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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. That's definitely worth two looks, Venus! I love that dress, and as someone said in the other thread, it does look like it was made just for you!
  2. Wow, thank you for the kind words, Valerie! /me blushes I'm not sure you want a look into my inventory; I'm afraid it's as messy as Ajja's! :smileyvery-happy:
  3. Yay, a new photo thread...thank you, Valerie! (Have I ever mentioned I would love to raid your inventory...you always look so gorgeous!) I don't have access to all my pics at the moment, but I did come up with this one that Tem took about a month ago that I think shows off this lace dress well. I'm not sure where the dress is from, though I think it's probably from Lady Thera's.
  4. What a great topic for discussion...it's one of those things I think that almost everyone wonders about at first, but doesn't want to ask about. You've received some great advice, so all I'll add is that the two of you, above all else, need to find your own way, and learn what you like together. Asking for (and following) suggestions is great; it says a lot that you cared enough to ask in the first place. But as Rhonda noted, it's OK to break the rules if that works for your relationship. So proceed at your own pace, don't be afraid to laugh because sometimes the situation calls for it, and enjoy!
  5. From what I've observed, this seems to happen when the Ruthed person is using the latest V2, and the observer is not using the latest Phoenix. This may happen with other TPVs, but I haven't tested them. It appears that until the latest Phoenix update, the avatar physics in V2 was the problem, and Phoenix couldn't handle it properly. One solution, as Carole noted, was the for V2 user to drop back to an earlier version of their viewer. Since the latest Phoenix update (which includes avatar physics), I haven't seen the issue come back, even with I'm with someone using the latest V2.
  6. I love this photo, Valerie! So funny that he couldn't find his tux, as I will bet your inventory is much larger than his (isn't that always the case?)...but it's the dance that counts, right? (Plus the tennis shoes are too cute! lol)
  7. So beautiful, Valerie! You and Ajja look like you are in your own private little world. :smileyhappy: Here's one from tonight, just because I like to post pics of Tem in his tux!
  8. You'll see that hand on interactive items, such as furniture that has pose balls...left clicking when you see the hand is the same thing as right clicking then selecting "Touch". Are you seeing in on *everything* that you try to click?
  9. Here is one of the very first pics Tem took of us. It looks like a painting to me, and has remained one of my favorites. :smileyhappy:
  10. I'm not in world at the moment so can't check Search to see where they come up in the list, but if you haven't visited .:ARI:. for hair, check it out....there are some very cute punk-style hairs there. .:ARI:.
  11. If you are asking how much will people be willing to pay for your service, we can't answer since you don't want to say what it is you are selling. Possibly scout around in world for similar services and see what is being charged for them?
  12. Wonderful! I read a bit just now, and can't wait to read more of it!
  13. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Here I was thinking they would go great with nurse fetish costume .... You know I'm going to ask to see a pic, right?
  14. Do you mean objects that are far away? If so, you may need to increase your draw distance if it really bothers you not to be able to see those things. In Phoenix, look for an arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen; click on it and you will see settings you can change such as DD, LOD, etc.
  15. One clothing store I've found that carries the basics, is not expensive, and does have demos you can try on is fri.day. They also sell shoes, hair, and other accessories there.
  16. There's definitely lots to see there, and this thread reminds me that we need to go back sometime! I liked the observation deck near the landing point...you can get some great pics there and the kissing animation is very nice. :smileywink: I actually went back to take another look, and somehow managed to fall over the wall. (Quinn, will we be suing someone about this?)
  17. Wow, Valerie, I had to look twice to find you in the photo...you did such a great job adding yourself so that you perfectly fit in with all the glamour! Here is a pic of Tem and me dancing on a red carpet...does that count? :smileyhappy:
  18. Hugsss, Cali! What Rhonda said...a ton of us recently got moved up from Honored Resident to Member...check your message box here and you should have one from a Linden congratulating you.
  19. Rhonda Huntress wrote: League is a dangerous store for me to be loose in with money :matte-motes-oh-rly: It is evil...which is how I wound up with at least two pairs of boots from there, shorts, dresses, enough skins for an army... And that's not counting the time I discovered that they had stuff marked down on the second floor of the store. :smileysurprised:
  20. I'll look forward to seeing them, Valerie! I like to visit the lovely places you find for your photos! :smileyhappy:
  21. Have you checked the boots at League? I'm not in world now (wish I was, I know I have other boots to suggest), but here's a link to one pair that I own. League Asuka Boots: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/League-Asuka-Boots/356886
  22. Beautiful photos, Valerie! You look gorgeous as always, and the scenery makes the photos look like watercolor paintings!
  23. Did you also check your email's trash folder? Also, is it possible that you used a different email address than the one you are checking? I'm not sure how much help support is with this sort of thing; it might be easier to just create another alt account....
  24. As far as I know, there is no way to track who invites whom to your group. You will either have to close invites, continue banning the avatar, or change your group roles so that only owner and officers can invite people.
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