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Teresa Firelight

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Everything posted by Teresa Firelight

  1. I tried for it but just wasn't quite fast enough. It is a lovely location. Thanks for sharing that you were abandoning it.
  2. the part about the prorated upgrade comes from one of two places, possibly both. The video listed in post 1 AND something Patch said at a public appearance (some type of educator's conference I think). The part about downgrading is just a guess on my part based on how premium -> basic works.
  3. focusing back on the original topic... Premium Plus... Today I ran into someone who thought that you could not upgrade a premium account to premium plus until it came up for renewal (monthly, quarterly or annually). However, that is not the case. You can upgrade from premium to premium plus and pay the pro-rated difference at upgrade time. I am pretty sure it doesnt go the other direction though, I think you have to be at a renewal date to downgrade from Premium Plus back to Premium or Basic.
  4. if you dont already have a nice sakura location, your chances of getting one in the next couple of days are not high. I do have one 512 spot that I sorta like... not my dream but not bad. However I tried for a 1024 as did a few of my friends. All of our experiences have been all 5 rolls are landing other people's Tossers, and they were tossed for a reason. SO I would say it is wise to hold off on Sakura for a few days til the tossers get taken and some more desirable locations make it into the LP
  5. I have 5 rolls today that say you moles missed your mark! Take the house at Aoi Hanabatake(22,55,22) for example (my most recent roll). It has ZERO of the features you mentioned.. as did the previous rolls. This one is boxed in on all sides, very tight space between lots, no scenery, no water, no privacy, nothing to see but other similarly jammed houses. I would consider this (and the others I rolled today) a truly bad spot. I should add, however, that there are a lot of very nice spots and overall you all did a great job. But atm the LP is giving those who roll other people's throwaways... so the spots coming up for many of us are the less desirable ones. (This happened on other themes too and eventually it will even out and nice spots will be available again.)
  6. I am about 80% sure that the premium plus package wont include a new release of homes or make any difference in the size of parcel or LI allowance -- though I would love it if it did. Most likely it will be additional benefits only (more Land allowance so you can get mainland, bigger stipend, more groups, cheaper upload fees, etc) However, I would really love it if you are right ... if they give us larger parcels with more LI allowance. As far as buying old vs new premium plus, go ahead and get regular now. When premium plus comes out they have promised they will let anyone pay the prorated difference to upgrade from premium to premium plus
  7. I just abandoned a canel facing 512 on Gyakusetsu .. has close neighbor (my other alt) on one side, open space behind and huge open space to the other side. Hope you can land it. Good Luck.
  8. Great find! thanks for sharing it. I have added it to my collection
  9. actually it is a relief if it translates to paradox... this is the translator I used.. from bing search... Personally I much prefer to live on Paradox than on Jerks, so I am happy for it to be wrong!
  10. Your spot sounds like a nice location. I ended up along a canal as well. I had dreamed of a nice wide river with beautiful water view (maybe even a waterfall) instead of a narrow street-like canal.. but as you said, the 512 water picks tend to get less frequent after the first day. I am pretty sure that if I try to "trade up," I will end up "trading down" instead. My canal spot is not near a rez zone but at least it is "water." Your spot near a boat rez zone sounds really nice. It is probably also a bit wider. I think you are wise to hang on to it for a bit.
  11. JERK!!! uh what a horrible region name I actually activated two temporary premium alts to try and get a "dream" location on Sakura, expecting to keep the better of the two locations longterm. Both ended up repeatedly on a beautiful region with an unpronounceable name: Gyakusetsu. I finally looked up the region name on a translator web application. The translation: Jerks. How could the moles/lindens come up with such an awful name for such a pretty region?
  12. 3 Years ago, I bought one of the highly desirable Horizons locations (double lot protected on all 4 sides, bordering swim-able ocean with sunset view, also front has fairly unobstructed sunrise over water view). At the time I paid the going rate (90,000 $L) for one parcel, and a few weeks later the seller offered the adjoining lot at 60,000 $L (it is set back slightly from the water with a mini-park between it and water, but still a good rate). I collectively paid 150,000 $L for both lots, which is substantially more than $50K a parcel -- but these were really desirable locations. Now neighboring parcels are being offered for 300,000 - 400,000 $L each. that is like up to $1500 USD... I cant imagine how they sell at that price, but from time to time, they do. When I bought mine, I used earnings from my in-world store, so it did not feel like "real" money. I was shocked when I discovered it was roughly the equivalent of $900 USD. I probably would not have bought it if I calculated the Linden to Dollar conversion before buying.
  13. the prices on Horizons have gotten so out of hand... like 350,000 and 400,000 $L for a single lot. I cant imagine anyone paying that much real money for a virtual property. And yet people do pay it.
  14. I understand why Horizons is so expensive (double LI allowance). But why is Zindra so expensive?
  15. you think he would have at least put a resizer in there so that you can make it fit in your yard.
  16. There is another way you can do this on mainland... this wont work for Linden homes but does work for mainland. Deed the property to a group, have all 4 premium alts in the group and each alt donates 1024 land allowance to the group. Then get the parcel and deed to group. This makes you have a 4096 parcel with zero tier. There is no need to split the parcel into 4 pieces. If you are unsure of the logistics of how to do that, you can use the chat support and they can talk you through it. It was a long time ago when I did that, and I dont remember the steps of the how-to, but I do know it is possible cuz I did it myself. I used to do that on mainland with a large parcel for a store, financed my multiple alts. I no longer have that parcel, so now my alts each have a linden home. Good Luck and enjoy your larger parcel
  17. Pls watch the video. The Linden in it says that groups will more than double. since we get 70 now, it should be at least 2*70 + 1 (141)... I am guessing 142 cuz that is a round number above when unpaid accounts get. (unless maybe he meant more than double the unpaid accounts which would be 2*42+1 or at least 83.. which is not much of an increase from Premium's 70. I think it will go to at least 142 based on that video.)
  18. I have a request. Can we please all be careful on the tone of our posts and keep any personal digs out of them? Personally I almost never sit in the public places... my avatar likes to stand (as do I in RL). But I can see both sides of the issue.. both make valid points. However, these points would be more effective if we all leave entitlement attitude, hostile tone and/or personal digs out of the discussion. (This is not directed at any one poster, just the thread in general)
  19. I heard that later this month Premium Plus will be announced and made available. The lab has let out a few hints about what it entails but they are guarding the full details until the announcement. This is my best guess as to what it will entail, based mostly on a video of one of the UG meetings: https://dreamersvirtualworld.blogspot.com/2022/04/premium-plus-is-coming-in-may.html Of course this is only guesses on my part and nothing official. I believe that we wont get any additional premium homes or additional LI allowance (that one based on something one of the Lindens said at a public meeting). But we will get roughly twice the Land Allowance (e.,g. 2048 sq) which enables us to get a mainland as well as a Bellisserian home. (I have a Horizons parcel, so that is a big plus for me.) I believe we will get more than twice the groups of a premium... e.g., guessing either 142 which is 100 more groups than basic... or maybe 150 even. That in and of itself would probably be enough to tip me to premium plus, as I could sure use the additional groups. I think the $L300 weekly allowance (e.g, stipend) also doubles to $L600 -- giving us more money to spend on furniture and landscaping for our premium homes. Also (and this is not a guess cuz Patch told me directly at a public meeting) that we will get some type of lower upload fees. He did not say how much of a discount but I am hoping maybe these fees will be cut in half. And as the guy in the video said, since we are getting more than twice as much benefits, it will probably also cost twice as much. Each of us will have to decide if the increased features are worth the increased cost. The beauty of this, of course, is that it is no skin off the backs of those who don't want to spend extra money for extra benefits, because they will continue to get what they pay for with Premium. And for those without a paid account, I doubt they will see any reduction in benefits either. I have to hear the full details to be sure, but I think premium plus is going to be well worth it for me. I can hardly wait for the full announcement.
  20. You are having better luck than me. I do have one spot I love. My alt has been trying to find a nice place before her premium expires (in less than a week now). Given her lack of luck, I am probably gonna let her expire. Pretty much every single pick she gets every single day has been old and most likely undesirable locations... mostly sandwiched between other houses with no water anywhere nearby, no unique landscaping, nothing other than other houses surrounding it -- across the street, behind, and on both sides. I decided to use her last few days to try to landscape one of these spots with mostly exterior landscaping to "make my own beauty." This is a bit of work and is taking me a few days, but I think it is turning out more or less what I hoped for. If it goes as well as I hope for, I will publish it in a blog, giving people hints on how to replicate the effect.
  21. if anyone wants to see it, my plan is to leave it up overnight and take it down in the morning (the 30th) cuz my alt expires that day. There is no security system so feel free to look around, edit for creators of the parts, etc.... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fieldstone/93/87/22
  22. I built the ponds. I used the Skye water ( Second Life Marketplace - Skye Water System - Natural Water - Materials Enabled ) and I used textures from the Newbrooke Content Creation Pack for the frame and cement. I also used 3 different brands of water lilies. The thing that really makes the pond "work" is the Skye animated water.
  23. I used the Second Life Marketplace - LH - Newbrooke - Ender - Inner wall shell MP2AP with my own textures. I had uploaded those textures from the internet many months ago, so I don't remember where I found them. (sorry) As far as letting it go... I have a 1024 Newbrooke that I am keeping, so it isnt so hard to let this one go. I just enjoyed furnishing and landscaping it on my short-term alt.
  24. The alt that has this 512 Newbrooke expires tomorrow, so it wont be around for long. But at least I will have these pictures to remember it.
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