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Clover Jinx

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Everything posted by Clover Jinx

  1. Happy Rezziversary, Mistress Rhonda! Thank you for keeping me safe and warm for 10 years. Here's to another 10 at least! ❤️ clover (want my outfit? get it for free by throwing snowballs at snowmen at the Gacha Guild event. it says it's for maitreya but that is mainly for the skirt and top)
  2. https://kultivatemagazine.com/author/myrawild/
  3. Mine is as boring as Cindy's but there's a link to my flickr with pretty pictures if you don't like to read =~.^=
  4. I mentioned that back in August, the demos don't let me demo what I want to demo and the store reminds me of another constant beta project.
  5. If this is stuff in our own profiles, I got nuthin'! If this is stuff in other profiles, you can fill the card opening day of any big event =~.^=
  6. Everyone in this thread has improved tremendously since they started posting. I found myself improving when I stopped comparing my pics to everyone else's and compared them to my own instead. So many of the stunning pictures on Flickr are so heavily painted that they can't be done with in-world projectors, gadgets, gizmos, etc. I was spinning my wheels trying. So I flipped it and focused on the things I could do, the things I like to do and what I could make the windlight and viewer do. I'm much happier with my efforts this way.
  7. I do but you would have to be faster than Rhonda to actually see the items in there. =~.^=
  8. Mad props to all of you who help people either here or in-world. I really don't know how you let the negativity roll off and not make you jaded. The majority of times that I have tried to help or answer a question it has not been a positive experience to put it mildly. This morning while getting ready for work someone asks about one item having a hud and a different color of the same item not having a hud. There have been a few notices and group chats about this, mostly due to the hud being no copy and not unpacking with a script. This person waited 2 minutes then asked "Is anyone there?" Replier 1 - You need to send a notecard to the CSR Replier 1 - read the notices Person with issue - ok Person with issue - ok Me - did you rez it on the ground and open it, the hud might be no copy Person with issue - I've been SL for 11 years don't you think I know all the tricks by now Person with issue - thanks all Me - lol
  9. I'm the same way or if I see someone posting about the item. The Just Because dress has a picture too so I nabbed it.
  10. I paced myself this year and am cherry picking what I want. Mostly decor and furniture for future blog posts and stuff for the alts. There are 12L "gifts" at Access that require the free event group BUT the free sweater dress from Vinyl is a fatpack and does note require the group. I ❤️ Toast for little things like that. Something while we wait for it to clear up to grab the Blueberry one and GC lol
  11. Looks like writing and coffee to me =~.^=
  12. It is definitely a nice perk when one is browsing, but when I'm on a mission it's like going to school up-hill, in the snow, both ways!
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