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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. I have never in my nearly 12 years of Second Life seen the group tools so completely broken. There was a time about 10 years ago when the Lindens reformed the group tools and made the ability to deed items to the group a power that could be put in any role, that didn't just accrue to the owner and officers (as was the original default). There was a time when those of us who were Mainland group landlords had to constantly make "TV house calls" to deed TVs or radios. That ended in about 2007-2008 and made a huge difference. Now this function is utterly broken. In most groups and on my sims, I can't even deed items in my own group where I am owner and where my group owns the land. Most tenants, even when switched to a role with the ability to deed items to the group and put in URLs to the sound tab on the land menu, cannot do this. This despite relogging, double-clicking to make sure the group tag kicks in, and despite even making new groups with no avatars or land in them but 3 founders. Yes, I have filed a ticket. Other Mainland landlords I've talked to know about this, and figure it will be fixed in the next rollout. But it's been a week. I was told in response to my ticket that I should "go on Project Viewer where the bugs are fixed." Really, guys? I bit on that one last weekend to check out VMM -- and lost 2 skins, inventory, etc. that didn't return, what a pain. Had to completely re-do my avatar off a Ruth -- again, an ancient problem. Next, after that answer, I was told to "clear cache and log into Ahern where I would likely not experience this problem." Are they daft? What group item exactly am *I* going to deed in Ahern, Governor Linden's prim she left out on share for me? Seriously? I have not seen anything so utterly destroy Mainland business as this bug -- and I do have to wonder if this is the preferred method to soften up the Mainlanders to get flushed off to Sansar. Eject/ban also does not work; terraform works sometimes in some groups on some sims. It is a very strange feeling to be in your own activated group, on your own land, and see terraform just not work. I have never seen such thorough bugs. My suspicion and I'm sure I'll be naysayed is that this is related to jamming in "Experience" to groups and land.
  2. Re: It's rather that the Experience tools are a non-obvious collection of features, and each piece is useful -- but requires that a corresponding Experience be enabled on the parcel where the script will run. But are you saying that the "non-obvious collection of features" now captured for "The Experience" are just "the way Second Life used to work and do things?" That does sound like the script is being rewritten, figuratively if not literally. Teleport agent is essentially a sit hack, no? Didn't it start out as only a hack of sit? Which is why you could only get very old scripts to go 300 meters. Nowadays they have them to 4,000 so it has advanced I guess. Even so, cross-sim teleporters can't be one-touch, correct? Due to the intervening map? Or? Maybe they exist, haven't bought them. And the other advance is that before, you used to have to right click on the object, look for the word TELEPORT on the object's menu, then click again. There was no one-click teleport until in recent years which I still find disconcerting as an oldbie. I do think a pause before a teleportation is a good psychological factor. When the map is involved ,it's very important so that you don't see you are being unwittingly taken into a combat zone or a griefer sandbox or just the open sea. The map should mean something. Of course none of this will exist or matter in the new dispensation where there will be no geographical contiguity and -- wait for it -- no map, either. How can you have a map when there are holes everywhere from the "not always on demand" sims? Even if people "link up" on the user end like Caledon and Winterfell, if X sims within those systems are not runinng "hot" -- no sense to have a map, right? What service will want to render you a map full of holes or things that might be there? That is permanently in the state of a rolling update? Instead, there will be lists with pictures, as there has been in Kitely, or in the old project by Raph Koster which actually was a great little virtual world because it was a farming game but with interactivity and user content. But no contiguity or map. I really do think that as much as some geeks are happy to overthrow thousands of years of real-life human experience making maps and navigating, this won't go over so well and user behavior -- emergent behavior, if you will -- will override this. Of course in the new world, you need one-touch teleportation because *there is no map*. You just want to go through the Croquet rabbit hole or worm hole. Yes, I realize the key value pairs can be used for vendors or whatever and this is Experience even though not "a thing" to see.
  3. Hi, As I mentioned to you in-world, it works great, thanks so much! It works on the keg filled with numerous "dead" landmarks -- it just says "invalid" when the map is pulled up and moves on without fussing and stalling. To be sure, it keeps chattering for awhile with messages but that doesn't matter. The point is you can click, re-click, click again past the duds to the live ones and get on your way to a good destination. It also works great with a brand-clean keg of new workable landmarks. And works to have any member of the public add their landmark to the list, I've tested with alts including those not in the group. This is "as intended" and not the zoo you might think. Yes, it piles up and some of them get dead or you get a spam or two but it's manageable. If anyone wants one of these, IM me inworld. It is for sale on the Marketplace (the current version will be replaced) and inworld for $20 or $25 depending on location, with the proceeds going to cover the tier of the SL Public Land Preserve. Originally the script and the object were commissioned projects but that was years ago. The script is on all perms so it's been made public. Please let me know how you would like to be credited on the script and how to do that.
  4. Yeesh, are you guys now referring to any old thing in SL as an Experience and not just this new super-thingie called Experience? Lord save us. I wonder if the issue is indeed the defunct landmarks. This is a chronic problem of course because sites constantly go out of date, sometimes within months. And maybe if the objects just stores up too many of those it repeatedly fails. So the one object I use it in is called International Bazaar where I stuff it with all the landmarks of RL country or language sims. So I guess because a lot of those have fallen out, that explains the failure. Also I have to say, before what it did with that occurrence is that it just stalled at the map level. Now it won't even take you to the map level. Allow inventory drop is precisely the way this was made. That was how I requested that it be made by this scripter in fact. I wanted the ability of people in the public land preserve to share landmarks and explore, or in various other settings or groups, say, stores with sales or whatever. Like most things that people fear on the Mainland and in open groups, it really isn't the havoc imaged. Over the years I've only found a few people trying to spam it with sales or griefer sandboxes. Finally, I don't mind if it has two clicks on general, i.e. one to pull up the map, then a pause to see where it is going, i.e. so you don't land in a hostile area. But two clicks to get to the map or two clicks and fail, that's the issue right now.
  5. Hi, I should have explained that in fact I *do* need other avatars to drag their landmarks into it. That's the whole point of this object -- you get a community of people sharing different "finds" or just the general public dropping in things they find of value. You can cull it out occasionally when it fills up with spam but generally it works, people tend not to spam it but to put in sites they find valuable. Yes, I understand the "two clicks" -- one to activate map and one to teleport. I don't know why that "has to be" if now there are one-click teleporters within sims, instead of the old way of right-click/teleport in two steps but I guess the hiearchy of the world map versus the local location is a factor. In any event, when I said before it "worked with one click" I'm saying it worked with one click *to bring up the map*. After that, there was a second click to teleport. That gave the user a chance to visually see if he was going to land in the water or something. But now it doesn't even get you to the map in two clicks. Maybe this is lag on the sim or buffering but all in all it just works worse than it did. And no, the point of this object isn't just to teleport the owner, but the public at large, anyone who clicks on it
  6. This originally worked fine on one click. You load a prim with landmarks and it selects them at random and when you click, you are teleported to that location. Then it stopped working and needed double clicks. Then it only worked if you took it into inventory and put it out again. Now it rarely works at all. Maybe it's buffering. But I don't get the issue. I know there was something precious the old Lindens had about the map and this author indicates that in the "more awkward than it needs to be." Perhaps there has been progress.
  7. // Creator: Yumi Marikami // More awkward than it needs to be because of LL's instance that the mapdest call must be // directly in touchstart integer destok = FALSE; vector dest; key last_ds_req; readyDest() { destok = FALSE; integer count = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_LANDMARK); if (count == 0) return; integer which = (integer)llFrand(count); llSay(0,"Which is " + (string)which); last_ds_req = llRequestInventoryData(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_LANDMARK,which)); } default { state_entry() { llAllowInventoryDrop(TRUE); readyDest(); } on_rez(integer junk) { llResetScript(); } dataserver(key id, string data) { if (id == last_ds_req) { dest = (vector)data; destok = TRUE; } } changed(integer a) { if(a & (CHANGED_INVENTORY | CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP)) { integer count = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); integer t; for (t=0; t<count; t++) { string itemname = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL,t); integer itemtype = llGetInventoryType(itemname); if (itemtype != INVENTORY_LANDMARK) { if (itemtype != INVENTORY_SCRIPT) { llRemoveInventory(itemname); llSay(0,"Invalid item '" + itemname + "' removed."); } } } readyDest(); } } touch_start(integer junk) { if (!destok) return; llMapDestination(llGetRegionName(),dest,dest); readyDest(); } }
  8. I don't know if that is the issue, because for the longest time, ever since they changed to pictures with proportions, I was stuck with a very tiny frame. I kept trying and trying to adjust this to 512 x 512 but even toggling to those numbers, it would stay cramped in a tiny frame. Who knows why, but all of a sudden it started working with this latest patch. But then the email stopped working. And I have had small and big photos not go. If it blocked the photos, you would think the post text would still go through as it did in some cases. But entire posts are gone. I've never had this on Typepad's end.
  9. You know, I couldn't have put it more eloquently. I'm finding this as well. My hypothesis is that the exercise that required putting "Experience" into every single parcel, every group, every thing, is causing more strain on the servers or more liability to mess-up. And here we all are. Hardly any "Experiences" and degradation of the previous experience small "e."
  10. Yes, causing havoc. Two click required and a double-check for each change to a new group and each change to a new role after a toggle.
  11. The $30 a week search/places ad distributes evenly to all members of the group ONLY if you check off the ability or power that everyone in the group has (such as "everyone" or "tenant"). Another way to put it is that only if you check off only the officers of the group, say, will they all pay the fee, leaving the tenants without any fee. So if you have 5 officers, they will each pay $6 a week for one store that has a $30 ad. I suppose the way to create a situation where only that tenant pays that fee is to create a special role just for him, like "Store 1 Tenant", and check off "pays group liabilities" only for him. Then it will only debit from him. To be honest, I haven't tried that. I'm thinking that if you have 6 tenants each of whom has a $30/ad, which is $180/wk, and you put them all in a "store renters" role with that liability checked off, they will all be debited $30. I prefer to distribute the cost of all lots for everyone to the entire group and then have no one pay the $30/fee. It's just how I do it. That means there's a $2 or $4 fee per person which is part of their rent. They all benefit from the stores near their rentals and they all benefit themselves from having no $30 fee, and instead having that included in the rent. While this means some people with no stores or who never shop at those stores never benefit, there's another advantage: in an open group, it means no one stays there unless they are renting or a partner. Few landlords do it this way, but I find the overwhelming majority of tenants prefer cheaper rent and a low fee like this than higher rent.
  12. Hi, I don't know if your building will fit on this lot roadside but if it does, prims can be added ($1/prim here). Roadside in Maryport Depending on the shape of your building, I may be able to set up a lot for you here: Roadside in Grote Best might be here, where there is already a mall and shoppers. Mainland is rocky and doesn't always terraform flat, you might need a foundation. Roadside in Refugio Depending on shape one of these lots might do, and the rental box could be set up for the prims you need, for 500 prims it would be $650/week. I disagree with Alwin that roadside means "nothing" in the Mainland and isn't like real life. In fact, roads are travelled, people do drive/walk by, and they tend to gather at other stores and clubs that tend to be roadside, too. So I think the serendipity factor is higher here than just in a Mainland cornfield or private island somewhere.
  13. Here's a nice 4096 m parcel for $1200/937 prims in Tovaris near the beach, established businesses nearby in clean area. Have a store or mall. No waiting for the group, refund any time. 4096 in Tovaris
  14. Grote River Campgrounds are open from now until September 1! Maybe longer if there is enough interest. Did you know there is a *second* river in Grote -- it's been hidden by previous owners! The fish are running high so come get a space. Rent a parcel for a tent, yurt, fishing shack, etc. from $25/25 prims to $100/100 prims or name your amount up to $250. Use our structures or ask to remove then and put your own in theme. Pets welcome, skyboxes too. No weapons or child avatars. Come and enjoy a beautiful sim in the atoll continent by the waterfalls, help plant trees or garden if you like. Self Service - join the open group on the bulletin board. Fishing, bumper cars, skeeball. Use nearby Flamingo Court pool, lounge and sauna. RV parking and hookup nearby, $1/prim/wk Campgrounds at Grote River Update: Better? Adding trees. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by and especially to those already renting!
  15. I have approximately 10,000 sq meters in tier that can be rented at the rate of L$1 per meter per week. So I or my alt would join your group and contribute X amount of tier as you need and you would pay a rental box once a week set to $1/ x number of your square meters. I have been in business in SL for 11 years. IM me in world or leave a note in the Suggestion Box at my office. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Alston/116/28/38
  16. Thanks Medhue. Putting the mesh to convex hull, which I gather the maker should have done from the get-go, fixed that issue on that object on that sim. But I see it didn't fix on another object elsewhere. I've been told -- and this may only be urban lore -- that you should put all prims on convex hull now to "save land impact". I don't see that it does that -- or perhaps it changes only by one prim. I suppose every little bit helps. But the down side is twice I have had builds blow off the sim changing linked things to "convex hull" so I will not do that lightly.
  17. I constantly have this experience: I try to put something down on mesh, and the system gives me a message "you can't place anything there." This happens much of the time, but since sometimes after repeated tries it *doesn't* happen, then I think the problem isn't inherent in mesh but the viewer or my set-up. Is there such a thing as "poorly-constructed mesh" that makes this happen? Is this "supposed" to happen so that you can drive on a mesh road and cross it, but not put up a road sign or a rock. You can put out a mesh table, but not expect to put a coffee cup down on it. Unless you rez it elsewhere and then navigate it in "just so". Or what's the deal?
  18. This isn't the loss of an inworld IM to email. That actually hasn't happen that I can see. I haven't had any complaints of it. If you link IMs to email they generally show up. This is emails to a UUID on a third-party blogging site. Now, they may be identical functions and identical HTTP calls or whatever but I do note that one is working and the other isn't.
  19. Hmm, I don't know how sincere you are. Suffering the griefing antics of these characters for more than 5 years is hardly obtaining justice and their multiple bannings --- five times? six times? -- and seizure of their islands isn't justice, either. Because they are back. And because the Lindens not only don't have historical memory; some of the Lindens have actively abetted this set of griefers as they think they are edgy and cool and some notion of free speech or free association is involved in their criminality. There isn't, but it's part of the whole red/brown ideology of some of the Lindens that there is. Their current island is named "Rude" -- their silly new alts spam me with TPs and chatter and then some of them grief me in earnest, leaving creepy naked RL effigies of me dying in various ways -- perhaps a chicken is eating me or perhaps I am roasted over a fire. My glasses like broken nearby, as if to say "Piggy" in Lord of the Flies. Uber creepy. And uber easy to fix by deleting these files from the asset server and not letting them recur. Oh, you say, they could just make new ones. Um, no, massive, multi-prim complex structures aren't so easy to keep making, and at the very least LL could prevent the copies stashed in freebie boxes on their sandboxes from being available for the latest fresh alt that spawns after their previous day-old is deleted finally after a month of havoc by dilatory LL. Just one such incident repeating from an avatar traced to ownership or even habituation of this island should be enough to seize it again -- but the real issue is that the Lindens let it keep recurring with the same people. They've actually negotiated with them at times. Since this commuter college they once went to represents no income or glory for LL, I can't fathom what this is about except for ideology.
  20. Oh, thanks. Now I remember that word was indeed Croquet, and it was Alice in Wonderland -- the Red Queen saying a thing was so because she said it was so, and all of that. Indeed. And yes, that's why Pixeleen lauded and feted griefers in the Herald and joined them himself -- spite and spleen. Not pretty. Not cool. Well perhaps Pixeleen will have the last laugh as the Lindens now take up portals and sims on demand out of the Croquet basket.
  21. So you approve of griefers crashing servers and harassing people, even assaulting them with virtual sexual harassment? Ok, so noted. And remember it's not *me* alone who is attacked due to whatever ideological hatred these nihilists experience about my exposes of them. It's my innocent tenants with whom they don't have a beef and who don't even know who they are. They genuinely disturb and distress unrelated, innocent people who come and find a creepy cut up effigy of me and my RL picture in their homes. Or me in blackface holding a Vote for Obama sign. What's wrong with you that you think that's funny and I'm a bore and a crazy cat lady? It's sick, they're sick, and the LL is hugely dilatory at addressing this recurring nastiness. I don't think such behavior is to be tolerated and I don't think it's cool. I abuse report it. If that makes me a crazy cat lady ,that's fine, I think some people have lost touch with what is the normal rule of law in virtuality.
  22. You may need to read this: http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/supercede Either definition explains what happened to Pixeleen. Others cut ahead of him in line and he didn't get his; others replaced him. Does pedantry pass for critical analysis in your case?
  23. For years I have emailed snapshots from Second Life directly to my Typepad blog, as Typepad can take an email from anywhere and post it. But now in the last 3-4 days, this function is broken. o Some posts never show up at all o Some show up with no pictures, and text only o There is no indication of any malfunction inside SL because the menu completes and says "sent." Anyone else have this and is this yet another API type thing with a third-party where SL doesn't work now, like FB and YouTube? Why?
  24. Flaming Court/Motel of Last Resort could be the place for you -- one dollar per prim. You join the group and get perms to deed media or type the music URL in the land menu, ban/eject, plant, etc. You can park in front by the giant flamingo statue, I can make you a dedicated parcel so your radio will work. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Grote/24/194/572 Park by the giant flamingo and I will make a parcel around you.
  25. Sure, that's the cover story, but few aren't really buying it. We have the experience of both There and The Sims On Line behind us. Both of those separate virtual worlds emptied out as people fled to Second Life, especially after SL got over its growing pains in the first and second years. By 2005, TSO was dying no matter what the owners did to try to keep it going, even introducing user-made paid content. It's absolutely reasonable to assume the same dynamics will apply to the new SL. Already, the gulf between prim-based avatars and their prim-based economies and the mesh-based avatars and their new economies is widening and the former will disappear except for the very rich and very poor, the former who have the space for old-style prim homes and antique furniture and the latter who will continue to live in cheap prim boxes.
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