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Catwise Yoshikawa

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Everything posted by Catwise Yoshikawa

  1. You can see your limits here https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php Guess you have to wait one week in case you bought for first time L$ 0 to 1 Days 2 to 7 Days 8 to 27 Days Buy L$ US$30 US$100 US$300
  2. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Again as I posted above.... this is not an issue for the few Merchants that will participate in the Dash Deal. The item offered to the deal is a seperate duplicated lowered price item to the main regular priced one. it is the one used for sale. But then you need not only to deactivate that item but remove it from inventory, or you will have that problem. So they should notice that ^^'
  3. Create a new case for support and in "What type of problem are you having?" select: "account issue". In "Account Issue" select - "manual age verification" I you don't know how to create a new case for suport read this http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-contact-customer-support/ta-p/739385
  4. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Finally, be prepared for a lower drinking water and food quality (even in Spain, you'll want to use bottled water even for tea and coffee), lower hygiene standards, a generally lower standard of living, higher crime rates, and a sub-par health system. I don't know if the sunny climate can make up for that. Not sure what you mean here, cause Madrid water is better or equal than other European cities like Paris and London ;-) but if you want to live in some cities close to the beach, then yes, there you will need to drink bottled water For the crime in Spain we don't see even guns around here, so guess is lower than in US hygiene standars is like in Europe and the US (if you don't want to go to to live in a very small and old village lost on the mountains or whatever, of course ) and helth system is public and even English people come to Spain to use it, so can't be worst ;-) But guess you have to think also in the way people socialize, guess you have to find a country where people character is similar to yours. Guess you can't go to a country very open and talkative when you don't want to be touched or don't want people talk with you in the street
  5. Darrius Gothly wrote: Arwen Serpente wrote: Thanks for the update Brooke. Just a quick comment/reminder on the "Dash Deal" - before it gets implemented, the issue of shopping carts not being cleared needs to be addressed. I had one lonely free item offered last October for one month only. It was deactivated and no longer visible on the marketplace since November 1st. However, I've still got shoppers who put it in their cart during the promo period but never actually "ordered" it/completed the transaction at that time - even now, if they still have it in the shopping cart, it will deliver to them. For an item that is a regular priced item, marked down to whatever level of discount, if the promotion ends, it needs to be cleared out of all carts. Otherwise, people will be able to get it at the reduced price long after the promo is done. Ohhh ... damn. VERY good point Arwen. If the Dash Deal has the Merchant price a regular item at a lower price for the one-day sale, that flaw in the Cart system will allow anyone to buy it at virtually any future time for that same low price. OUCH! Yo Brooke! That bug needs to be fixed STAT anyway. I strongly suggest you fix it before you roll out the Dash Deal or it's gonna detonate in a very bad way. O_O didn't think about this. Hope they fix this bug as soon as possible.
  6. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: What merchants still badly need are the options to turn off automatic sales notification emails and enable item review notifications. As for the customer side: Customers need to be educated about what to do in case of a delivery failure. Right now, the preferred course of action is to leave a negative rating along with a review that says "they took my money and I did not get my item" (which, as mentioned above, merchants are not being informed of). The worst thing is that these are the pretty much the only ratings and reviews we're currently getting. Unlike XStreet, the Marketplace does not remind buyers to rate their purchases, which means that only disgruntled customers bother to find out how to leave a review. This should be the most important thing to do right now. I agree with everything you say here ^^
  7. Thanx Dakota. So I should move my sculpts for builders to the brand new category with sub-categories. Not sure if customers would look first there or in the old one, but I can give a try
  8. You can read Knowledge base for more info about selling land ;-)
  9. Did you check your magic box status? If you take your boxes from a sim, but did not remove them on the website, could have problems and error deliveries. Go to merchant home - Inventory - magic box status. Down on the left is "Registered servers", check for your current magic boxes there and remove the deleted ones ;-)
  10. Hi, I'm having trouble with these categories, not sure what's the difference. Was checking and there are similar items inside both categories, maybe they are in the wrong category? Not even sure if this "Sculpted prims Creators Tools" is new, cause didn't remember it from Xstreet ^^' Any tip? thanx Building Components Building Aids Sculpted Prims ---------------------- Building Components Sculpted prims Creators Tools
  11. Don't mix psychopaths with crazy people, is not the same. Anyway I'll recommend to ignore both
  12. De nada ^^ Ojalá todo fuese tan facil de solucionar
  13. I had a plane in my store wall because was in abandoned land. Had to send few ARs and wait several weeks but nothing happends, so I file a ticket and finally a Linden come and return object So there are more people like you in SL Just vote that jira ^^ They need to do something with abandoned land. Also have some next to my parcel with ban lines and that should be changed...
  14. Deltango Vale wrote: I want to send my thanks to Guy Linden, who works tirelessly behind the scenes to solve problems on the mainland. He doesn't get the same exposure here in the forum as someone like Torley, but he is equally devoted to making Second Life a better place for residents. I like this ^^ Agree with you :smileyhappy:
  15. Hummm, strange, now the "best selling" in my storefront is not working, Have some items in first page that did not sale for months
  16. Hola, Creo que podrias estar vistiendo algún tipo de alpha. Prueba a quitarte los zapatos, calcetines o lo que estés vistiendo en los pies ;-)
  17. Amiryu Hosoi wrote: Ziggy, you might want to explore this website a bit;-) http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_countries.jsp If I didnt have yough children I already moved away... Ami Interesting website. So if you live in UK you could move to Spain, but guess would be better to move to USA, of course no public health in the US, they don't say a word about those things on that site The thing is I'm not sure about those prices for Rent Per Month, cause if you want to move to Madrid or Barcelona, is not that cheap
  18. Al final me acordé por los pelos, pero tenia un pedazo lag en ese sitio tremendo, asi q vi un poco todo antes de que lo quemasen y me salí
  19. Gracias por el enlace ^^ Supongo que este foro no deja corregir el titulo, no? se te ha quedado pelin chungo jejejeje
  20. Al menos está puesto por defecto para iniciarse en modo avanzado. Algo es algo
  21. I can see that icon and I'm just an Honored Resident ^^
  22. Thanx everyone!!! and thanx Irene for nomination and Suella for the comment :smileyhappy: So right now we need more helpers to vote this to be added on the Knowledge Base...HELPERS WANTED!!!!
  23. I read all marketplace tips in KB, but they don't have a word about rating system, so I thought we could add those lines here and vote for it to be included in KB or wiki. My mother tongue is not english, so feel free to correct what I wrote if you see someting wrong :p Order history for shoppers As a shopper, you can see what you've bought in your order history: Login to the Marketplace.Click My Marketplace and click My Account.On the left, click Order history. You can also check other account-specific information here. Write a review You can review what you've bought in your order history. In order description, click Review Product.Select how many stars you want to give to that item, give your review a title and write your review.Click Post your review button.
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