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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. For @Madelaine McMasters (and Keli Kyrie, Lillie Woodells, Quinn Morani, Kattatonia Wickentower, Ciaobella Mirabella, Valerie Inshan(RIP), Celestial Nightfire, Dresden Ceriano, and many many others who no longer post here) from the Ladies Who Lunch days. Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world ( 1967 ) - YouTube
  2. There's a lot of soft music here, but just can't go there with my tunes. I do so like guitars and drums. The Black Keys - Next Girl - YouTube
  3. I used to own mainland parcel in Clyde when it was a wooded forest and lovely. I stayed for a while and loved the history of it being one of the original Secondlife regions. Over time a land baron bought up all the plots around mine. The renters filled their parcels with breedables and ugly random retail stores. The renters came and went, but I never got back the feel of it being home while surrounded by ugly and lag. I considered buying a parcel in a community like Bay City, but it was just too expensive even for tiny spots. I tried the old Linden homes, but I was always alone in my region and it just felt cramped. So now all 4 of my accounts has a different home in Bellisseria. Each has a home to suit them which I thoroughly enjoy decorating in their styles, so whoever I log in has something just for them. I have one hopper who is always looking for perfection. By my own personal code I do not own any more than 1 of the house styles. I force myself to choose. So each home I have in Belli is home base to the account that lives there.
  4. Putting this log home with water back into the pool at 4:50pm SLT https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Boom Tender/172/80/0
  5. I just did a quick catch and release of 3 different homes - log, trad, Vic. All of them are in maintenance.
  6. I posted this on the wrong page. It's still in maintenance so, it will be available when its available. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Yancey/184/136/0 Pretty log home on a very nice lake with a surprise in the deep
  7. I caught this camper about a month ago and thought "Who abandons a camper on a tiny island surrounded by water?" Whoever you are THANK YOU! I find myself wanting to log in just to stare out the windows and listen to the birds and crickets. I'm still waiting for someone to pass by with a train to complete the view, but I love it. No embellishment needed, so here it is in just the region windlight.
  8. I was being a teeny bit snarky about the camper with the Halloween decorations still up. 😄 The camper I put back is the white one in the middle. It was a catch and release home for me.
  9. Returning this camper to the rotating pool of clickers. It has some lovely rocky terrain surrounding it and at least one not-very-active neighbor. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Canyon Ball Run/128/196/0
  10. I really dislike a bunch of tiny rooms. It's hard enough to just walk through a door without hitting the door jamb or the door itself by the time I've lined myself up to walk through it. My issue with doors is a long suffering issue though. If you pass by a house anywhere is Belli and the front and back door are standing wide open at all times, it is probably one of mine. I will always choose a 1 level home to avoid walking in circles in enclosed stairwells. As it is, I need to cam up into the ceiling and look down to see an entire room or spin the camera in dizzying circles to see if I like my own decorating. I MIGHT even try a Trad if they had no interior walls. I like the use of half-walls and carpeting or furniture/plants to divide a larger open area.
  11. *correction: Houseboats: Tiny homes on 2 different parcel shapes that happen to float on water. 😁
  12. Traditionals: squarish houses made of wood with siding and roofing shingles. Manicured hedges and a few deciduous trees built side by side in neighborhoods with cement sidewalks and roads. Not inspired by anything, but we needed an easy name for marketing purposes Campers: Tiny homes on tiny parcels made of wood or metal with wheels underneath making them temporary and movable. Not inspired by anything, but we need an easy name for marketing purposes. Victorians: A house made of wood in pastel colors and some with turrets surrounded by perpetual spring time plants, trees and flowers with cobblestone roads and neat bridges. Not inspired by anything. We just needed an easy name for marketing purposes because just describing them uses too many words. Houseboats: Tiny homes on tiny parcels that happen to float on water. Not inspired by anything. We just needed an easy name for marketing purposes because just describing them uses too many words. Log homes: Houses made of wood that kinda sorta looks like 3D logs surrounded by rocks, trees and vegetation like you might find in some, but not all mountainous regions around the world. Not inspired by anything.. We just needed an easy name for marketing purposes because just describing them uses too many words. Chalets: Beige stucco type houses with dark wood accents and flower boxes with tulips if you want them, surrounded by freshly mown grass and manicured hedges, brick sidewalks and cement roads. Not inspired by anything except our imaginations. We just needed an easy name for marketing purposes because just describing them uses too many words. Welcome to SecondLife. If you become a premium member you can get a starter homes based on nothing but our imaginations, so no one can complain about authenticity. Do you want one or not? You also have the option of purchasing virtual land and making your very own, very authentic, themed home based on historically accurate time periods and geographical locations. You don't HAVE to rely on our imaginations. You have the power to create your own area here. Fun!
  13. This cute waterfront log home is going back in a few minutes. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Crooked Posse/148/188/0
  14. I have no idea. I had to log out to go to work. I hope you get it if you want it!
  15. Caught another one of the nice "only house on the block" Vics. No neighbors! Putting it back in a couple minutes https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/West Burnham/80/84/0
  16. I don't want to join the discussion of how authentic or Americanized these themed houses are or aren't. I went to take a peek yesterday. I like them. I was a little surprised at the very clean, almost sterile feel of the landscaping. I also wondered why only 4 of 8 house designs are shown. What if (go ahead and suspend belief and reality at this point because I know this is a reach) What if the other 4 house designs are the same houses, but with snow? There is a permanent snowy area on mainland and am I remembering a clue about this theme echoing a theme previously done? What if we all woke up one morning during the expo and found a snowstorm dropped a blanket on the demo region. Magical! Better remove those flower boxes on the windows if you didn't protect them from the weather the night before 😄 Okay back to your regularly scheduled comparisons of real life houses and geography. Hey, a gal can dream outside of the box. I actually can't imagine how this would even be possible with 20+ parcels in a region, all the public land in between and all the stuff people add when decorating, but it was a fun "What if" moment and the style would look great with snow.
  17. They do lend themselves to a snowy theme. I wonder if there will be snow addons in the content pack. 😁
  18. *Happy Dance* I love them! I am NOT a sandy beach and sun kind of person, so I was not excited for the stilts, but these I can get excited about. I can't get inworld for a while (darn work) to check out the 4 layouts shown. The red brick sidewalk is interesting and the windmill is fun. I like the wooded landscaping. It is sort of a mashup of logs and Vics. You can't really go wrong with happy little tulips. This style does have a lot of options for decorating and could even be fantasy with the right furniture and landscaping choices. The gathering area with tables is nice.
  19. /me considers taking my laptop to work and hotspotting off of my phone
  20. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tickle Ridge/100/92/0 Releasing in a few minutes. This camper doesn't look like much on the map, but the landscaping is lovely. The parcel is wooded, mountainous, and rocky giving it a very private feel.
  21. The reveal made the calendar. Any last minute guesses before Friday? I went to go look at the calendar and it tried to put the reveal on my RL Google calendar. Ummm, no.
  22. Putting back this Vic in Wallingford in a few minutes (the yellow one) there is a small pond in the back, as well. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wallingford/224/128/0
  23. Just caught this waterfront vic. Putting it back in a couple minutes. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Malthus/88/232/0
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