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Catwise Yoshikawa

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Everything posted by Catwise Yoshikawa

  1. No, Canoro. Tener información de pago no es de ricos. No hace falta soltar un duro para tener este tipo de información en tu cuenta de SL. Sin embargo con ello das tus datos reales por si haces algo ilegal tener por donde cogerte ;-)
  2. The problem here is marketplace have that box with 0 by default. They should keep it blank, cause in xstreet was that way and merchants would not notice the change to go to edit. I just notice this myself ^^' Guess I should spend some time editing all my listings...
  3. O_O They change this now? Thought I still have real avatar names in my orders... Some don't have last name, and just search them with Resident. Did I miss something? :matte-motes-confused:
  4. I like Japanese style hair and guess they are not very expensive 100-150L.Try Kin Keiko (hope I'm writing right the name )
  5. Pues en teoria ya estaba ese moderador trabajando. Lo mismo le pilló un resfriado y está de baja, o está mal de la tripa y se pasa más tiempo en el baño que en el pc
  6. Pues según he leido en los foros, esto es solo una petición que le están haciendo a LL ^^
  7. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: Hello Tungsten. You must to submit a ticket and LL will make them again available for you to list them in the right category. Don't relist again your products, if i am right, it is against the Marketplace TOS and a reason for ban from Marketplace. He could make active again the item (not reslist it) in other category, just check there is no new subcategory for your item, cause they are creating new ones. They can flag an item in a main category when the item belongs to a subcategory ;-)
  8. Pues por lo que he leido es una chorrada sin fundamento jejeje En teoria deberian cargar mejor que los sculpt He leido muchos foros sobre el tema, pero se meten en cosas tan tecnicas que ya me pierdo, pero según dicen son mejor que las sculpt en cuanto a rendimiento de pc se refiere. A mi me gusta hacer cosas, no ponerme a investigar como se hace el programa que las hace, asi que ya veremos que pasa cuando estén por el mundo de SL. Por ahora soy optimista ^^
  9. Pues las posibilidades son las que deberia haber habido cuando metieron las sculpts, que yo pensaba que iba a ser esto que van a poner ahora y fue un chasco Podremos hacer un objeto 3d como nos de la gana, borrando caras, extruyendo, recortando, pegando partes...desde el programa 3d a SL, sin mas complicaciones ^^ Las posibilidades son muchas, ahora, no se si daran más o menos lag, pq puede haber objetos con demasiados poligonos, ya sabemso que algunos prefieren calidad aunque cueste mucho espacio y cree más lag, según lo enrevesado que sea el objeto vale más o menos prims (aunque fisicamente solo veamos uno) y permite subir hasta la forma fisica, para las colisiones de avatares y todo eso. Hice algunas pruebas cuando empezó la cosa en el beta y salí encantada. Pero hasta que no vea como funcionan realmente en el grid y vea el precio que le dan a las subidas, prefiero no emocionarme
  10. Por lo que he leido, aún no se sabe el coste de las subidas de meshes... Yo no digo nada
  11. Dana Hickman wrote: Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: anyone knows what would be the problem? edit: Ok, I tried adding skin head to an alpha layer and now it looks like allways. I guess they broke the alpha thing for lashes in skin layer...nice Alpha layer textures can only be black, white, or a mix of the two. When using any other colored texture (like the head texture from a skin), any texture colors darker than 50% will default to black (do not show), and any colors lighter than 50% will default to white (show)... that is how the alpha layer system works. If you did like you said and have a light skin tone, it would likely default to all white and the alpha layer would have no effect. I just logged in, so I'm sending you my eyelash alpha layer, and the separate texture itself to use in other pre-made alpha layers (like the ones that come with shoes). If there's still an issue then I'd suggest you clear the cache and try again, because I can guarantee the alpha map i send is correct (been using it for months). thanx a lot ^^ like I said in my edit note here, I made an alpha layer (in sl) for eyelashes and now I have none visible The thing is before alpha layers come to SL, avatar skins could be made with no eyelashes. You just had to make eyelashes part transparent with alpha in the skin texture and you didn't have eyelashes ;-) Now I guess you have to use an alpha layer in sl when you are using viwers with alpha options like viwer 2 or phoenix.
  12. Nice I found this post cause I'm having problems with my skin eyelashes now. I like to use skins with no eyelashes, so I have no texture on that part of the skin (the alpha is in the skin, not in sl layer). But right now it looks like sl don't want to make it transparent and I see default eyelashes. I tried using sl viwer 2 and phoenix and nothing. I didn't see my eyelash wearing the skin before, but now I see them. anyone knows what would be the problem? edit: Ok, I tried adding skin head to an alpha layer and now it looks like allways. I guess they broke the alpha thing for lashes in skin layer...nice
  13. Dakota Linden wrote: Catwise Yoshikawa wrote: I just think LL should change item to the right category when someone flag an item because of that. If is an adult item, just active the adult thing and change it to the right category, that would make life easier for all of us, for LL cause they won't have lot of tickets about that problem and our items won't be unlisted and they would keep getting commission and for us not loosing our time. Hello Catwise, If Linden Lab moved listings to the correct category, then there is a chance that users will not take the time to learn where their products should be placed, or place them into the correct categories, because they will figure that eventually Linden Lab will get around to putting their products in the correct location. If a seller places a non sculpted item into a sculpted prim category, then they deserve any negative reviews and comments that they get on the listing. Please keep in mind that the Marketplace Listing Guidelines policy page gives multiple warnings that products can be unlisted if they do not comply. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines "Be sure to follow these guidelines when listing items. If your listing does not, we may remove it in our discretion, and no refunds will be issued for any removed listings." "Listings in the wrong or inappropriate category may be removed to avoid confusion." "We may remove listings or change the ratings of listings that we deem to be in the wrong or inappropriate category in our sole discretion." While any system that limits the interruption to the sellers products on the Marketplace is preferable, it is still ultimately the responsiblity of the seller to ensure that their products comply with all of the rules and guidelines regarding listing content on the Marketplace web site. Regards, Dakota Linden -- Linden Lab SL Marketplace Customer Support https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ http://www.secondlife.com Thanx Dakota, is nice to have you here trying to reply all our post ^^ I know the guideliness, but that's not the problem I tried to explain ^^' What about new categories? how would I know when you create a new category that truns my item to be in the wrong category? I mean for example a furniture category, where I have my chair, and then LL create new subcategories for chairs, tables, etc, inside furniture category... My item was in the right category, but now you create a new subcategory... Most of flags I'm reading in this forum is for little things like this. Also merchant should be warned by email or IM to know when an item was removed or unlisted for something like this, and the reason (adult, wrong category, whatever...) that way merchant could go and change the thing that was wrong.
  14. O_O machinima=animation???? can't understand this forum category logic
  15. I just think LL should change item to the right category when someone flag an item because of that. If is an adult item, just active the adult thing and change it to the right category, that would make life easier for all of us, for LL cause they won't have lot of tickets about that problem and our items won't be unlisted and they would keep getting commission and for us not loosing our time.
  16. Yo es que lo veo como si fuese la casa de cada uno. Yo en mi casa dejo entrar a quien yo quiera y si no te gusta pues ajo y agua, comprate tu casa No hay que tomarselo tan a pecho ni ofuscarse, hay peores cosas por las que preocuparse como para dejar que un personaje te amargue la vida. Evidentemente si tienes un negocio, lo suyo es dejar entrar a todo el mundo, pero cada uno tiene sus cosas raras y si alguien no me quiere en su terreno pues no voy y listo, ellos se lo pierden... De hecho a mi me banearon de una isla comercial aún no se porqué, pregunté y me dieron una excusa muy extraña, asi que directamente pasé de intentar arreglarlo, yo no perdí nada pero ellos perdieron una venta. Lo que si que no es normal es que intentes averiguar porqué te banean y te terminen insultando. Eso si que es denunciable.
  17. Pamela Galli wrote: This may confirm what we have heard reported here -- ANY edit pushes a listing to the back of the line. Which is really really bad for me because I update my stuff constantly. So if true, it never has a chance. Yes, I filed a ticket about that in xmas. I notice all my updates in xmas items makes them lose their rank, from page 1 they went to last page. Guess marketplace still have the porblem cause they don't relly care about it. And that's why they don't show rank number now ;-)
  18. Abraxxa Anatine wrote: Hmm.. This wasn't what I had in mind at all as far as the ability to sort our listings. This isn't sorting, this is a listing order. With nearly 1200 products in my store, numbering them isn't a task I ever plan to take on. I thought by sorting our products we might be given the ability to create our own product categories/nav bar... basically designing our own storefronts.. like we did back in the good ol' days of OnRez... that's what I would like to see also, something similar had onrez and worded pretty well. Not sure why LL bought it and didn't use onrez best features.
  19. Pues parece ser que la semana pasada habilitaron de nuevo el Paypal ^^ Lo dice FJ Linden en el foro. Deberián anunciarlo un poco más para que la gente se entere, pero bueno, ellos sabrán...
  20. No se puede. En un mismo terreno solo puedes poner un audio y un video. Si quieres tener más, tendrás que usar objetos con scripts (tipo radio o tv) o hacer paticiones del terreno para poner en cada trozo uno distinto.
  21. Una cosa que no se ha dicho aqui aún, si te han insultado, eso lo puedes reportar ;-) Asi la próxima vez se lo pensarian dos veces
  22. thanx for the info!!! can't wait to have more info about upload cost and everything
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