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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. @Val: I am so glad to see you bouncing back in here as the Val we know and have grown to love. I also wish to thank both Venus and Maddy for tucking you in last night and keeping you safe. We tend to see one side of a person here and rarely are we knowledgeable of what other factors are driving their lives and actions. I do know what you are going through hun and I know your strength that has been required these past months. Val you are strong and there is no doubt you are loved. Today is a new day let's look foreword and leave yesterday behind. Now Lillie left you a lovely breakfast, if your not going to eat it can I have it Love you girl Hugs to all ♥♥
  2. Val hun PM and we can chat right now it might be best if we give it some time before posting more okay - PM me - love you Dee
  3. Regardless of whether sparing with, agreeing with , or reading and enjoying, there is not a person who has posted so far that I could not see myself giving a great big RL hug if they would let me:)
  4. Good Morning Hugs All:) Sneaks by Cinn's layout and grabs some coffee and eggs from Lil's. Goes back and looks aty Cinn's table, goes back and puts the eggs back at Lil's. I think just coffee is fine wooooot
  5. Having a hard time stopping laughing Snugs, thanks:) Snugs McMasters wrote: Maddy's still snoozing, so I've got a chance to post. I've found likenesses of both Val and Maddy. I don't think there can be any doubt as to who's who... I know Maddy would want to wrap up her week of blues, so here's my contribution... I hope Everybody has a wonderful Sunday.
  6. OMG Val aren't they adorable and all smelling of milk breath lol - big special hugs right back xox I picked mine
  7. Peeks in waves to all, yawns, goes off to find a quiet corner - hugs all
  8. This is obviously a great place to visit at least once a day, 300 and 3000 got to love that..........hugs
  9. Hippie you came in here like a young 6 point buck on the first day of hunting season did you not hear all the rifles being cocked? Your a brave man Hippie Bowman, you deserve a puff of weed and a crock of ale, lol Maddy I would love to go through the directory where you keep your music. /runs off to hide........
  10. Wooot roll them numbers:) Love the Blues Maddy, thanks hugs. Val get pics hugs. Great Hippie you can get out of the pool now, lol. Have a great day all
  11. OKay here is the newest offer. Please don't tell Maddy yet as she is unaware of the new business scheme. Enjoy the free samples:) Will be on your local shelves soon, (excuse the carton we had so many left)
  12. Welcome Hot join the group by the fire:) Hey Maddy nice tune thanks:)
  13. Good morning and hugs to all Halloween weekend coming woooot:) @Val: You thought of my friends Val the little beavers, thank you big hugs and kisses;) @Hippie 27 this morning want some lol hugs And now for something completely different!!!!!!!
  14. @Val: You know everytime someone adds to this thread I go back and see if there is a way I could express my post any better than I did. I just thought of this as a indicator of how I think of friends on SL. On my friends list are about 50 people (never counted) and there are a distinct number I talk to daily or every chance I get. Some are business (very few). Some are people I have connected with over the last almost 4 years and I have not talked to in ages Outside of the odd one, in many ways, that I have found it necessary to remove the remainder from the first freindship offer remain. The point is, there is no cost to me with respect to lag, computer capability or anything else negative so why hurt their feelings by removing them? And that's my point if I am worried about hurting their feelings then I must find them real. That sums it up for me.
  15. Lia that's great they are sweet;) Why do I I have this going through my mind.......
  16. @Val: eeeeeewww nasty:) @Wildcat aaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggg thanks Wildcat that's it I surrender
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