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Donovan Michalski

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Everything posted by Donovan Michalski

  1. I'm just not sure what you are trying to say here.
  2. Hope he feels better soon - and great to hear from you. Everything okay at home? My relatives down there got through without any major damage.
  3. Okay, wow. That motel has free wifi AND cable TV. You hit the jackpot there
  4. Here's a different look at what I was using earlier; changed up some of the colors a little bit. Picked these up at Rebellion - I kinda feel like I could spend a bit more there if I'm not careful. And cargo pants - man I used to wear way too many of those when I was younger. I don't know if it was a good idea but it seemed like one at the time.
  5. A whole suit, actually. And a helmet. I'm ready when you are
  6. Driving in SL is all about the car. Some of them are pretty easy to drive, and others break the laws of physics and launch you into the next region the moment you start moving Never thought about lessons, though... (goes to look for a "student driver" sign on the MP)
  7. Today, he's looking like he's ready to test some updated cars. No racing this week so it's all casual.
  8. When you already have your av looking fantastic, why change? Nice job!
  9. That laptop - so chunky I think you need an upgrade That said, it'd fit right in next to the computer at my garage.
  10. You always post great looks though, so clearly it was worth it!
  11. Gotta stop by to check out the art. You know how it is.
  12. Back out on the mainland roads today; haven't done any driving for a while. Time to see where the region crossings send me. (it's never anywhere good)
  13. Been out of town since Friday for a trip across the country to attend a family member's wedding - got back home last night and I'm back to hanging out with the SL family today.
  14. Hanging out with my friend Maur, who recently came to me for help when she wanted to make the move to mesh. She's done so well since then and I'm so proud of her
  15. I actually still have mine with all my games, but it's in storage. Since they released a portable 2600 last year, I can basically carry everything around with me.
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