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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. If he had succeeded Lia I wonder if it would have made a difference? Hugs hun Happy GF
  2. Understand Quinn, we had planned for the 10th but considering what has happened to L we will back off for a bit and probably go with closer to my birthday the 23rd. Your right it is never as special, but still fun. Adds Seize and Bobbie to the list.............
  3. So far Keli there is: Sylvia Venus Quinn Jenni DQ Jen and I have planned on a party on the 10th for us both (depending on Lillie's situation brightening up)but after seeing this why not have a party to cover the 5 known and anyone else that fits in and want;s to come foreword. Could be held anywhere, our place, your place, every place, just a big bash. No gifts and no age limit and no theme but clothing required of some type......... Anyone interested just say Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:D
  4. Was everyone born in Nov? Jen's birthday today mine the end of the month and it seem everyone else in between. I see at least 4 parties here before Xmas thoughts. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:D Sorry Keli Xmas after my birthday thank you very much:P so lets plan one big party wooooot
  5. Val and Hippie CONGRATS:) Hugs all and Good Day (thinking of Lillie)
  6. Dee looks up wondering why it's kind of warm suddenly and winks at Maddy and Wildcat
  7. *Dee looks at Wildcat and blinks.....looks at Maddy and blinks......looks at Wildcat and blinks.........looks at Maddy and blinks..stares at the wall and blinks:P
  8. Thank god Maddy I was scared you might be ill. I feel better now... Madelaine McMasters wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: Wait a minute.......where is the fire pit? I got the..heck we all got the fire pit? Nobody escapes, Dee.
  9. Wait a minute.......where is the fire pit? I got the..heck we all got the fire pit?
  10. I have to get some work done, damn. @Lil the first thing that came to mind was "Kitty Porn" I think I need help
  11. @Dillon: I read Maddy's post yesterday and came back today to read all of the thread today, I agree this is the best I have read in some time now. What was once just the problem of realizing part way through two days in the year that the clock was an hour out of sync with the world I can now have this host of statements to ensure a smile. @Ave thank you for the loan of each day it is most generous although I am surprised someone from NZ hasn't voiced an opinion? @Maddy thank you for clearing up the mystery of the IDL, there was a time I understood it, but that's gone now. We often poke fun at one another but I have to say this map from Sassy had me dying laughing until I realized I have to change all my important information addresses from Canada to uninhabited. Thank you all for the giggles....... Sassy Romano wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: I do not know which part of Europe the OP means. Must have looked at this map http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/world-accordign-to-USA.jpg
  12. @Hippie I love that song♥♥ @Val I can hardly bear waiting till Friday is here;) Hugs all and good morning:)
  13. Ms McMasters I would like to know if we can get a refund, thank you:)
  14. Funny when you look at the lens from this side everything looks so small:)
  15. @Storm since this is a reply to me I can only say if I had a PM from you I would respond????
  16. Big hugs to all and good morning:) Great pics Val and Wildcat lol Oh Hump Day wooooot
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