably meet people & share my lists with them. :-) Another fun challenge is to try to find good stuff for free or almost free, especially in hunts. Hunts that have a group are the best. Then you can follow the clues & chat from other hunters in the group, work with other hunters, sometimes make new friends. You can drag LMs onto notecards & TP to the LMs directly from the notecard.
  2. Join the Fifty Linden Fridays group for nice items put on sale each Friday for only $L 50. I think some of the best SL Blogs to read or subscribe to are FabFree , HUNT SL , Mesh Body Addicts , and Inara Pey: Living in a Modemworld Don't get a mesh body or head right away. If you want one, compare them from lists at the MBA site first, then try the demos. If you decide to buy a Maitreya Lara mesh body, be sure to join their VIP group Before you buy inworld to get credit for future purchases. Then join the Maitreya Lara Friends group for friendly support and chat. The Mesh Body Addicts group is also good for mesh body support. Mesh bodies are tricky, but they're basically scripted mesh that goes over your regular body - so of course any skin or system layer clothes you wear will be hidden under them. This means your old skins will need appliers for the mesh body or just get new skin that comes with mesh body appliers. Always get demos for mesh clothes before buying them. You can wear mesh clothing that is meant for different mesh bodies as well as for Standard Sized classic avatars. You just have to wear the alpha layers that come with the clothes. When you buy mesh clothes they will sometimes come with a notecard that explains standard sizing. Basically, you'll have to adjust a few of your body measurements to fit into mesh clothes better. (Yeah, now we have different sizes for clothes, just like in RL. :-p ) Most people say Add, rather than Wear mesh clothes because they often attach to your right hand, even though they look like they're on the correct body part. I say Attach mesh clothing to the appropriate part when you first put it on. For instance, shirts & dresses could be attached to your Spine, right or left pec, while pants or skirts can be attached to your pelvis. If you get a mesh body, attach it to your Avatar Center, so it won't come off when you wear mesh clothes. If you want new skin, look for skins that come with mesh body appliers. Lumae is one of my favorite skins stores and has free group gifts with mesh body appliers.
  3. Facebook is facing lawsuits in France for some policies that are similar to Second Life's. This passage in particular caught my attention. " Facebook lawyers argued that under its terms of service, such lawsuits could only be heard by a specific court in California where it has its headquarters, and that French consumer-rights law doesn't apply to its users in France because its worldwide service is free. The Paris appeals court dismissed those arguments. The ruling could set a legal precedent in France, where Facebook has more than 30 million regular users. It can be appealed to France's highest court. The appeals court said the small clause included in Facebook's terms and conditions requiring any worldwide lawsuits to be heard by the Santa Clara court is "unfair" and excessive. In addition, the judges said the terms and conditions contract signed before creating a Facebook account does fall under consumer rights law in France. "This is a great satisfaction and a great victory after five years of legal action," lawyer Stephane Cottineau, who represents the teacher, told The Associated Press. He said it sends a message to all "web giants that they will have now to answer for their possible faults in French courts." " The full story is here. How do you think Second Life will have to deal with similar lawsuits, especially over IP rigths for content creators? The Facebook nudity clause issue doesn't seem to apply to Second Life, since we have Maturity ratings to control where questionable content might be viewed, however it might be viewed as promoting public hate speech that is not allowed in France and other countries. I'm thinking of Nazi sims and paraphenalia , for instance.
  4. If you find you can't get your money back, you may still be able to enjoy SL with less lag. Reset your membership preference at the bottom of this page. You'kk probably be stuck with your Premium membership for the period you paid for, but when that time is up, it will only go back to Basic after you change your settings on that page. To reduce lag, there are settings you can change that may help. Reduce your Draw Distance and other graphics parameters. I don't know all the best settings, but try setting your graphics to Low, to see if that helps. Also, when you tend to stay around the same areas rather than visiting many different sims, your graphics will load faster, so textures won't stay grey so long.
  5. This is a Question and Answer forum. You can change your membership at the bottom of this page.
  6. I'm not on the team. I just went to listen in on the meeting between creators & Lindens working on the project.
  7. Thank you for posting this link, Pamela. The OP is apparently looking to make a quick buck in SL, possibly at the expense of people who need real help from qualified therapists. Taking a few college psychology classes doesn't make someone a trained therapist.
  8. At first your post worried me because the things you said this person told you reminded me of an ex-SL-boyfriend who took advantage of newbies on his sim. Maybe I'm just projecting, but you don't need to let someone else have permissions over your objects for any long than it takes for them to move them or adjust them in some way. As others have said, giving someone Edit Permissions does not let them take items from your inventory. It doesn't let them take No Transfer items either. It can let them take No Copy/ Transferable items. On No Modify/ No Transfer items, the worst they can do is send them back to your Lost and Found folder or keep them rez on their sim, even after they might kick you out. On a Modifiable object, they could make it Temporary to make it delete itself permanently, but if it's Copyable, you'll still have the original in your inventory.
  9. To make matters worse, I heard in the first Bento project meeting that some people actually wear 2 mesh bodies at the same time, in an effort to get more clothing, tattoo & makeup layers. That would put a huge strain on sim resources, given all the scripts and high rez textures in even one mesh body, wearing mesh clothes.
  10. 1. Don't worry. Even if you lose an item from Maitreya, they have a redelivery terminal in their store. They don't often have No Copy items either. 2. I get this error when there's a bit of lag, so the items that are inside the package don't registers before you click the tab to copy them into your inventory. If the package is still rezzed, try opening it to your inventory again. If not, rerez the package & try it again. You can safely delete the empty folder.
  11. One solution to this problem is to wear glitch layers rather than alpha layers under your clothes. When mesh was new, some designers asked us on these forums which way we preferred. The consensus was that most people preferred alpha layers to glitch layers - which show through the mesh clothes rather than showing the avatar's skin. You can make your own glitch layers for solid-color mesh clothing as long as it doesn't show big patches of your avatar sticking through. For instance, for a black skirt, make plain black glitch pants. For a white T-shirt, make a white undershirt. If you have system layer shirts and pants that are the same texture as your mesh clothes, you can use these too.
  12. The people who make these kinds of decisions will likely never read your post or do any such thing. Instead of worrying about not having this feature, try to adjust your face shape by looking in a mirror or at picture and adjusting your shapes manually.
  13. Amethyst is right. For a purchase of this size, you'll need to save money in RL. TMI and Waterhorse have the best quadraped wolf avatars. If you go into InWorldz, TMI sells quad wolf avatars there too. TMI used to have a free demo wolf. Maybe they still have it? It was rainbow colored & said "Demo" on the sides, though. If you'd like a bipedal puppy avatar, Dinkies has some cute ones. If you'd be happy as a regular sized bipedal furry, there are free ones in your Inventory Library and probably on Marketplace. The reason good quadraped avatars are expensive is that they're harder to make than human avatars. They need specialized animations. Sculpting and texturing mesh fur so it looks realistic on a moving avatar takes a bit of work too.
  14. Fourmile Castle rents medieval houses for $L 150/ 150 prims. They have at least one apartment that is only $L75/ 75 prims too. If you want to live in a castle complex, it's a great deal.
  15. A good place to find about about interesting people in SL would be the Drax Files. Ask yourself this when you watch these videos, what makes these people interesting to other people? Perhaps unfortunately this is an intellectual question, so it may be easier to ask who others find interesting. The problem with this tactic though is that everyone is interested in different things, so they all have different opinions. If you like traveling through SL, what kinds of places interest you? What kinds of people interest you? There must be some non-sexual places or activities you like? I promise you that no matter what interests you, there will be others who are interested in the same things. I'm also sure that if you report on and write about what you find intriguing, interesting and pleasant or unpleasant about SL, you will write better and more interesting posts than if you try to write about places, things and people that you don't really care about.
  16. This is an old thread. The information in it is now outdated. This comparison chart at the Mesh Body Addicts blog has current information about mesh bodies. IMO, the best mesh bodies for men right now are Slink or Adam, both of which can wear standard mesh clothes.
  17. Here's a blog about blogging that might help you. Why you should choose a niche for your Second Life blog (or even carve a new one) For most aspiring bloggers, I'd suggest writing about something they know and love, but in your case, I doubt that will do much good. If you want ideas for how to be a successful blogger, Canary Beck is a good source. She's smart, does research to prove her hypothesis, and is able to follow a clear plan for clear goals. As others have suggested above, focusing on Celebrity in SL is probably a lost cause. SL doesn't work the way RL does, with mass media to drive the idea of celebrity. It's a conglomeration of special nitch interests. SL Fashion is one of the largest nitches, but it's also oversatuated with fashion bloggers. You might be able to get some ideas for what to write about from Canary Beck's poll of what people like to do in SL. The many roles we play in Second Life As this survey shows, two of the most popular aspects of SL are Roleplay and Socializing. These are areas you're familiar with already, so it might be good for you to stay with these themes. There are no guaranties the blog will be popular, but I think your chances are better if you write about what you know.
  18. I agree with the other 2 responses. If you're happy with your shape, just look for a nicer skin. Good ethnic skins area little harder to find in SL, but there are a few good designers for them. Angel Rock is well recommended for African skins. Here's a link to another thread on this subject, with more suggestions & links. This woman also has a good series of YouTube videos about turning a standard starter avatar into a good-looking African mesh avatar. From Noob To Wow - DorkBomb Second Life
  19. Personally, I think the OP is sincerely confused, but also charmingly amusing.
  20. First, join the Maittreya Lara Friends group for help. This is a friendly support and chat group. The Maitreya VIP group is for store customers and gives you points toward discounts when you buy items inworld while wearing that group tag. To try to reposition your HUD, right click on the one you're wearing from Inventory, then repostition or rotate it with the Edit function. Grey textures may mean they're slow to load. The reason your head and body don't match is probably because you're wearing a system skin that doesn't match the skin on my mesh body. You can either adjust the color of the skin that comes in the HUD manually or buy a skin that comes with a Maitreya applier. You could also buy a skin that comes with an Omega applier, but then you'll need to buy an Omega relay to use it with the Maitreya HUD. Some skins stores have free group gifts that include Maitreya appliers. Try Lumae for their free group gifts. Btw, you don't have to wear a mesh body all the time. If you wear mesh clothing, the body will be hidden under it anyway, so you get the shape of the clothing, not of the body underneath it. To find places where you can rez & dress for free, Search for Moderate or Adult sandboxes, Dressing Rooms, and Help areas that may have dressing rooms. There are also sims that allow group members or anyone to rez items, but you usually have to look hard to find these. One is Funky Monkey'Ville. The existence of nice areas where anybody can rez and dress isn't well know to most new SL users, but finding them can be a fun adventure.
  21. Jake, I'm sorry you and your lady friend are having problems with your privacy expectations. Part of the problem seems to be rooted in you both being very new to SL, and thus not understanding what is going on when things happen. Another part of the problem is that the SL platform does not lend itself to the same level of privacy we usually expect in physical reality. First, take some time to learn basic SL etiquette. When people are ejected from your land or home, they can't generally control where they will end up. This is why you should not eject people unless they are being very disruptive and rude. It sounds like your friend ended up in a not very nice place. If she does not have a home in SL, she should find a quiet, comfortable spot that allows her to set it as Home. Search for Dressing Rooms, Sandboxes, Orientation and Help places, which will often let people set their Home location there. Then let her TP away when you are done visiting. When you visit at someone else's home, it's also polite to TP away before you log out, so you won't rez back inside their home when you log back into SL. Second, remember that no one can hurt you in SL, except maybe to hurt your feelings. If someone sees your avatar naked, it's just pixels. This is important to remember because it's often easy for people to spy on you without you seeing them. If you don't want people to be able to spy on you, there is a privacy setting for regions and parcels that prevents people outside of your parcel from seeing any avatars inside it. They can still see the names, but not the avatars. When this setting is enabled, you can't see the avatars of people who are outside of your parcel either. You can also set your parcel to keep out people who aren't on your allowed avatars list. This can be done at the parcel level or with a security system (which you could buy). Third, weird stuff happens in SL that is not meant to upset you, so try not to take problems personally unless you know for sure what happened. Unless you have a working security system, it's possible for people to accidentally TP into your house. Other avatars might look like they're looking at you, touching you, or getting in your way, when the person behind the avatar might not realize what their avatar is doing or might not be able to control what it's doing. Lag can pull an avatar through your house, for instance. Then the avatar usually snaps back to the last place they were standing before the lag got them. Fourth, people use SL in all kinds of different ways, so it makes little sense to make blanket statements about what everyone would or wouldn't do. Some people enjoy SL sex. Some don't. Some people enjoy watching other avatars dressing or having pixel sex, but most don't. Some people enjoy annoying other people. In SL we call these kinds of people griefers. Online and in these forums, we call them trolls. Because trolls feed on attention, the best way to deal with them is by ignoring them. In SL, the best way of dealing with griefers is to eject them from your land, ban them so they can't get back in, then mute them so they can't send you text messages.
  22. I know that experience too Rosie. Though no fault of my own except having too much inventory, I lost my folder called "Shoes" and my folder called "Separates" (for tops, pants, skirts). Luckily these were mostly older items, rather than clothes for my Maitreya mesh body. Luckily too, it didn't affect my clothes that were sorted to fit different styles and RP areas, nor my unopened packages. Once on a hunt, I accidentally deleted all of my hunt items that I'd accumulated halfway through the hunt. Luckily, I could go back to collect them again before finishing the hunt.
  23. Anything emptied from the Trash or Lost and Found folders is gone. Anything deleted from inside of a Modifiable object is also gone Perhaps you can try to consider this a painful but necessary lesson. 1. Never delete anything *except individual items* when you have a word in you Inventory Search bar. 2. Organize your Inventory somehow. 3. Get rid of old stuff you don't really like. Get new stuff you like better. 4. Save backups of your favorite Copyable items in boxes. Keep the original boxes they came in if you can. Then put all those boxes in a folder or in well-labeled boxes. 5. Don't spend more than you can afford in SL, because nothing in SL is permanent. Renaissance Venetians had some saying about how life is like beautiful glass. No matter how nice it is, it's going to break eventually, so enjoy it while you can. Nothing lasts forever, so try to embrace the transience of things as part of their beauty.
  24. It might be best to look in Search inworld for furry groups. The forums are not very active, so responses here are pretty hit or miss sometimes. You can look in the Library part of your Inventory for ready-made furry outfits or Search on Marketplace for free or inexpensive ones. IMO, the best way to learn how to do SL is with a friend who's in it already, espcially if you're in the same room in real life or you can chat in voice or on Skype with each other.
  25. Since the Adam head is new and I pretty much only get free skins for my guy alt, I don't know who has good skins for the Adam head. If you go to Marketplace and Search on "Adam AND skin" you might find some. Use AND in caps to restrict your search to pages with both words in them. Use AND NOT to restrict you search to leave out pages with then second word, so "Adam AND Not demo" will filter out some of the demo pages.
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