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DQ Darwin

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Everything posted by DQ Darwin

  1. @Val: lol lets see Val roughly 4,535.924 grams give or take an ounce:P Big hugs girl:)
  2. "OK STOP THAT RIGHT NOW" - I gained 10lbs just reading this - oh glorious sweets, lol @Maddy my Thursday song and thanks for the Blues:) Big Hug all.........
  3. @Cinn ty ref the hat, they will be available free at the stage during Hippiestock, sort of an I was there keepsake. When you play with the editing and I am in world just holler if you need help:)
  4. We are all blessed by that Maddy:) God only 90 days, where has time gone?
  5. Cinn this has long been a pain for me I love to make my own hats, What I do is buy copy, mod hair I like. Copy the hair mod it for a particular hat and link it to the hat and that is what I use. This way I get the hair I want and the hat I want all the time. The only other method is to make my own hair for hats.
  6. @Val wooooot Randolph, you found him thank you so much Val we have looked and looked and looked and here he is. big hugs and kisses back:) @ Maddy: That is smooth doesn't it whisk you away to another place:)
  7. Wow I'm late today. Happy Hump Day all big hugs:) Now I'm hungry lol @Syl if you come by I found a pancake on the coach was wondering if it might be yours?
  8. Very tragic Val, hit twice and died in hospital and it took a long time for someone to come to her aid. Both drivers have been arrested. I'm surprised we heard about this? In a police state most ordinary people are scared for their own safety to become involved in anything. It is so very sad:(
  9. @Maddy I don't care how many times I see that it still cracks me up, thanks Maddy:)
  10. Good morning all - big hugs:) WOW Val you out did yourself what lovely French pastries, there goes the diet, woooooosh:P Waves to Syl hugs girl
  11. Big hugs and kisses right back Val. Yes I just can't "bear" Mondays lol *waves
  12. Good Morning Hippie, Val, Lia and alll others. Great weekend now to work till the next one, sigh. The Mamas & The Papas, just love there music. Have a great day all:)
  13. @Maddy 0:30 goosebumps, it is rare to find those that not just love music, but make love with their music. The Civil Wars display something we all wish we had:) @Val: "Famous Last Words" a great read so glad you enjoy it:) That place in the pic I know the blond looks familiar,lol. Quotes I love from some of Timothy Findley 's books “I doubt we will ever be forgiven. All I hope is – they'll remember we were human beings. “People can only be found in what they do.” “Complaints about reality are immature.” “... too much brooding, not enough doing.” Big hug and kisses to you both:)
  14. Hugs all and good morning. @Wildcat; interesting tune, I went from Hemmingway (Old Man and The Sea) to Jonas and the whale, I'm still thinking about it:)
  15. Hugs Cinn, hey first in the door today, woooot Hugs all Happy Saturday
  16. @Val: yep It does, hugs @Lia: lol great rendition @Hippie and Love Hugs:)
  17. Good Morning all, it's the day after the hump and all is well. Thanks for the food company and tunes,,,love you Dee Val I love the new badge:)
  18. @Lia: Yep that's the one Lia the sport has done wonders for dentistry, chiropractors and sports medicine as a whole. @Maddy: Okay I really lol on that one thanks, still smiling:) ETA for the quote Madelaine McMasters wrote: Lia Abbot wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: @Storm; Between Vancouver going home after the second period and Lundqvist doing a great job in the net, the Rangers deserved that one. I'm just glad there was no riot, lol Is that the game where a bunch of big men dress up in silly costumes, knock a piece of plastic around for a while, then start hitting each other? That sounds like my uncles playing checkers.
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