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Darkie Minotaur

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Everything posted by Darkie Minotaur

  1. You let the sign tell the rezzed HUD the id of the touching ava, then, in the HUD script, on receiving the message with the is, you request the permission for attaching and then atttach the HUD. Also, on the receiving of the message you could start a timer, which, as soon it gets triggered, makes the HUD die, so it won't lay around if the touching avatar doesn't grant permission or never answers the request.
  2. Change the default state_entry to if( llGetInventoryType(gCard) == 7) { gQuery = llGetNotecardLine(gCard, 0); } else { llOwnerSay("The whitelist notecard is missing."); } You must supply the card name in this case - e.g. where it is declared string gCard ="MyWhitelist";
  3. As Freya mentioned earlier, replace PAY_HIDE by PAY_DEFAULT.
  4. That should do the trick: integer CHANNEL = 55;integer total;generalParticleEmitterOn() (xxx cutted long script)default{ on_rez(integer s) {// llResetScript(); } state_entry() { updateText();// {generalParticleEmitterOn(); llListen(CHANNEL, "", llGetOwner(), ""); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[25,100,200,500]); } money (key giver, integer amount) { llSay(0, "Thanks for the " + (string)amount + "L$, " + llKey2Name(giver)); total+=amount; updateText(); generalParticleEmitterOn(); } touch_start(integer count) { if(llDetectedKey(0)==llGetOwner()) { llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "Clear total amount?", ["Yes","No"], CHANNEL); } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if( message=="Yes" && id==llGetOwner() ) { total = 0; updateText(); } }}
  5. Take a look at Rolig's generic whitelist script
  6. You can use llAllowInventoryDrop You could do it like this: make a list with the avas allowed to drop stuff let them touch the object - now you can check if llDetectedKey is on your list with llListFindList - if it is, set llAllowInventoryDrop to true run a timer with llSetTimerEvent - and as soon as the timer event is triggered, set llAllowInventoryDrop back to false This doesn't ensure only the avas allowed can drop tuff - while the dropping is alowed, others could add stuff as well. If you need to be abolutely sure, you would have to add some security features.
  7. The easiest way would be to use llCSV2List . Then you can extract the ID with llList2String - you may want to use llStringTrim on the result, to strip off any unneccessary blanks.
  8. Check your curly brackets in your if ... else statement
  9. You need the comas between the parts of the message. llParseString2List takes a string and turns it into a list. The parts of that string that become list entries are separated by the characters or strings inside the first []. In your example the comma. so: If your string is "My message,<0,0,0>, <0,0,0,0>" then the resulting list would be ["My message", "<0,0,0>", "<0,0,0,0>"]
  10. It looks alright to me - as far as what you say it should do.
  11. The OP showed his code to me - and the mystery was resolved pretty quickly - he used the post method but placed the name value pairs in the url
  12. well, if the key says the password, then you can easily figure out the avas key. The listen event gives you the UUID of the key - just get the owner of the owner of the key by using llGetOwnerKey()
  13. Where does the password come from? From the key the ava rezzes?
  14. Yes. Actually, the list would be cut down to 9 - but you're adding one
  15. This would always keep 5 etries in your list list AvList;default{ state_entry() { llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!"); }touch(integer num_detected){ if(~llListFindList(AvList, (list)llDetectedKey(0))) { // AV is in the list, so already clicked once llSay(0, "IM IN THE LIST!");} else { // AV is not in list, say your thing and llSay(0, "I JUST GOT ADDED TO THE LIST"); if(llGetListLength(AvList) - 5 > 0) { AvList = llDeleteSubList(AvList, 0, llGetListLength(AvList) - 5); } AvList += (list)llDetectedKey(0); // Add the person to the list }}} ETA: And use touch_end instead tuch as I did here
  16. I've you don't take any meassures: Yes, of course. Anyone can send a request to google.com - and if you know how to assemble the request, you will get a meaningful reply. It really would be helpful to post your simple lsl and the corresponding php here - there are simply too many possible traps.
  17. That wouldn't make too much sense, since request in the most cases come from other IPs or domains. Take it step by step. First, make a simple request with just a simple value like "test=myTest" and have the php just echo $_POST['test'] and see if the right value is returned to your LSL script. I'm almost sure, you have a little error somewhere. Always try to track things down by taking simple steps.
  18. Ok - if I understand you corecttly, you send a post request to the php - and the php is called - but the php doesn't read the data from the $_POST array correctly - right? Could you five an example of how the body of your request looks? Are you sure the php doesn't read the data correctly, or could it be something in your SQL statements? In other words, how do you know that the php gets called but doesn't retrieve the data?
  19. It's bit diffucult to help you on your problem with the information you provided. You say, you have a script, that receives data from a POST request successfully What do you mean by saying, it receives the data successfully? What is the script on the server written in? If you say, it receive the data with success, what do you actually mean when you later state that 'the page can't take it'?
  20. Add a script to the object with the following line llTargetOmega(ZERO_VECTOR, 0, 0); This will stop the rotation
  21. To make it short: A particle script sets a property of a prim using the llParticleSystem command. To stop a continously running particle system, you just re-set the parameters to "nothing" llParticleSystem([]); So the easiest way to toggle the particles is to pack the partice paraeters into your dialog script anf toggle between the parameters you are using and the empty parameter list
  22. Usive, I don't really< understand, what the problem is. Could you be a little more specific?
  23. I guess, what you mean are the messages by the viewer. Could it be that you re-installed it? A new viewer shows these messages no matter how old the ava is.
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