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Marigold Devin

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Everything posted by Marigold Devin

  1. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Darrius Gothly wrote: My script count generally runs around 7-11 depending on which shoes and HUDs I'm wearing. @ Darrius = Congrats! Mine is 11, 9 of which are in my AO-thingy. It's great to be a bloke, isn't it? I suspect the women could very easily run at two or three times that with all the toot they love. @ Women - you're just high-maintenance drama-queens wherever you are. That's not a SLURL, it's a slur, although the difference might be hard for you to understand. @Incoming Missiles - /me ducks Haha, of course this had to happen. I will refute your claims, Mr Oh, and here I have the proof that we don't all stick to stereotypes. At Galaxy Dreams, they have a Script Control Board, which is situated just where you have to pass to go onto the main dance floor. The person with the most scripts this night was a guy called Silent! He didn't look blingy or particularly highly scripted, although I would guess his hair and delicious shoes played a part in his heavy scripting. I originally had 219 scripts on me, and got warned by the sim manager, so I removed things one by one. I realised I didn't need my online tracker, my sim performance device, or my radar/weapons/shields HUD while I was at the sim, so I still could use my AO, hair, clothes, jewellery and keep well below 100 scripts, and remain in the green zone. If anyone wants one of these Script Control devices - I can pass you one free. Beware, though, it might trigger off your OCD!!
  2. Good luck, Oskar. I know you've got your magic wand handy should anything untoward roll out too :smileywink:
  3. :smileyvery-happy: Add one kudos to you Peewee.
  4. Hi Phyllis, I left a new response on your other forum thread, giving instructions how to add comments/replies. You can delete this thread by going to the top right of your original post , click on the "options" for the drop down menu, and choose "delete". Hope this answers one question for you.
  5. Hi Phyllis, I just saw your duplicate forum thread. This forum software is awful, and on these Answers you haven't got the same facility to "reply" as on the Forums tab, but, you can click on "comments" at the bottom of each answer and add more information or a comment. As others have said, although you may not get a reply from the owner of the venue, you are within your rights to ask via notecard why it is that they banned you. (Are you sure you are banned? - you are not listed on their land details as being banned.)
  6. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: 4 Things that make me smile : Mom, Dad, little newborn Jade ( born today ) and this family of animate objects as a whole .. Congratulations "Uncle" Wilhiam! :smileyvery-happy:.
  7. Yes, its more than likely just not in the correct folder, rather than gone forever. Things do move around in the inventory. Its important to try and keep them tidy (or you'll end up with a cluttered up load of junk like in my inventory!!!!) I gave a link to a youtube video, in the other post I made in this thread. If you follow that link, you will also find other links made by Torley Linden - many tutorials about how to do so many things in SL.
  8. When you select the option "copy to inventory" the items automatically go into your inventory. Click the tab option at the top of your inventory for "recent", and you'll find a newly unpacked item in there. There are some very useful video tutorials that Torley Linden has made - I think you will find some very useful. The link below will take you to the one you are currently requiring, that shows you how to deal with unpacking boxes and transferring to your inventory. http://www.youtube.com/user/Secondlife#p/u/129/uauWvOs5Ox4
  9. Hello Agumon and welcome to the Second Life forums. I do have to say though, you need to grow up! Telling schoolyard tales like this one, belongs in the schoolyard, and I assume you are over 16 now. As Venus and Cinnamon have said, if someone swears at you, appears to abuse you verbally, you can just simply mute them. That is the beauty of SL.
  10. Laughing at Rhonda's response, for that's how Janelle snared me in the first place!!! :smileysurprised: Generally, though, when I first boot up the PC, I check my emails, deal witih RL stuff, then log into SL. Usually there are a load of messages to respond to (which will have also gone to my email, so I can have a clue who I'm going to speak with first, and sometimes group chat is good to get involved with. Forums are way down the list, especially with this appalling software to climb over. Facebook and Twitter are a no no for me. I have a Facebook account, with just two SL friends on it, the rest are an assortment of long-time RL friends and some ex-workmates. Time slips through my fingers when I'm in SL, and if I got too involved with the social websites to the degree the young folk do, I'd be 90, then dead, then gone before I'd had a chance to start living my life!
  11. Hi AemonCadfael, and welcome to Second Life and Second Life forums. To try and balance this rather negative thread out a little bit, you'll probably find performance varies from week to week, as the people at LL make adjustments (this happens usually every Tuesday, while the grid still stays open -quite a complicated business modifying a running program!). My specifications are not dissimilar to yours; I run the same graphics card, but am on Windows Vista rather than Windows 7, and I run using the default settings that come with the installation of all the viewers, flitting between Second Life main 1.23 viewer, Viewer 2.5, and the Phoenix Third Party Viewer (908 version). I am not having serious performance issues this week, although have had a few more crashes than normal. Having said that, I was logged in for six hours earlier, teleporting around the grid from busy to non-busy locations, with just the usual Sunday lag (Aemon, lag seems to be worse at the weekends). I believe Phoenix Firestorm is a very user friendly viewer, which I have yet to try, and if you are already familiar with the interface that comes with Viewer 2.5, you might wish to instal that. And there are support groups inworld who will give you further advice regarding Phoenix (please take a look at my profile, at the groups list for the Phoenix Viewer Support; click on that and you can opt to join, its open enrolment). There is a handy tutorial made by Torley Linden, which shows you how to improve performance/reduce lag. http://www.youtube.com/user/Secondlife#p/u/29/ktRW0q_JuM8 Good luck to you!
  12. Welcome to Second Life forums, Illuminessa. I do agree with SID and Peewee. Your face looks perfectly fine, and just has normal face shading. I compared yours to my avatar, and while mine is less pronounced, the lines are there too. Without face light... With face light...
  13. And now I see that deathcreeper is back on the inworld search results. Must have had a temp ban for something?!
  14. examples https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-23969 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-7199 Grrrhhh!
  15. I find several JIRAs about this same issue and all say to contact LL support! And when poor Gweneth contact LL support she is fobbed off with a very unhelpful result. So not good enough
  16. its that ongoing problem of no support or very little support for basic account holders. This stinks, it really does. When are LL going to realise that most people are putting into the Linden economy, and a lot of people who aren't Premium members actually are paying a whole lot more in land rental, which goes to the sim owner towards tier fees. Anyway, mini-rant over, an issue like this with inventory can only be fixed by LL. It is a server side issue, corruption of data, and they really really need to fix it. To Ariella, persist in keeping a support ticket open. Also, contact Amanda@lindenlab.com - she is the Linden person in charge of improving communications in Second Life. The first thing LL need to do to improve communications IMO is fully train their staff to be consistent and have knowledge of their own product and they need to value all residents equally. Today's non-premium could be tomorrow's multiple sim owner - if they would only realise this.
  17. /me waves at Peewee. I've encouraged Gweneth to post here. I know its a problem that has occurred before, and the general consensus of opinion has always been to contact LL via Support ticket, but LL suppport have fobbed Gweneth off - she unfortunately got a badly trained member of support - so I'm rallying the troops via the SL forums. Thanks for confirming LL support ticket is the way to go.
  18. Gweneth, I am still getting used to this awful software. You might have to keep adding to your original post, to add a screenshot I mean - and I know the software somehow lost the text you typed in originally. To edit your original post, click on "options", top right of the post, and click on "edit" from the drop down menu.
  19. Peewee, post that list of freephone numbers again. Remember how a quick call fixed that other person on the other thread within minutes of phoning one of the numbers?
  20. Have you activated your account yet, deathcreeper? Your name does not show inworld on the Search list. Also further information regarding login failure here on the knowledge base (KB) http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109
  21. I had that happen to me one day, two random naked avatars walked into my house when I was there, complete with flexicum all over the place, and on a PG sim too. I laughed in real life, but all the same thought it was rude and disrespectful, so I said "bye" and ejected them. On the rare occasion I go to my home, I go there for sanctuary and solitude (unless I've invited a good friend round for a chit chat). And flexicum is so difficult to get out of the carpet and walls!
  22. Thats a great tip, and I've put the link over on a thread about tips for photography over here too http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-and-Photography/Tips-and-Tricks-and-Hacks/m-p/756971/highlight/false#M4
  23. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Sleeping-closing-your-avatars-eyes/m-p/776251#M3083 Jo Yardley posted this over on Avatar category, but its a great tip for taking photos as well as roleplaying, on how to make your avatar look like it's sleeping with eyes closed.
  24. Well, blow me down, Janelle Darkstone - I just the very same moment you were posting this had clicked the "send" button on an email to you! I'm glad you put these photos here, they were such fun to make. The Anypose HUD is such a lot of fun to play around with. Ready made poses are fabulous, and you can often get the one you want on Marketplace, but often I want to be able to have my head at a slightly different angle, or bend my leg in a slightly different way, and the Anypose HUD enables you to put your avatar is any position you want, just like you can in real life. But time sure does pass really fast when you start tweaking your bits for photos.
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