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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Okay - our tradition is a non-tradition - sort of. 2 or 3 days before Thanksgiving we all shout out on Facebook , through email and phone calls, "Who wants to host this year? Any volunteers?" Someone always steps forward and says something to the effect of, "Fine, I guess I'll do it." The rest of us show up with the side dishes and desserts. We are such a family of planners - lol. Come to think of it, it sort of works like that for Christmas dinner as well... I love my family - we are flexible and will adapt quickly to any situation.
  2. CommerceTeam Linden? Really? Since when is there a limit to how many objects I can have in my Objects Folder? It has never been suggested that I empty my objects folder occasionally. Does that mean I should create a second object folder, transfer everything into that just so I can have my original object folder clear? I am not sure I understand what you are suggesting. Cinnamon
  3. It was here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/I-m-wearing-a-rock/m-p/951107#M10994
  4. I could be completely wrong here (and I probably am) but doesn't the 'bridge' in Firestorm sometimes show up like that? Maybe try detaching that bridge and making it get a new one... I forgot where I heard this... Cinn
  5. Thank you for listening, Rhett!!! I am no longer following ALL of my friends and they are no longer following me by default. I am sure it is a work in progress, but now I can only follow those that are not my friends in-world. If I want to follow my friend, it is not an option (yet?). You get bonus kudos for asking for resident opinions and more bonus kudos for following up on them. Cinn
  6. Wow! That is almost the exact same script I heard when I contacted Live Support for a completely unrelated topic. They also didn't answer my question. I got a response and solution faster from a friend on SLums. I was then able to pass the answer to Live Support for the next time that issue came up. Somehow, that seems a little backwards.
  7. I would never think to question moderation... Ever.... In a million years... Over my banned body... Really... Maybe this is a new tactic. I don't like where this is going so I'm locking the thread and closing it down. I have decided that no one else has anything to learn or express, so I'm locking this thread. I have decided it's my way or the highway. Isn't that a song? AND we still don't have a COMMUNITY manager that we can COMMUNICATE with. Darn. My feedback is that I would like to have someone to talk to when I don't understand why an action has been taken.
  8. I am not nearly as 'old' as some of you. I rezzed in Orientation Island in early 2010. I had never been in any other online worlds and did not come from any kind of technology back ground. I had never even chatted in any messengers. Like most things I try, I just winged it. I went through a few tutorials, never found any freebie places and was afraid to talk to anybody. I remember panicking and tp'ing away if anyone did IM me. I couldn't figure out how everyone else seemed to look so good while I had inflexible non-moving helmet hair. I tried figuring out editing on my own. I did eventually figure out how to buy new things and unpack boxes using tutorials, also. For a looooong time I just wandered around 'listening' to local chat and trying to figure out if I was brave enough to chime in. I finally accepted a few IM's and most people were very nice. Not surprisingly, before I was 10 days old, I met a 'vampire' who showed me a few things, helped me get a better look and convinced me I needed a family to really fit in here since I was too shy to involve myself in other ways. Eventually I learned how to search for interests, find clubs, dancing and poseballs for sitting and such. I still hid myself in trees or under water when I logged out. I saw all the flopped over 'away' people and figured that is what happened when I logged out and I didn't want to be blocking someone's path. When I feel like it, I still go to some of the areas teeming with newbs and offer to help. It is not much, just shopping, unpacking and dancing - just enough to get them going in SL. My start was really slow because I didn't ask for help, in fact, I didn't even know what I needed help with (I had no idea what was possible) so now I offer it instead. Most people in here seem to have some technology background and maybe their learning curve wasn't as big as mine, but I know there are others out there just as clueless as I was. Come to think of it, I am still mostly clueless about a lot of things - like building, editing items, scripting, but I am getting better slowly. We self-learners just take a bit more time to figure it out. I am no better at asking for help now than I was at the beginning. I don't think I have any pictures from really early because I didn't figure out how to take pictures for months, but if I find one older than a year, I will edit it in here later. Cinn
  9. w00t!!! Val, you are going to let us invade your home?!?!?! I have Saturday off this week, I will be there. Saturday morning with friends - is there a better way to start the weekend? Cinn
  10. Happy Monday everyone!!! Hippie - a little honey in the tea is quite soothing. /me hands a honey bear to Hippie and a cup of decaf to Dee (((hugs))) Cinn
  11. Yeah - I had read them several times before. I thought, maybe, that was the first time 'Linden Lab' had read them. @ Willow - LOL
  12. I read the Community Guidelines. They look exactly the same as they always have. Did someone else notice a change or clarification? It is always possible there was some small change in wording that would make them a bit clearer. Not sure. Thanks for Posting them 'Linden Lab' - I read them - did you? Cinn
  13. I didn't even know these were available since I have never seen one used, but some of the ones on Marketplace place made me laugh: Cute: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Curio-Obscura-Whiteboard-Typing-Override/614989 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bubble-Blower-boxed/105269 LOL: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SA-Chill-Bong-Typing-AO/2378837 I might have to figure out how to use a weapon if someone used this on me: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Boob-Typing-AO/488505 If you find one you like let me know, too.
  14. You are not alone. This thread could help - It will, at least, give you a good place to start. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/AVATAR-keeps-on-rezzing-and-de-rezzing/td-p/1142069 and another http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/AVATAR-keeps-on-rezzing-and-de-rezzing/td-p/1142069
  15. According to George Orwell... Yes. Some animals ARE more equal than others.
  16. Where were you when you tried to rez these items? You must be in an area that allows rezzing. Most people locate a 'sandbox' and rez their items there. If this is not the issue, let us know what else you need.
  17. Void Singer wrote: <snip> I believe that history speaks to intent though, which has ever been to help others where we can. I do realize my own statement could be misread, however I feel the suggestion to use (and education to find) the many scattered official sources can never be a bad thing... At the very worst it might slow response times, and at it's best it enables users to more easily help themselves. Similarly, residents are not paid workers, and the suggestion to temporarily halt their own voluntary efforts in a show of support is not deserving of punishment. It my firm belief that silencing these statements sends the message that LL considers resident helpers as an unpaid workforce, which are only tolerated so long as they fulfill the express purpose of easing LL's burden of providing support to residents. This is not a message I can support. I am not seeking an apology, or even a reason, but rather a change. I also hope that a change is made. Thank you, Void, for putting words to how I was feeling when I found out that thread was pulled. I received the exact same letter with 'flaming' as the reason even though that was never the intent. Since it was posted as I was leaving, I never knew what responses were given. You have been helping the residents of SL for much longer than I've even been logging in and your reputation precedes you. THAT is the kind of help that you can not hire. It comes from a willingness to give up a small amount of your time just to give back to something you believe in while expecting nothing in return. There are countless scripters out there who you have advised and I hope you continue to help. Your experience is invaluable. Thanks, Cinn
  18. Void Singer wrote: <snip> I believe that history speaks to intent though, which has ever been to help others where we can. I do realize my own statement could be misread, however I feel the suggestion to use (and education to find) the many scattered official sources can never be a bad thing... At the very worst it might slow response times, and at it's best it enables users to more easily help themselves. Similarly, residents are not paid workers, and the suggestion to temporarily halt their own voluntary efforts in a show of support is not deserving of punishment. It my firm belief that silencing these statements sends the message that LL considers resident helpers as an unpaid workforce, which are only tolerated so long as they fulfill the express purpose of easing LL's burden of providing support to residents. This is not a message I can support. I am not seeking an apology, or even a reason, but rather a change. I also hope that a change is made. Thank you, Void, for putting words to how I was feeling when I found out that thread was pulled. I received the exact same letter with 'flaming' as the reason even though that was never the intent. Since it was posted as I was leaving, I never knew what responses were given. You have been helping the residents of SL for much longer than I've even been logging in and your reputation precedes you. THAT is the kind of help that you can not hire. It comes from a willingness to give up a small amount of your time just to give back to something you believe in while expecting nothing in return. There are countless scripters out there who you have advised and I hope you continue to help. Your experience is invaluable. Thanks, Cinn
  19. /me smiles... Your answers/responses will be greatly missed, Venus (even if you don't respond to this). Enjoy your vacation! Cinn
  20. It is a little odd that one group has been singled out to get extra attention. Everyone else had to find the forums, find the role-play section and post themselves if they wanted people to join their roleplay. Does anyone know if this is just a temporary sub-forum? Maybe next month they will focus on a different sub-culture within SL? Temporarily drumming up a little support could be a good idea as long as it is done fairly and not just to advertise certain merchants or products. It was created to increase roleplay interest, right? Cinn and now Cato is permabanned too?
  21. *sighs* I work entirely too much, but having the late night munchies I made peanut butter power balls... Go ahead giggle at the name, but they are good. Some are rolled in coconut flakes, some are dipped in dark chocolate, some rolled in powdered sugar and the special ones I made just for Maddy were first rolled in motor oil and then fresh clean kitty litter (to give them the proper crunch.) Enjoy and late-night/early-morning hugs to all:
  22. Eye of newt, and toe of frog Wool of bat, and tongue of dog Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing For a charm of powerful trouble Like a hell-broth boil and bubble Who's hungry? Happy Halloween to all my friends (even the ones I haven't met yet)
  23. Vampire: Anne Maundrell Known in some parts of the world as "Haunt of Gypsies" - A traveler of travelers, of good humor, but dangerous. Fairy: Nettle Icewand She protects the vulnerable and brings justice to the wronged. She lives in brambles and blackberry bushes. She is only seen when the seer holds a four-leafed clover. She wears purple and green like berries and leaves and has icy blue butterfly wings. Mermaid: (cats in water? Okay, I guess some of the bigger cats like water) Green Shore Cat (viridans litoreus) Has brown hair and a vivid green tail. The hair and dorsal fin offer good disguise in weed beds. A friendly variety, fond of children, often seen playing with swimmers in the shallows, though one should always exercise caution due to its unpredictable nature. Note: Curious, lively and fond of play, this subspecies has many cat-like qualities. Witch: (YEAH!!!! I love this one) Angelica Cockroachtickler She tickles cats and she likes to eat your leftovers! She is covered in warts and carbuncles!
  24. Melita Magic wrote: Beavis and Butthead are back on MTV. uummm... Yay? I could feel my brain cells dying 20 years ago and will not even be slightly tempted to turn my TV on for their return. ( I do have a TV, it is a bit dusty and is currently just used to hold a potted plant, but I DO have one) "heehee heehee... She said butt" Oh - and this will not impact my SL at all (there, now it has to do with SL) On a side note, I used to like watching music videos. It is too bad Music Television no longer plays music on television.
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