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Lyric Demina

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Everything posted by Lyric Demina

  1. Sometimes this creates a very stark look; the blend/mask slider is something to play with. ALSO THE ORDER OF THINGS -- Putting hair on after the lashes works sometimes. There's an order of things to wear so that the glitches are minimized.
  2. Stupid Humidifier Is Nearly Empty. A G A I N
  3. A dark scene and yet you are lit like a professional! It is so refreshing to see. I love a scene lit properly. Looks fantastic.
  4. YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES. There are instructions to follow at the download page "for a clean install." It is only slightly more time consuming and a hundred percent worth your time.
  5. Sometimes Narwhals Are Cute Kissers S P I K E
  6. Kneeling Nuns Owe Wōden Nothing! P I E T Y
  7. Nearly Everybody Eats Delicious Stuff. F R E S H
  8. Gifts Underwhelming? Make Mine Yummy PLS OK
  9. Whitneyville, Bahah, etc.... To the west of Rum Bargain and Swedes etc...
  10. Size Matters Always! Let's Lengthen T R I P S
  11. Let's Everyone All Stay Energized O K I E S
  12. My friend Ethan took a picture of my Stilt House and then turned it into a very realistic version of my Stilt House. So my SL looks very much like this today! I love having it feel so real.
  13. Sheet Happens, Everybody. Expect Thunderous R O L L S
  14. I invite you to look at it a different way. Maybe what PRECEDED was the disturbing part, instead. Rather than wonder how he was able to follow her home, maybe wonder instead how he was able to meet up with her at the bar. Because, since he obviously knew where she lived, he obviously knew her some other way, and the way to find out how he knew her is for her to go back and think about whom she told she was going to the club.
  15. LOL god I hope nobody ever says that about my work.
  16. Unfortunately support tickets really only work once the house has been abandoned. So one might as well just try to time it right anyway. The Lab is very clear that they will not pre-assign houses or assign a house that is already occupied. #BeenThereTriedThat
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