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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I solve this by being really bad about unpacking things right away. Sometimes, by the time I unpack a purchase or a gift or a hunt item, nobody remembers everyone wearing it months ago.
  2. If a creator/store is paying for exclusive rights to a template, then to me, that really isn't any different than hiring people to create stuff, texture it, and rig it -- all part of the staff. In RL, the celebrity clothing lines are similar to that - they hire people to make things for them exclusively. In my mind, that does put them much higher on the 'originality' scale than the stores that buy the same templates everyone else is using and simply throws a different texture on it. Just like RL, it takes all kinds to make SL go round.
  3. I hate repeating my memes, but you people are really pushing it here with your various "tastes" in pizza.
  4. Or forgetting the collar (or mis-positioning it) and having someone comment "Your seam is showing".
  5. Change the chat colors via your preference settings. In the SL Viewer, I think it is "Me" from the top menu and then "Preferences". Look for either a Chat tab or Colors. A draw distance of 128 is fine for most things. You can increase when needed or reduce drastically when in a laggy place full of lots of people and/or textures.
  6. Alwin is a bit crotchety, but otherwise harmless, and he usually offers up correct answers and assessments on things (even if in a cranky manner). You just have to learn to not be so sensitive and not take things personally.
  7. Pretty much what Chin said. A huge number of creators (my guess is a large majority of creators) simply buy templates and apply textures to them. A lot of those creators even buy the texture packs they use rather than creating their own textures. The mere fact that they decided on their own that texture-A would look good on template-B when done in a certain way is likely why they think of their creation as 'unique' or 'original'. It could just be skewed perception on my part, but it seems that there are more creators using the same templates with mesh than in the pre-mesh clothing days. With enough shopping around, you learn which creators use the common templates, which ones are using not-quite-so-common templates, and which ones appear to truly be creating their own stuff. This eventually helps you figure out which outfits really are worth more than just a few L$. Even with the template creations, some manage to texture much better than others and thus, in my mind anyway, are also worth a tad bit more L$.
  8. Meeting up with my old flame out shopping: Um, you forgot to alpha your d!ck
  9. I like blue cheese, but not on my pizza
  10. Ummmm, I want some of this.
  11. Reminds me - there are lots of people that would also get convicted for Impersonating an Officer.
  12. Quite a few in SL would get arrested on prostitution charges.
  13. And don't use the PayPal $ balance for anything besides SL LindeX purchases.
  14. Flying without a license, or even a permit. Probably violating some sort of zoning law due to the clutter I have on my sky platforms (my RL neighbor would turn me in for sure).
  15. Maybe, maybe not. In Colorado, my property and house are considered 'private property' without me putting up any sort of barriers or signs. If someone came into my house, uninvited, even if the door is unlocked, it is still trespassing.
  16. Yeah, I'd be leering of that soup also.
  17. My first year, I was super careful about how much I spent. My husband wasn't at all sure about this "Second Life thing", so I made sure that I didn't dump much RL $ in very quickly. Back then, besides the typical freebie places and various hunts, there were camping places and Money Trees to help a newbie out.
  18. This is the really frustrating part. The creator sets up a script to give the items and adds "(add)" to the description, however they also put 'no copy' items in the package. You add the object and end up with a nice shiny new folder containing your stuff. Then, people like me, not knowing any better and wanting to keep a clean inventory, delete the original box. Then RL or something happens and you don't actually end up trying the item on for a few days -- but you've emptied your trash in that time. When you put the item on, you discover that a piece is missing -- because the creator set it to 'no copy' and thus the unpack script will not actually unpack it. If you are lucky, you can get a redelivery on the item. I now ALWAYS rez everything. If the rezzing automatically creates a folder, I then check the folder contents against the box contents and pull over anything missing. It the rez did not cause an auto-unpack, I then 'Open / Copy to Inventory' the old fashioned way. If the rezzed item ends up being a HUD, it might or might not automatically deliver the package. If needed I'll actually attach the HUD to get the delivery. Deliveries via HUD do not have the "script will not unpack 'no copy' items" problem.
  19. Self discipline. Only ever buy L$ via the exchange - i.e. never via the MarketPlace. Then keep an eye on your LindeX history at https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/history.php which will show all LindeX transactions in the previous 30 days. Truly - Why do you need someone else to control how much money you put into SL?
  20. I haven't done that kind of high flying since shortly after my college days.
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