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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Oh it's so nice not being in the middle of a flame war for once. *grins*
  2. Yes a window did open up, It's possible that I hit the "submit report" button while trying to escape. Thank you
  3. Obviously, I need to start over. Am I attracted to avatars that look a certain way? Hmmm... yes I am.
  4. I agree but I'm never gonna meet the ugly looking avatar, so I'll never get to know what a wonderful person they are. I don't think I ever said the avatar appearance reflects their personality. I'm sorry, call me shallow, but I have absolutely no interest in meeting some ten yr old that still looks like a noob
  5. You are attractive (to me) so I'm drawn to make contact with you . You are ugly (to me), so I turn and walk away. What is so hard to understand about that? Don't overthink it sweetie, it's not rocket science.
  6. I've had many SL romances. I've been partnered to the same girl for almost 4 years now, we both have partners in RL and have no interest in going further. I don't need to know what she looks like in RL because I know what she looks like in SL. Even with friends I want to be around avatars that are nice inside and look nice outside. Why would I hang around with a total mess?
  7. Me too, but on my phone I was scrolling thru a page of posts with my finger, trying to get back to the top. My finger must have hit a "report post" symbol. I was like crap i don't want to report it, I never even read it. I touched the screen again and got the "thank you" message. Oh well, no harm done I guess.
  8. Its human nature to be drawn to what's attractive and be repulsed by what is ugly. What they are in rl has no bearing whatsoever. Thats the beauty of secondlife, you aren't judged by the appearance of your rl body. But if an avatar (second life body.. which is the only one we have here) catches my eye in a positive way, I'm more likely to talk to them. If they are nice people, I'll keep talking to them. If their pretty avi hides an ugly soul, well we aren't going very far.
  9. I guess I'm a narcissist, I'm attracted to girls that kind of look like me. Guys, well i'm pretty open minded, but a mesh body for sure. My bf used to be a skinny white guy, but me and my (female) partner made him into a well built African American. Every girl should have their own personal black bull. *waiting for the cries of omfg thats.....*
  10. i'm scrolling on my phone and accidently hit "report this post". 10 seconds i get a auto message "thanks for reporting". Why isn't there a confirmation button before the report gets sent?
  11. And now, before I get accused by a mod of harassing and abusing another member of this forum, I take me leave from this thread.
  12. It's not a stereotype sweetie. Its not your entire race, it's what YOU are
  13. At least at SLU you can't lose your SL account if you go too far.
  14. Tell you what Ashlyn, I'll send you a new friend request and we can have a fresh start. *hugs*
  15. except shes made it abundantly clear in previous threads that she is black and (almost?) all of her negative experiences had been a result of racism
  16. its a glitch. it happens once in a while. just another snafu
  17. you are probably right. I have totally changed my mind about land barons. They do a valuable service towards LL's profitability by paying tier on hundreds of empty mainland sims while they wait for that non existant buyer willing to pay their insane prices. plus since their parcels are empty it reduces lag for the rest of us mainland dwellers that share a sim with permanent for sale signs.
  18. I guess people have to decide for them selves if premium is worth the cost or not. What really annoys me is guys that brag about never having put a cent into SL and never will, usually while standing on an escort sim wasting everyones time, including their own. But even that doesn't include all of them because if u work in SL and earn Lindens you still help the economy and LL' s bottom line because at some point someone had to buy the Linden's you were paid.
  19. Dunno anything about jellys and VRAM use but if I have my ARC set at anything reasonable, my computer will go to sleep when I encounter a lot of avatars at one place. With my ARC set at 20,000 I can go to the busiest spot in sl and I'm just fine. Then I can selectively render a few avatars and still be ok.
  20. Well you see, first class tickets included a place on the life boats. Steerage tickets only entitled you to a life vest.
  21. I just realized, yes SL is full of rude petty people, just open a group chat in any rather large group, and wait for it to go downhill... if the chat lag doesn't get you first.
  22. I have to wonder how many people are ever really logged in to SL. So often I search for active clubs to check out, I get there and there are a dozen or 20 avatars parked in the sky at 3000 meters inflating the traffic numbers. I assume those are all logged in and counted in the total, but I really wonder if there are ever more than 10,000 real people logged in at any one time, and if SL is in fact largely dead.
  23. Maybe I don't meet rude people because I read profiles before I say hello to anyone, or say much past hello in reply when I'm imed. Rude people tend to have rude profiles.
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