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Eloise Baily

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Everything posted by Eloise Baily

  1. I dread to think what my Brian is doing right now
  2. Well next time will you wear wedges please? Can we spread that load a little?
  3. Nuu Carole not at all. Ishtara is Spock-like in his analysis if things that he doen't get about the human condition, we all know that. We also know that the things he does get are not often what the rwest of us get. However.. ..I still think that Ish posts intriguing posts and I believe that they are when something inside him goes *ting* and are not posted for publicity purposes alone. Of course, there is a bit of that, but isn't that why any of us post? I get where you're coming from, and I want to slap Ishatara with a wet fish regularly, as long as I can just spin round and slap you too at the same time.
  4. DON'7 83 4 5P3LL1NG KN08 KNU7Z. A7 L3457 7HEY TR1ED
  5. /me steps out of the dust coughing. Where the hell did THAT come from! note to self: Look both ways before heading into a stampede
  6. /me kicks Ishy and Carole up the arse because I want to read about what's ugly dammit and I quite simply can't be arsed to read through it all to find out when I need to start scrolling through this shouty stuff. Jeebuz, can I haz valium nao?
  7. They reckon that if you can see the first and the last letter, your brain will sort it out. This one was clever though by using numbers that look like letters and then asking you to READ it, not look at it. Nice one. I like that.
  8. Oh I don't know where you live Kylie but it has been a black and yellow nightmare for me lately. Funny though, I have no qualms with bees at all. I love them. Wasps though are what made me an atheist. Loving God my arse!
  9. Well they say that the way to get any song out of your head is to hum the Pink panther theme. I think by which, they mean this: But I always think of this; ...which is WAY worse than anything that was stuck in there in the first place.
  10. I love freebies Rob and I'd be happy to help out. I spend WAY too much money in SL but freebies still brighten my day. IM me....Eloise Baily. We'll go shopping or something
  11. You know what? I have no idea. I have no idea because they don't seem to target at all. I, like many others my age, came in out of curiosity about a news story involving a RL couple and his SL affair which caused a newsworthy divorce and some lulz in the difference between the avi and the real person when the pics came out. I stayed because I found it interesting to make stuff (thanks Dino) and I got totally sucked in. I sucked myself back out eventually which is a good thing. (RL still trumps when possible). I still make stuff (mostly badly) but I'm too lazy to make anything of it and I dump my stuff on the MP when I can live with it, but I do everything from scratch. I use no templates and I play. That's what brings me back and keeps me here. I've been here nearly 3 years and although to some of you I'm still a noob, I feel like it's long enough to notice things. The only real time I've seen a drive for SL was when Linden Homes were created and I deliberately set up camp in one to help the noobs out. I stayed as it goes. I like a Linden home for its simplicity and prims. I don't really need much else as a base to live in seeing as I am no hawt luvva .
  12. OK it's got to be done, and for these videos I apologise. Yes I do..do..do...push pinapple shake the tree.
  13. Evening folks. Still fighting? Lovley...now then. Void I agree. I also think Drew Barrymore would have made an excellent muse back in the day. She has those cherubic features. Having said that, I also think SJP would have made a convincing horse, so who am I to judge. Here's another. I think Judge Judy should be a primary school teacher. Riots? What riots? You wouldn't bloody dare!
  14. Haha Carole. Yep, it's my middle name. I can't help thinking that demented 5 year olds are the new demented 3 year olds. You're a fashion pioneer!
  15. It took me three solid days to sort out my inventory but I'm glad I did. I split things into loots of folders like clothing/dresses/mini/blue. It works for me and as long as I keep on top of it I can find most stuff. I also have a folder called objects to investigate for all the stuff that turns up in lost and found and objects. I head for a sandbox and sort through them when I have a spare hour. I'm more brutal about throwing crap away now too.
  16. Oh no need to apologise Venus. Made me laugh in fact. Some people just get all het up over nutt'n.
  17. Fair point Void. I always like reading your answers even if I don't always agree
  18. Yeah that's true Ishtara. He was a great actor in it too so I suppose wrong job may be a misnomer. I'd like to hear him sing more is all. The flashmob was fantastic Celestial. We had a blast.
  19. And for a person who reports the mere hint of a mention of politics, you're a tad hypocritical don't you think\?
  20. It's a harmless thread Randall. You're seeing way much more than there is in it.
  21. Randall, much as I value your opinion, it is you who who is turning this into a political discussion. Should I report you? Do you know of anyone in the public eye who is also in the wrong job?
  22. I don't know who POTUS are Randall. I hope the mods read my OP before they read your unreasonable response.
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