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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. So still nothing from the lab on this. "State of the Linden" is what we need today. who's running LL, who's doing this or that and whats the game plan. people would like to know, this thread is proof.
  2. If people make sure there stations are not listed then it should work fine, it's the listing that gets things derped up. I learned years ago, to stay off shoutcasts radar, to block yap and make sure there listing was denied. plus keeps things under the radar, but last time I actaully streamed was back in 09, so I'm not sure what this new problem might be.
  3. This option has been around since I came into SL in 07. it's not new. it's just not exploited much anymore, since typically it hits the grey goo fence. so they have it set on timers and it spams, stops and spams more, all using the scripting functions. so block and mute. if you have a good viewer that has spam protection turn it on, you wont even see it then.
  4. Suffice to say, go in world and talk heavily to people, I'm not doing this because I charge 5k L$ to do these.
  5. Ayme, that sounds like the OP, has found one of the mmook scammers and saw the price and went "HEY i CAN DO THAT". because of the prices they quoted.
  6. Ah yes, I firmly remember when this person went on a tangent with the emerald speed rez.... suffice to say, he can not make any real legal threat upon you, he can try scare tactics, but that is all they are. since he's had other cases dismissed for such things it seems by reading whats on SLU, then I can pretty much say he's not got a leg to stand on. so, hun, just ignore the person and mute and what ever else you have to do. it's proven, there nuts.
  7. My inventory was been over 73k for 6 years. at one point it had surged to over 112k, but I've trimmed that down some. so 10k is not a limit at all. trust me, some of us are silly and keep everything.
  8. I login with this account every once in a while, mostly using my alt though. but yeah on moe I've got 2xx something friends and I've seen maybe 3 on in the last year lol.
  9. lo, you may use that as you wish jumpy and heh yeah not many whitfields left active, also call me moe. that big part is derpy lol.
  10. You have no idea who jumpy is do you? Suffice to say, Jumpy wont be going anywhere fast, and jumpy is jumpy, some like him, some dispise him, but in the end, he is jumpy.
  11. I can set the email address on my account to my phone 3175551212@revol.com and it will send the messages directly to my phone as a text message. I wonder if that's what is being done here. all I can suggest is contacting security@secondlife.com and see if they can help you take care of the situation.
  12. sounds to me like you are trying to use a proxy that's outside the bounds of normal port ranging. far as I'm aware there is no way to remove it without you personally rebuilding the client so it has the values you need. I could be wrong on the latter part. SL will run incredibly slow behind a proxy imo. but if you feel that you need to do that, then do it.
  13. First off, I'm not the same people who always comment, I was directed here by a friend to try and help, I saw the other replies and posted my own thoughts, which I can do and so I have. so now with that aside, the user in question has some kind of issue, has not been helpful that much with information that typically one would need to help diagnose the issue, but instead just blames the technology behind SL. which as we all know has it's up and downs, but there are not alot of us experecing issues anymore, since we know if we want to play SL, we have to stay ahead with our machines and our connections.
  14. I would have to say singularity at the most for that unit.
  15. you biting and yelling at people and seem to be refusing that THIS could be your system or connection and it just has to be SL. let these people help, listen to what they have to say and stop arguing with them. "my system is fine and perfect and nothing could ever be the matter with it" I work tier 1 support AKA end user support for a real company that handles end users and there computer problems. 9 times out of time, it's the users system or connection or printer or monitor that's cuasing issues.
  16. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Verena Vuckovic wrote: For your information, I am running a 76mbps connection on a top rate machine. ... ... running on an 80mbps connection. Interesting how your connection just gets better and better. Let me guess. Wireless router. I do not use SL with wireless, I've learned with auto negotiate and auto speeds and auto channels, the wireless speed never stays the same, even if you connection will stay about the same. wireless is a packet dropping maniac and SL does not like lost packets. So griff you might be correct.
  17. IP bans,Hardware Bans, mac address bans, all easy to get around and most people who are doing what you describe know exactly how to do it. it's not a trivial process either.
  18. you really need to put more foil on your hat and also stop listening to rush, he's just bad for the brain, So the NSA is here. big deal... I'm not doing anything wrong to make them watch me nor am I going to do that. you need to really stop and think too, they have been doing this **bleep** going on 40 something years I think it's been and people are just now getting bent out of shape... wow is ALL I can really think if people are just now getting butt hurt...
  19. Lastsamurai Vyper wrote: WOW , Spending $5,000 dollars on a game gets you banned for 30 days on a SL Forum for your 1st Amendment Free Speech Rights. Really LL. Cats out of the bag now guys. Let the lawyers rain down from all over the world. you have no "rights" as this is a privately owned company, they can censor you all they want, they can do what they want, since they own it. You can make your own forum and do the same,because why, you own it, you can tell people can not use the word "it" in anything and they would have to follow it or you could ban them.
  20. They have been in SL forever, it's no surprise to most of us, since some of us do remember the fbi making it known they was in world, People get so worked up over this, it's really nothing to get worked up over, it's been the normal, just now people are starting to get freaked out over it and worrying, when it's been happening for long as I can remember and I'm in my mid 30's now.
  21. I've been here since 2007, there has always been a fee to be a premium accounts. https://secondlife.com/my/account/membership.php?lang=en-US right there on your dashboard. So yes they charge for them.
  22. I would rather have teh 3.6 outdated VB forum back. This hosted platform is annoying, Plus long as we are not tempting the jive BS again. hehe.
  23. I too am running a e7400 processor with 4gb ram (3.25 usable) and a 550ti video card on a p5e-vm-do mobo. I am not expereicing these problems, so either his connection is derp or his video card is, I ran SL on this same machine with 2gb ram for several years until recently.
  24. One thing about OTR people do forget is that it might be encrypted for the client, but server side the logs are wide open. it was a requirement for OTR to exist in the fashion it has or was. but OP, mute and mvoe on is my advice, The lab is not following you, They have bigger fish to fry (mmm fish), there doing so much right now as others have said, the abuse reports are hitting a brick wall and not much moderation is being done in world. So there not following you, they have no hand in this. Check your attachments, I wonder if your wearing something thats trackable and you do not realize it and these people who are finding you so easily are doing so because of something your wearing that's spitting out your location and chat back to a server they have out of SL.
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