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Donovan Michalski

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Everything posted by Donovan Michalski

  1. To be honest, he looks bored. That's how he looks.
  2. My strategy is to blast through regions as fast as possible so the server gremlins can't catch you. You'd be surprised how often it works. Chaser's post is a good one though. There's a LOT of behind the scenes stuff that happens to pass an avatar from one sim to another. Crossings can be frustrating sometimes but they do really well overall.
  3. Just wanted to mention that the 2017 Mainland Rally across Heterocera will be over at the end of the month. For those unfamiliar, the rally is a non-competitive road tour of the Heterocera continent - there are rezzer boards at the starting point for both the standard and reverse course. The rally car will tell you which region to drive to next. While the course map pictured here shows the primary route highlighted in bold, you are free to take any road you wish to your destination. If you successfully make it around the course and back to the starting point, you'll be awarded a free copy of the car to keep. The standard warnings for mainland driving apply - besides navigation, region crossings will be your biggest obstacle. The rally start/finish point can be found at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Neumoegen/97/18/64 If you're lost, and I'm online, feel free to look me up for help! I'm not a part of the team hosting the rally, but I've run the course so many times I can pretty much do it by memory, and I've already helped a number of people through.
  4. Spending some time hanging around in Neumoegen at the home of the 2017 Mainland Rally, in case participants need help navigating the course. The rally is a trip around Heterocera, hosted by a very friendly Japanese group (bring your translator huds!) and runs until the end of the month. If you manage to complete the course, you get a copy of the rally car to keep.
  5. Sitting around got tiresome, so it's time to do a little sightseeing.
  6. To be fair, that's a pretty fantastic looking robot suit.
  7. There's a Japanese group in Neumoegen that are hosting a cross-country rally around the Heterocera continent. There is a vehicle rezzer at the landing point, and the official rally car is scripted to tell you which region to drive to next. If you manage to complete the full course (either the standard route, or the reverse), you get a free copy of the car to keep. It means tackling a whole bunch of region crossings, but I had a lot of fun with it myself. My first few runs ended when a sim crossing went badly and the car disappeared, but eventually I did complete the course in about 80 minutes. After I'd learned the path, I started making speed runs, with my best completion being just over 12 minutes long. Anyone who wants to give it a try can find the starting point at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Neumoegen/97/17/64
  8. Killing some time at the garage off Rt 11 while I wait for my friends list people to log in
  9. I'm doing what I always do - testing the limits of sim crossings. Though if you're anywhere along Circuit la Corse today, you might want to stand clear. Right now my strategy for surviving crossings is to blast through them at full speed and hope for the best.
  10. Unknown Theme Park can be found at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rivula/235/133/33
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