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Jacki Silverfall

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Everything posted by Jacki Silverfall

  1. Oooh! I've never used tattoos or makeup layers, this makes sense as it isn't really an attachment. Hummm, always learning! To OP, As Emily Latella would say " Never Mind" /me giggles wait,,,would'nt it be easier to make a custom layer than a skin??? It's a layer not an attachment sheesh I'm confused
  2. If I'm not mistaken, Phoenix has this ability to add attachments. If not, try Firestorm, that's what I use. And eventually we all will have to switch to the V2 based viewers. As far as someone making a skin for you, I hope you can find someone.
  3. I found this link, It says you can wear up to 5 layers. I didn't watch the video but I think it will help. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Appearance_Editor
  4. Instead of attaching your tattoo or makeup to a specific point use the "add" feature. You can now add to the same attach point in most viewers. /me hopes I'm right on this one.
  5. Yes it's true. but you can try Firestorm it doesn't seem to be as heavy as the SL V2 viewer.
  6. Whats Screen_last and how do you enable it?
  7. Yippeeeeee, I loves Spamurday! :smileyvery-happy::smileymad:
  8. I have it from Morea Style too. And it has the legs flair. If it was transfer I'd give it to you.
  9. Thank you for that info! :smileyhappy:
  10. What the subject says. I'm looking for a heavy dungeon door sound. Has to sound heavy not your regular door sound. Thanks :)
  11. Jacki Silverfall here, Waves to y'all from Texas!
  12. My viewer came with L's when i logged onto Aditi. This isn't true for everyone? Also, to the OP if you still have problems even with this latest fix, take a screen shot of what your seeing when trying to upload.It might help us to understand what your talking about easier than reading your english. :smileyvery-happy:
  13. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Sample_Content here are some sample meshs.
  14. Good luck with your future meshes. Not really any need to be rude or sarcastic to someone trying to help. BTW I did read your post.
  15. Oh my goodness! what a nice surprise! Thank you! Big hugs!
  16. you need to go to "build" and upload the model. It is under the build tab in the viewer.
  17. Go for the freebies first then see how you like it. Google Blender tutorials and see which ones you like. Blender is not that easy to learn although the 2.58 is much beter than the previous 2.49. Do you want to make sculpts or mesh? Blender does both. Be patient with yourself. This isn't easy. Hugs!
  18. Killjoy. I was having fun being Jacki Ninja! :smileyvery-happy: But seriously, I was going to say that but ya beat me to it.
  19. How old is your Alt? Maybe it isn't being recognized yet. Or give your alt its own money and let it go shopping. You can pass it lindens in world.
  20. Guess it's true what they say, "ya got to spend money to make money". Wishes I'd seen it earlier. :smileysad:
  21. HAHAHA Thank you! Hugs you ya goofball! Spent it quietly by myself
  22. Thank you Canoro! Hugs! Looking forward to another year!
  23. I prefer something left to the imagination, call me old fashion. To many ugly bodies out there and Eew naked on a bicyle seat? :matte-motes-sarcasm:
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