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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. He probably had a copy of that list "How to spot a RL guy playing a girl in SL in 20 questions" and you answered enough questions "wrong" to make him suspicious.
  2. I'm doing a weeklong roadtrip thru Arizona and Utah with my family in April. It's a circle starting and ending in Las Vegas: Grand Canyon (south rim), Monument Valley, Mesa Verde, Canyonlands and Arches to name the highlights.
  3. You mean like this one? If you are my neighbour you are out of luck, because this is 2x protected land on Zindra I got for less than $5L per sq m. I'm staying there until LL shuts down.
  4. If I feel like it, (ie if I don't like it) I will return something if its even the slightest amount over my line and that includes just the bounding box on a sculpt. You should get a notice about who returned it, because I've gotten more than one angry im from the owners demanding to know why (and how) I returned their stuff. On the other hand my neighbor on Zindra has built their house over a 32 sq m piece of land I own that juts into their otherwise square parcel, and I haven't touched it. They were there first, and it doesn't affect my prim count, or use of my land, so I left it.
  5. This thread has gone 8 pages now. I started this thread as a sincere question and got some interesting feedback, and so far no one has accused me of doing it to troll, or of posting replies just to be combative and argumentative. I've gotten all the useful replies possible out of this thread, so I leave it all to you to carry on as you see fit. Have a safe and happy new year everyone, unless of course your race, religion, culture, nationality whatever doesn't recognize the Western calendar in which case, have a nice day.
  6. Welcome the brave new world of safe rooms, teddy bears, and puppys.
  7. Its New Year's Day, but maybe just maybe a mod will show up tomorrow and give us an "official" response to the "inappropriate" use of emojis. I would hope that if it turns out the emojis ARE a vehicle to express negativity and abuse, then LL would remove them entirely.
  8. I don't recall ever seeing the person make a post before, or at least nothing noteworthy, but they had started the thread to talk about the horrible thing that had happened to them inworld recently and they was here to demand an explanation and maybe even justice. They finally got around to naming the horrible place they were tped to, a place that maybe mentally scarred them for life, and my first thought was to hit reply and say "omfg are you serious?", However, that would have crossed several forum rules, so i figured the best response was a laugh, because..... seriously? However I deleted the reaction, asked my question here, and then reported their post as a forum violation, because the place mentioned was so disgusting and vile that someone else might have been traumatized just by reading the words they wrote. I guess I can see that a pattern of "negative" reactions to one persons post could mayyybe considered harassment, but I'm pretty sure now that one scornful reaction would be safe.
  9. So all the reactions are considered positive then? My rep shows hundreds of reactions have been set and I had always interpreted a considerable percentage of the reactions in response to my posts as negative. Wow, I guess you all do love me after all.
  10. Perhaps hidden really isn't the right word. Perhaps to be in compliance, all genitalia, either addons or painted on, should simply not be allowed, even if they are covered or turned off. Skin makers can provide ken and barbie skins to be worn before one enters the sim. Of course people would still have to cover those skins with respectable clothes, but that's a whole other topic for discussion. And let's face it, since ALL adult activity is forbidden on a G sim, even 3000 feet up in the air in a skybox on a restricted parcel with a security orb, who needs genitals on a G sim anyway?
  11. To me anything under 120,000 is reasonable and acceptable, but that's just my opinion.
  12. Not trying to be argumentative but I unhid the one I use and my total complexity right now is 113,008 and that's including my flexi prim hair which others complain also adds millions in complexity. My total scripts is about 170.
  13. I'd post a link to my blog but it's totally adult.
  14. Not really, it would just be added to the pile of reports some people in here are all too willing to file on people they don't like. That reminds me, the post I laughed at contained adult content, I think I'll go report it instead. 😀
  15. I asked because I laughed at someones post, then though, whoa, someone might interpret that has an attack and report me, so to be safe, I removed the laugh and started this thread to find out if there was an "official" position on such things. I've given up on engaging anyone in here, it's far more safer that way.
  16. Well yes that true. It's not uncommon for clubs on Adult rated sims to tell you to get dressed because "we aren't that sort of place". I don't argue, I just say thank you and leave.
  17. I agree that they have their place, but any time I have visited someone on a G sim, their property is awash with guideline violations. Of course one can say the same thing about M sims. The only place anyone can truly be free from worry is A sims.
  18. I'm not even talking about harassment. I'm talking about making a post you think is acceptable, but someone else takes offence and reports it. It's impossible to see the line you are not supposed to cross when its drawn in water. I'm not sure why you are even bringing up President Trump, unless its to try and derail the thread with politics.
  19. No one deserves to be laughed at every single time, and I certainly wouldn't do it, but sometimes a laugh is truly the only response the person deserves. Besides, laughing at everything a person said would lose its effectiveness as a show of disdain. So once again, back to my original post, could an inappropriate emoji be grounds for being reported? Only a mod can answer for sure.
  20. Yes, but, enough wrong guesses will get you perma banned, from here and inworld
  21. I recommend LL adds a new emoji, rolling eyes, that show a reaction that even a laugh doesn't quite convey
  22. Yes but I'm not talking about replying with taunts or attacks. I'm talking about reacting with nothing but a laugh icon. So, once again, could laughing at every single post a person makes be considered harassment and grounds for suspension? Of course, only a mod could say for sure.
  23. So you are suggesting a reaction is an annoyance? Maybe they should remove the reaction icons altogether. I guess considering that LL put the reaction icons there, they really can't complain when they are used. I supposed if instead of posting a laugh reaction, I hit reply and said "omg really? can you send me a lm?" that MIGHT be reportable. *shrugs*
  24. Very true, but my question really is would an inappropriate reaction be a violation of the forum rules? There is no forum rule banning red hair in profile pictures so I'm safe, but could laughing at someone else's discomfort be considered harassment? Seriously, this is a legitimate concern, and a legitimate question.
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