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Hymn Celestia

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Everything posted by Hymn Celestia

  1. And on that note, Grey Kurka, whose region Mythopoesis I used to LOVE wandering around. Big marvelous houses that felt a lot like Stephen King and Tim Burton directed the movie.
  2. Baron Grayson of Relic I still have Relic Christmas trees -- I don't know anything about him or the timing or the continuity but he's worth a mention; I'd gladly remove his name if it means he's still creating. This tree is from November 2010. (41 prims!)
  3. Lobsters, Uniquely Nutritious, Go Easily. S H E L L
  4. I think asking is a fair suggestion as it will, at the very least, contribute more to the picture. The vocabulary, the tone, the general sense of maturity, these will all shape and colour the visual presentation. Part of "presenting as a certain age" involves whether the writing or speaking voice wants to appear of-age. A conversation will contribute more than the initial impression. It's not perfect of course but any extra clues one can retrieve, as a business owner or a gate-keeper, is helpful. Good faith on both sides really helps, too.
  5. "Two! Hurry! Run!" exclaimed elephants. T R U N K
  6. Really, All Men Eat Noodles. S P O O N
  7. Giant Roaches Often Still Survive. Y I K E S
  8. I'd have LOVED this when I was brand new to land-stuff. Perfect.
  9. Second Life for the win! It's not an adult activity that brings me to SL and I know I'm not alone.
  10. Where there is group chat allowed, there needs to be a moderator or two in order to make sure rules are followed. For example, some brands don't allow advertising different brands in their group chatter, so a moderator has to be available to reinforce such things. It's not the most fun job in the world to have to moderate chatter among adults just trying to have fun; or even adults trying deliberately to stir up trouble (not like that is common, or anything... LOL) So there are brands who simply use their groups for advertising / notices only and disallow group chat entirely. Since not all groups allow for chat, it's not something to depend on if you want guaranteed social interaction. There are always some, though.
  11. Please, Oh Infinite, Not Today. G O D L Y
  12. The point of groups for me is all about Land. Permissions groups, land tier groups, groups are essential for land concerns; that's how I use them mostly.
  13. "Emery" also makes midi skirts that you can mix and match with other blouses https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Emery-Cleveland-Midi-Skirt-DEMO/24193461
  14. Separates are also possible for this look; "Just Because" makes fine pencil skirts and blazers. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Just-BECAUSE-Elena-Pencil-Skirt-Maitreya-LaraX/25970658
  15. I have homes on the Mainland and in Bellisseria, which I find helpful during the rolling restarts -- I can generally wait it all out at one or the other continent. I socialize a lot in the homes; discussing decor and landscaping and various improvements that can be made. I probably spend 75% of my in-world time in a home of some sort, mine or someone else's. Home and home-related hobbies make up 100% of my Second Life living and have for the last 5 years. Having a home is super important to me in this world.
  16. I used to see how many rezzed cubes stacked side by side would fit along the edge of a parcel, when I was brand new and wanted to find the size of something. I made a square cube1m x 1m, and if I could line up 16 along one side of the parcel and 32 along another side of the parcel, it became clear to me that my plot of land was 16m x 32m, or in other words a 512 square meter plot of land. edit to say, if you're interested in purchasing a house from a merchant, you can ask them for a footprint demo to see if it fits on the land.
  17. Also keep in mind that it is possible that other people had your house before you did and set their home to there. Sometimes they forget to set their home elsewhere when they move, and when they log in they're still in what is now your home. Using the Linden security panel as described above and making sure your guests have the group active, that should work as advertised. Other than land-banning them, there's not much else you can do about people who already set their home to that parcel before you claimed it; though you could ask them to set their home elsewhere and see if that helps your situation.
  18. it's ok lol candy jewelry on its own doesn't a minor make.
  19. I thought 18 on the nose; so was forced to thank it. 18 to me looks youthful but is old enough to pass. When I see someone looking youthful but somehow old enough to pass, they get the thanks. Tame, brushed hair; a thoughtful and nuanced political opinion; jewelry that isn't candy; evidence of literacy... something or other will be the tell.
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