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Catwise Yoshikawa

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Everything posted by Catwise Yoshikawa

  1. Be sure you read how to shop in Marketplace in case you are missing something, here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700195
  2. No, you can't do that at the moment. But some mechants ask for that option and they are thinking about it. Guess you'll have to wait a little longer ;-)
  3. Irene Muni wrote:appareal in the marketplace you can see frees, frees and more frees... Go to Marketplace User Group: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Marketplace_User_Group Humm, thanx for the info. So, I f I want to go to this meeting, where I have to go? This is what I read on that wiki, 4 different slurl The next meeting is April 6, 2011 at 10am at SLurl 1 SLurl 2 SLurl 3 SLurl 4 edit: great, have an error trying to post and pressing post again send me to a "Post flooding detected" O_O
  4. Voy a resucitar este mensaje para comentar un cambio de rango... Bien, ahora soy "Member". Y me pregunto, ¿¿¿y esto para que sirve???? Pues voy a "community help" para curiosear y ohhhh, que logro, ahora puedo poner tags, incluso en los mensajes de la gente :smileysurprised: No lo entiendo muy bien, la verdad. ¿Para que sirve eso?
  5. No, you can't share a store in Marketplace, at least for now. You can split money from an item in 2 avatars, but not share a magic box ;-)
  6. Try this, go to Advanced menu > Character > Character Tests > Test Female. Then you will have to wear all your clothes, skin, shape, etc. If you don't see advance menu click ctrl + alt + D
  7. Pues me temo que la única solución es llamando al numero de telefono que te indica. Cuando quieres dejar de ser premium tienes que darte de baja como tal, no quitar la cuenta del banco, porque de hacerlo te retienen la cuenta y al no poder acceder a ella, solo te queda la opción de llamar y hablar directamente. Hay horarios con gente que habla español, creo recordar que habia uno a eso de la 1pm de España. Intenta en esa hora a ver si tienes suerte ;-)
  8. Kuda Oh wrote: Thanks for the reply was just curious about that seeing as that was the first time i seen the http:// slashed and in red I use firefox and also have that in red ^^' Still have no problems using Marketplace, but is really strange the website is not displaying as secure.
  9. Hi, not sure if I understand what's your problem ^^'. But guess you need to have 2 avatars face to face in qavimatior. For doing this just have to rotate the hip from both avatars to place them both facing each other.
  10. Go to your account in SL website and go to Linden Exchange- process Credit. There you could see your cards and choose the one you want to use to transfer your dolllars ;-)
  11. Que de cosas importantes hay sin traducir, ¿no? Hasta esta semana no me había dado cuenta de la de cosas que hay y que son bastante importantes. Empezando por la TOS ^^' También me puse a ojear la KB y madre mia, hay titulos en ingles y español mezclados, algunas páginas tienen mal puestas las columnas... En fin un poco caotico todo. A ver si conseguimos que lo vayan mejorando poco a poco ^^ Seguir comentando aquí los textos que querríais ver traducidos. Quizá debermiamos hacer una lista en orden de importancia para ir mandando sugerencias edito: joe, se me ocurrio ponerle un tag y no me deja corregirlo!!! me parece que me voy a abstener, pq con lo mal q escribo asi de primeras...XDDDD
  12. You don't need to force an update if boxes are already in Active status. If you don't have any Inactive, then the problem is not there. Maybe is the sim, hope you'll have better luck with the other sim ^^'
  13. Nymph Zenith wrote: checking my magic box status did nothing, sorry, i tried But you could find "Registered server:" in Magic Box status, right? It's very important to check if you have No active status on any of them.
  14. Nymph Zenith wrote: I click update status on the magic box from the market place and i get the old xstreet link which informs me xstreet is closed... >.< When you have the window about Xstreet closed, just click "cancel" and you could see your Magic Box status. This page is really important, cause if you have lot of Registered servers not Active, you will have lot of error deliveries. Hope that helps ;-)
  15. Not sure what you mean, are you talking about magic boxes to sold your items or just a vendor? For both you will need to rent a land or buy one to be able to rezz your things and start selling ;-)
  16. If you sold you lindens, now you have dollars y your SL account, but not in your bank. You have to go to "process Credit" in "Linden Exchange" to transfer your dollars to your bank account ;-)
  17. The more items in your cart the more possibilities of error deliveries ;-) I recommend you to use only buy now button if you want to receive your purchases
  18. Si das más detalles quizá te podamos ayudar mejor. Pero ahora mismo mucha gente está teniendo problemas al comprar Lindens a traves del visor de SL. Si ese fue tu problema, intenta comprarlos desde la página web.
  19. Hair SHOP * JUNWAVE *, and the hair is called Rebecca ;-)
  20. Try to ask the merchant for a redeliver. If is a copy item guess they won't have problems to give you other copy ;-)
  21. Strange you can't conect with SL viwer. I had same hotel conection last summer and had no problems. Just acces Internet via the hotel website and then open SL viwer. Could you give more details?
  22. If you are using paypal and you are outside the US don't delete payment info or you won't be able do add it again ;-) ---------------------- Note: Residents outside the US that already have billing relationships with Linden Lab using PayPal will continue to be able to use that payment method. For Residents outside the US that wish to change their payment method and begin using the local payments system, or that are creating new accounts, PayPal is temporarily unavailable as a payment method, but we are working to enable it. All Residents will continue to be able to cash out using PayPal. ---------------------- Here is the link for this changes for people ouside the US. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Local_Payments_FAQ
  23. Pues más o menos lo que digo en el título :p Hay mucha gente que no habla inglés o no se defiende del todo bien y aún hay mucho trabajo por hacer en SL para que todo esté traducido. Asi que la preguntá es esa. ¿Hay algo en concreto que siempre has querido ver traducido en Second Life?
  24. JubJub Forder wrote: Actually it matters HUGE. If your item is listed in the old category it won't show up in search. O_O really??? Edit: Ohhh great. I just check my items and notice had 2 of them in sculpted prims Creator tools and other 2 in other category (xmas related), and now I know why the first 2 are the ones that were selling
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